Comments on: In conversation with Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu: The resolution in Geneva and its discontents Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:43:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rienzie Perera Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:43:39 +0000 I personally know Dr. Sara in my official capacity and thereafter as a friend. He used to talk the truth for the people who had to face for social injustices. One of his officials used to visit me very frequently to get various assistances. I too visited his office at few occasions and had a chance to have dialogues with him. I went through several write-ups of him. I don’t believe the accusation leveled against him stating that he is a traitor. I too standby the version of translating the LLRC report in Sinhala. This must be translated in to Tamil also. Then anybody can go through it and understand what it is and if anybody wishes to make any reasonable comment; they can do so for the betterment of the situation, in good faith.

I wish you all the very best Sara. Good luck.

By: Ravi Sun, 08 Apr 2012 14:52:31 +0000 Sorry I only watched the interview today, I myself, too, believe that pointing out the implementation of the 18th amendment as a good example. But I am also looking at some good strong positive move by the regime. Why does this regime not reform itself on some of the things Dr Sara has listed? is a myth. I think as I earlier commented when it comes to Tamils issues this country become a one party state. Electoral reforms, 13a amendment are something to think about.

By: andre Sun, 01 Apr 2012 14:57:32 +0000 This is a very good interview with his well explained answers.

Asked why it takes long for them to implement he clearly points out that there are some recommendations that would not even take 24hrs or little longer to get passed.-Very correct here bringing 18th amd as a good instance. And he further says, if you honestly want to implement them, you can also do so. This is very true. Ruling politicians including the president seem to be only half hearted with these recommendations.

Dr. Sara is one of the honest voices that we have in SL today – and all others like for e.g Dr.DJ and his articles though bring some facts and good arguments can not help the regime whose HR violations re becoming routine upto now – all latter sort of interllectuals should rather make clear the danger before us- than continuing to work for their supper.

My question is – If Dr. Sara can see all these why the other intellectuals of the country cant do so…

Why do they all keep quiet- when for example a foul mouth (Mervin Silva)is repeating his filthy statements- that could have a huge impact on SRILANKA from now onwards- statments like breaking limbs of any journalists go against MR regime… this I happened to read in BBC.

By: PitastharaPuthraya Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:30:45 +0000 Thanks GV for the publication of the interview.

It is refreshing to hear a rational, intelligent, and wise human being talking.

Dr. PS’s way of reasoning shows that an intelligent person does not have to rely on quotations from myriad other sources to justify his claims.

He (and his collegues) should be really brave to come back to SL after what they had done in Geneva.

Thanks very much Dr. PS for risking your life for the oppressed in Sri Lanka.

By: N. Ethirveerasingam Fri, 30 Mar 2012 00:43:45 +0000 Sanjana’s interviews are always an intellectual exercise on vital and emotional issues of the day. It is informative, challenging and is a joy to listen and think about. Excellent questions pushing Sara to explain his thoughts, positions and where his commitment to human rights come from. Sara’s response were precise, compassionate, logical, true and just. Sara will not win elections in Sri Lanka, not that he is any way inclined towards such occupations. Politicians, if they wanted to be elected again, need to please those who vote them into office.

Sanjana pushed Sara to answer the question that the people (who voted for Rajapaksas) and supporters do not accept most of the LLRC recommendations. I don’t think such supporters will accept Sara’s approach even if it is translated in the language they speak and widely distributed. May be if the Buddhist priests are convinced first, they can then discus it with the people who come to the Temples. Rajapaksas, their party, voters and financiers do not have the Will to accept the recommendations of the LLRC. If they accept it, it will be “political suicide.”

The best that can be hoped for is for the President to put the LLRC recommendations to a referendum, or
groups of recommendations to multiple referenda. I am sure the UN will provide the funds and “Technical Assistance” “in consultation and concurrence”, for that exercise as the first step. Some constitutional luminaries may argue that any constitutional issues cannot be put to referendum without it receiving two-third votes in Parliament. For such issues those recommendations can be put to the Parliament to get a two-third majority. Other recommendations can be put to the people on a non-binding referendum. Such an approach will show which of the parties or Members are for or against the LLRC recommendations instead of playing political “Panthu” with it. I can almost predict that in the opposition parties there will be chaos and defections. If the referendum fails, the President can accept the verdict of the people and send the LLRC report to the Archives like Chandrika did to the 2000 PSC proposal. If it passes the President can carry out the will of the people. In either outcome he does not have to report to the UNHRC in March 2013. But could boast, at that meeting, of the enlightened democratic process. The requirement to present the report to UNHRC will then be a non-issue.

Those who feel that the parliament will vote against the recommendation, or the referendum will not pass would say such a process is what the separatist and the “LTTE RUMP” wants. They may be right. Such a referendum will be a referendum to separate or unite.

The “Panthu” is in the Rajapaksa government’s court. In reality it is with the people to score a goal with the ball or to deflate it.

By: Velu Balendran Thu, 29 Mar 2012 20:41:33 +0000 Hats off for taking the issues to the Sinhalese public in their own language.

Given the space, this man could well be the saviour a progressive Sri Lanka has been yearning for.

By: rita Thu, 29 Mar 2012 18:11:40 +0000 We’ve good fortune ahead – Dayan is transforming into a great person now:

By: PresiDunce Bean Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:23:20 +0000 In the comments section of groundviews, Dr. Dayran is the first to congratulate Kalana Senaratne on his article, “The Geneva II debacle.”
I am wondering if Dr.Dayarn will also congratulate groundviews for the interview with Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamutt, and his well though out answers regarding the debacle that the Rajapaksa government faced in Geneva?:D

By: Piranha Thu, 29 Mar 2012 13:05:19 +0000 In reply to Alex Fernando.

Dr Sara should be nominated for an international human rights award. He is a fearless fighter for the rights not just the tamils but of all Sri Lankans. His carefully considered answers in this interview clearly demonstrates his high level of intelligence and conviction in his beliefs.

As he says the Rajapaksa regime has intentionally kept the sinhala public in the dark by not releasing the LLRC report in sinhala with the clear intention of misleading them into believing that the report was detrimental to the country. Dr Sara and others who are exposing this deception are under attack by the regime and its collaborators.I hope Dr Sara keeps on exposing the misdeeds and anti-people acts of this dastardly regime.

I agree with Rajan that he is a national treasure and deserves both national and international awards for his services to human rights.

By: Sinnan Thu, 29 Mar 2012 12:12:33 +0000 I also wiling to second it.
The rulers must have heart rather than intelligent for a stable honourable moralistic governance especially in a multi ethnic nation.
But in the name of LORD Bhuda who renounced his kingdom,govt robb tamils lands because there is no defenders.
Now deffenders of democracy,who pronounce any word against the govt can be speared. So DR. also must be either shut up his mouth or int. society protect him for the sake of future nations security.
