Comments on: After the fuel hikes and slide of rupee: State of Sri Lanka’s economy and future prospects Journalism for Citizens Thu, 26 Apr 2012 01:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: yapa Thu, 26 Apr 2012 01:51:10 +0000 In reply to Keynes!.

Dear Keynes!;

I don’t know how I missed this post.

I should commend you, you taken an excellent effort to answer me, will see how:

1. You have quoted a saying of a Nobel laureate to show that Mathematics is not important in Economics, not to take Mathematics as Mater but to take it as a servant.

No one has advocated to take Maths as the Master in Economics, but I just emphasized the undeniable necessity of Mathematics in Economics for understanding Mathematics, without which it is almost an impossibility. What I said was Mathematics has become an essential supporting subject in Learning Economics.

The Nobel laureate you referred has not refused the necessity of Mathematics, but indirectly indicated its significance. Do you understand the mode of non verbal communication of gestures, my dear friend?

2. I think you have not understood the difference between Mathematics and the other subjects you have referred. Mathematics is an abstract subject, which is used in almost all other subjects in improving them, like what Logic does in them. No any other subject is so influential on other subjects as Mathematics or Logic. It is not incorrect to say that no subject today can stand by themselves without the help of Mathematics, but not without the other subjects you mentioned. Your feeble attempt to dilute the unique significance of Mathematics equating it with some other subjects is not an honest endavour, I should say. No one will accept your equation, especially in this context. Your parable of “body parts” is out of context and irrelevant, and only an attempt to cover up the bankruptcy.

3. Your exaggerated example is totally inappropriate and a dishonest attempt to cover up the truth with a verbal sharpness.

Unlike airplane an fuel gauge, per capita GDP (not GDP, as you have mentioned) and HDI are devised for the same purpose as measurement of Development”, hence unlike airplane and fuel gauge they are comparable. Per capita GDP represent only a fraction of development, that is just one of the indicators of Economic development alone while HDI, a broader indicator, that indicates, the development of the spheres of Economic , education and health. Do you say three rupees is worthless than a rupee?

An indication of the worthlessness of an Economist who knows no Mathematics or who is not rich with of honesty.


By: Keynes! Fri, 06 Apr 2012 12:13:06 +0000 In reply to Keynes!.


1. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics has stated that “by all means let’s have math in economics — but as our servant, not our master.”

2. Economists need to have a grasp of a whole plethora of fields to make judgements. Just ask the Law and Economics Movement or Feminist Economists or those engaged in the field of Ecological Economics.

Arguing that economists in our universities cannot teach math is kinda’ like arguing that economists cannot teach Law, Sociology, Biology or Physics, which are all specialised fields. Just ask yourself the question as to how many mathematicians can teach economics?

Indeed, your attempt to perch mathematics on top reminds of the joke about the body parts who argued about who would be boss.

Had the economist Ronald Coase preened his understanding of physics and the history of property rights, his Coasian electromagnetic spectrum theory would have been less embarrassing.

3. Arguing that the HDI is a better indicator than GDP is like arguing that the altimeter on an airplane is better than the fuel gauge!

By: Happy Heathen Wed, 04 Apr 2012 09:13:51 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

PresiDunce Bean,

“It’s not only the minority religions that are against Gay rights, Women’s rights and abortion…the majority religion is also against them.”

That automatically proves my point that we need to do away with all organised religions, rather than giving them space. Thank you!

However, I am not sure which majority religion you are referring to…. If it is Buddhism (apart from it’s not being a religion – refer what leading atheists have to say about Buddhism)there is nothing in Pali Canon about homosexuality despite what saffron robed people have to say.

The existing ‘Buddhist’ prejudice against gays and women are legacy of Victorian values imposed on Sri Lanka.

And you have conveniently left out animal rights……..

By: yapa Wed, 04 Apr 2012 08:17:15 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce Bean;

If I become the PresiDunce with your vote, I will give all the minorities equal rights as the majority. (If I become HE the Honourable PresiDunce the King, I might forget my promise, it is a separate matter.)

You think that is not reasonable and sufficient for minorities?

You want more and more and more……… forever, dear PresiDunce Bean?


By: PresiDunce Bean Wed, 04 Apr 2012 06:49:03 +0000 In reply to yapa.


I am impressed by the enlightened thoughts you have regarding how minorities should be treated in SL. If you ever decide to run for PresiDunce, you can rest assured that all the minorities including myself and my family would vote for you. 😉

By: PresiDunce Bean Wed, 04 Apr 2012 04:40:56 +0000 @Happy Heathen

It’s not only the minority religions that are against Gay rights, Women’s rights and abortion…the majority religion is also against them. One funny example is that every time someone mentions women’s rights, people from the majority religious group brings up the story of how Sri Lanka is known for electing the first female prime minister and how we also had a female president. According to their line of thinking, therefore women in SL have equal rights as men.

By: Happy Heathen Tue, 03 Apr 2012 02:37:56 +0000 PresiDunce Bean

If we are to strive for modernity, I think the aim should be to do away with all organised religions, not to give them equal space as it has been amply proven that the morality and religion are two exclusive entities.

Whatever progressive steps taken by successive Sri Lankan governments with regards to Women’s Rights, Animal Rights and Gay rights have been always pulled back by religious communities. MORE IMPORTANTLY BY MINORITY RELIGIOUS GROUPS.

Please read on the current debate on Abortion – who are the sections vehemently opposed to it? Is it the silent majority or the vocal minority?

Arthur C Clarke once famously declared “One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion.”

After all, Freedom FROM Religion is a basic human right as well.

By: yapa Mon, 02 Apr 2012 14:08:26 +0000 Dear PresiDunce Bean;

I think 4 and 5 above are incorrect.

3. giving all religions equal place is not a logical idea at all. Do you think giving truth and untruth equal place is a logical idea? Giving good and evil equal place is logical? You can differentiate things on qualitative aspects as well in addition to quantities.

You see the similarities, but turn your blind eye to the differences. In assessing some thing you should not consider just one aspect, but try to capture all the aspects. Otherwise an elephant can become a vinoving fan or a parapet wall, and your theory can be a “flat theory”.


By: yapa Mon, 02 Apr 2012 13:52:03 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear PresiDunce Bean;

There is no reason to reject good things even if they are imposed by force.

When you were in the school how many times you have been caned? (Uncountable?, Ha1 Ha!!)

Seeds of weeds we throw away, and secure the seeds of paddy, we do not throw both of them because both are seeds.

Seemingly similar things can get entirely different treatments, it is not a reason to be grunted.

Your different view is a result of a logical fallacy.

You know what fallacies are? The ideas seemingly correct, but really incorrect.


By: PresiDunce Bean Mon, 02 Apr 2012 07:46:09 +0000 In reply to yapa.

You say that the 13th Amendment should not be entertained, because it is something imposed upon us by force. So what about all the things the Majority has imposed on the minorities by force?
1) The sale of meat and liquor banned on full moon days.
2) Film halls closed on this day as well.
3) Buddhism being given foremost place in the country instead of the more logical idea of giving all religions equal place.
4) The national anthem which was there in Sinhala and Tamil, now being restricted to being sung only in the Sinhala language.
5) A non-Sinhalese Buddhist not having the chance to become the President of this country unless he is a Sinhala Buddhist.

…any comments yapa? 😀
