Comments on: Geneva 2012: The signs missed, lessons unlearnt Journalism for Citizens Mon, 02 Apr 2012 15:44:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: PitastharaPuthraya Mon, 02 Apr 2012 15:44:10 +0000 Dear Yapa,

Thanks for the interesting links.

By: yapa Sat, 31 Mar 2012 17:02:10 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce Bean/PitastharaPuthraya;

Your day dreams are broken into pieces. Please watch.


By: yapa Sat, 31 Mar 2012 09:34:43 +0000 Dear PresiDunce Bean/PitastharaPuthraya;


“Can anyone tell me how many thousands of US citizens have escaped from the US and gone and sought political asylum in Cuba, Russia or China?
Birds of a feather, flock together they say. The despotic regime in Sri Lanka started leaning towards Russia, China and Cuba because none of these countries care about human rights abuses in their countries or in other countries.”

——-Presidunce Bean

“As you correctly said US/West are in a far higher position in the moral scale than Russia and China. The Russians and Chinese supports countries like Sri Lanka not because their love them but because they know that they have skeletons in their cupbords. The most important difference is that these skeletons are skeletons of their own people.

If I were to choose between two evils I would choose the lesse evil, which is US/West.”


Please watch,


By: yapa Thu, 29 Mar 2012 02:02:40 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce Bean;

“…So Yapa, lets sit back and wait to see what will happen in the future to China, Russia, Cuba, Sri Lanka, USA and the European countries allied with the US.”

All of them are a pack of crabs fighting in the boiling economic pot. When the fossil fuel for economic heating finishes in a few years, don’t know the crabs will survive to see the result in twenty five years. I think by that time the crabs will be fighting for the remaining drop of petroleum to see whose fuel will heat the pot to end their lives to send them to the heavens to embrace their creator, they would not remember the trivial niceties in the past.

You are embraced with a philosophy that kills yourself from beneath. Have you watched the video: The Most IMPORTANT Video You’ll Ever See, I posted in an earlier thread?



By: PresiDunce Bean Wed, 28 Mar 2012 05:43:23 +0000 In reply to PitastharaPuthraya.


…here is a metaphor for you.

Four years before the Cricket World Cup held in 2011, Yapa and PresiDunce Bean argued back and forth as to who would win the World Cup. Yapa the SL patriot insisted that Sri Lanka would lift the cup. PresiDunce Bean the cricket lover (who did not have a single patriotic bone in his body, who firmly believed in Socrates’s quote, “I am neither an Athenian, nor a Greek, I am a citizen of the world.”) insisted that it would either be India, Pakistan, Australia or South Africa who would win. Watching this never ending argument, a wise old man advised both of them that it was a waste of time arguing because they would only know the final result in four years time. So Yapa and PresiDunce Bean waited patiently for four years. Sri Lanka and India came to the Finals and India won the Cup.

The moral of the story is: Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, and that blind patriotism should never be used as a yard stick to judge what is right or wrong, or what is good or bad.

…So Yapa, lets sit back and wait to see what will happen in the future to China, Russia, Cuba, Sri Lanka, USA and the European countries allied with the US. If you and I live another 25 years we would be able to see if the alleged war crimes committed against Tamil civilians that the GOSL is accused of is swept under the carpet or if those accused are bought to justice.

We will also be able to see if the GOSL devolves power to the Tamils or not, and what will happen if they don’t.

We will also know if Rajapskas’s dream of forming a family dynasty becomes a reality or after a few years the people will decide that enough is enough and kick them out of power by using the ballot or through an Arab style revolution.

And in about 5 or 6 years time, you and I will know for sure if this country will become the “Wonder of Asia” or the “Debacle of Asia.”

We both know that USA won the cold war. In 25 years time we will know if China and Russia are able to displace the US as a superpower and the global policeman of the world.

