Comments on: Fishing in Turbulent Waters Journalism for Citizens Sun, 01 Apr 2012 22:47:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Orion Sun, 01 Apr 2012 22:47:41 +0000 Sumith. I like to recommend that you visit the Chammadises in the northers coasts with a Tamil who is knowledgeable and is known to them. interview them and their families to get their take on the problems, Also visit the Fiesheries cooperatives and the Fisheries offices in the different Northern districts and get informal information. This would give more depth to your article. I regret, as a Sinhalese, you may not get much information from Tamil Fisher folks or Tamil fisheries officers who think independently, for obvious reasons. Sumanthiran’s report to parliament comes closest to the true situation. But it does not mention that Jaffna fishermen get their ice from Anuradhapura!!! Mullaithivu coast also get ice from the South in mini trucks and take the fish away on contract to pay off the loan given to them to buy boats, nets etc. Fisheries cooperatives cannot produce ice, give loans to the Chammadiis and market their fish. You may want to look into this. It is a big can of worms (fish). That is ,if you an investigative reporter.
Thank you for your efforts to high light the problem.

By: kusum Sat, 31 Mar 2012 10:59:23 +0000 Thank you, Sumith.
The South must know the truth.
Perhaps it’ll help it make the right decisions at elections.
