Comments on: Democracy, Good Governance, Human Rights and the Effective Implementation of the LLRC Report Journalism for Citizens Sun, 13 May 2012 06:29:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neville Perera Sun, 13 May 2012 06:29:35 +0000 In reply to Neville Perera.

Hope this got translated:

Justice C. G. Weeramantry tells LLRC, 29 November 2010:
”There are certain essential prerequisites: ‘’i.A total commitment to democracy in all its aspects and ii.A total commitment to the Rule of Law and to Human Rights.”

By: Neville Perera Sun, 13 May 2012 04:01:26 +0000 Please note that Prof Spencer lived in a Sinhala village for a few years (including the 1983 riots) in the early 80s to learn a bit of the anthropology of Sri Lanka.

By: Neville Perera Sat, 12 May 2012 17:45:35 +0000 Sri Lanka: The Illiberal Consequences of Liberal Institutions(2004), Jonathan Spencer, Dept of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh, UK:
”In the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, many commentators succumbed to the temptation to picture a world divided between liberalism, pluralism, tolerance and peace on the one hand, and illiberalism, intolerance and violence on the other. The stark choice for the world, we were told, lay between democracy and terror. This paper will use material from the 20-year war in Sri Lanka to challenge this somewhat facile view. In particular, it will argue that the origins of the ‘ethnic’ divide between Sinhala and Tamil, lie in the institutional structure and working dynamic of representative democracy in Sri Lanka.”

By: Neville Perera Sat, 12 May 2012 17:33:34 +0000 In reply to Chrissy Abeysekera.

Pleased to note about the translation. Hope it is a genuine translation – what National Peace Council said (Ward’s comment above) on 30 April 2012 on the change in the behaviour of Ven. Inamaluwe Sumangala is very worrying.

By: Chrissy Abeysekera Sat, 12 May 2012 03:16:38 +0000 The LLRC report has, in fact, beeen translated into Sinhala and Tamil. I got one copy through a friend. Not syre who has done this. Suggest that you check from the local NGOs…

Yes, this article is a good and clear cut piece

By: Rabindra Thu, 10 May 2012 10:27:19 +0000 I think the NGOs and INGOs who want the Govt. to implement the LLRC Report, should translate it to Sinhala and Tamil and freely distribute it in SriLanka. I don’t think that there is any legal impediment as it now is public document.

There should be seminars and workshops held on the LLRC all over the Country, in all three languages, and I think some NGOs are the best suited for it.

Let the people of the Country know what is in there, without some Govt. and NGO elements trying to twist it to their advantage. I am sure there will be a huge groundswell of support for it from people of all walks of life. Let the provisions that are easier to implement be done immediately, and more contentious ones be debated honestly and carried out as fast as possible.

The LLRC report is a brilliant document. Let us implement it as expeditiously as possible.

There will be sharks from both sides of the divide who will try to block/change it. Let us see how some of the NGO/INGOs whose bona-fides are suspect, will really put their money where their mouths are, without trying to block or criticize every move.

P.S. As for the nine points under ‘Good governance for what?’, those who have travelled/lived abroad will vouch that the USA and Western European countries are the worst offenders, while mouthing Human Rights platitudes for the edification and pressuring of smaller Countries.

By: Neville Perera Thu, 10 May 2012 05:43:08 +0000 As many comments in many websites reflect ignorance of post-independence history of Sri Lanka and as many submissions made in English to LLRC reflect this particular history, translating those submissions to Sinhala and Tamil may increase the size of the public that demand implementation of LLRC recommendations.

By: eureka Thu, 10 May 2012 03:30:56 +0000 In reply to eureka.

”…. Recognizing that a credible visionary leadership, driving with accountability within an acceptable political culture, the nation and its people towards growth, development and prosperity, encompassing a democratic, fair, just, and  equitable governance structure and system embedded with adequate checks and balances that assure transparency, good governance, rule of law and rights/freedoms is fundamental to assuring long term reconciliation and integration, the LLRC is urged to include appropriate recommendation towards such a governance framework.”

By: Ward Thu, 10 May 2012 03:00:06 +0000 1. We can see why the elections for the Northern Provincial Council is not yet held:

”This Report is about politics and human development. It is about how political power and institutions—formal and informal, national and
international—shape human progress. …..” – Overview: Deepening democracy in a fragmented world,

a.Jayantha Dhanapala to LLRC:
”…we need to rectify this bad governance. …we need to have devolution of power…”
b.Bernard Gunatileke to LLRC:
‘‘The most important factor, which we have failed to attend, is meaningful devolution of political power to the periphery from the centre. There must also be involvement of the minorities in the political activities in the centre.’’
c.Friday Forum to LLRC:
”Strengthening of democratic governance, the Rule of Law and protection of human rights on the basis of equal rights should be essential goal posts on the path to reconciliation.”

By: Ward Thu, 10 May 2012 02:43:23 +0000 For those who want to go further:

1. “Good governance—for what?” is here:
Chapter 2: Democratic governance for human development

2.Human Development Report 2002:
Human Development Report 2002
Deepening democracy in a fragmented world
Overview: Deepening democracy in a fragmented world
Chapter 1: The state and progress of human development
Chapter 2: Democratic governance for human development
Chapter 3: Deepening democracy by tackling democratic deficits
Chapter 4: Democratizing security to prevent conflict and build peace
Chapter 5: Deepening democracy at the global level