…until then Yapa, may you live a long and prosperous life. 😉

“All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.”
George Orwell

By: yapa Wed, 28 Mar 2012 00:48:00 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce Bean;

I understand your desire. You want me to assess the more evil one on the basis of the number that escape their countries. On your formula the answer is invariably the one our PitastharaPuthraya has already pronounced, that is “If I were to choose between two evils I would choose the lesse evil, which is US/West”.

I know people have a tendency to make their own formulas to get their desired results and show case both formulas and results as universal ones. Leaving aside talking in general, let me give a metaphor to answer your query. Metaphors are more easily understood than general theories.

There was a very rich gentleman lived close to my house. He had several children and the man gave them every comfort. Even needy who came for were satisfied with his philanthropy. The family was a very peaceful and well respected.

On the other side of my house there is a family who meet their ends with difficulty on the salary earned by the father of the family. Sometimes I can here some unacceptably word exchanges from them, however they also live an average life on the little money they get.

Recently, I came to know that the philanthropist was not at home, and when inquired found that now he is living a luxury life behind the bars, for his multimillion source of income being disclosed. He used to be the owner of a consumer goods distribution network, and the main agent of a renowned brand of some powder.

Evilness is found in mind and in intentions and very rarely ascertained through a single parameter. Especially evils know how to hide their evilness smartly and decorate their faces with marvelous smiles. Just look at the smile and don’t decide gentlemen. It could be very dangerous, even to the extend that threaten the whole life.

“Hinawen ho kathawen bae maninnata minisa”. Foxes always have cunning smiles across their faces.


By: PresiDunce Bean Tue, 27 Mar 2012 12:11:05 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.


Ha…ha…ha…this was the kind of answer I was expecting from you. Let me rephrase my question.
Are there more Chinese, Russian and Cuban citizens who have fled to the USA seeking political asylum, or do you think that many more US citizens have fled the US country seeking political asylum in human rights havens like China, Russia and Cuba? 😀

By: PitastharaPuthraya Tue, 27 Mar 2012 08:34:49 +0000 Dear PresiDunce Bean,

Thanks for the comment.

I whole-heartedly agree with you.

I also do not think US and West is perfect. There are manythings done by them I do not agree with. The almost blind folded support for Israel inspite of whatever they do to palestinians is one. If you look at what US did in their backyard in the immediate past you can find enough evidence to say they are not perfect.

However, having said that I strongly beleive that the role of US and West is crucial today in promoting human rights, maintaining world peace and controlling authoritariansim in the world.

Take for example Iran and North Korea. While being disgusted about the hypocracy of west about Iran and N/Koriea’s nuclear program (the fact that they and their allies can have them but not others) I have to confess that nuclear Iran and N/Korea are not good for the world. Thererfore, in the long run and final analysis the US/West is doing a good job by policing the world.

As you correctly said US/West are in a far higher position in the moral scale than Russia and China. The Russians and Chinese supports countries like Sri Lanka not because their love them but because they know that they have skeletons in their cupbords. The most important difference is that these skeletons are skeletons of their own people.

If I were to choose between two evils I would choose the lesse evil, which is US/West.

By: yapa Tue, 27 Mar 2012 06:54:29 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PitashtharaPuthraya;

“We all right thinking Sri Lankans, irrespective of the race, relegion, caste and creed should thank the international communtiy led by US for brining this resolution and won it for the oppressed people in Sri Lanka. Whatever the purported geopolitcal motive of the US is the oppressed people in SL should have felt there there is still right and wrong in this world.

Imagine a world ruled by MRs, Russians and Chinese!”

Bur MR also was a HR champion, who used to run up and down Geneva. So you must have felt the same feeling you have towards US, about MR as well. You like culprits when they are engaged in HR?


By: yapa Tue, 27 Mar 2012 06:45:05 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce Bean;

“Can anyone tell me how many thousands of US citizens have escaped from the US and gone and sought political asylum in Cuba, Russia or China?”

They could not escape, almost all who rose against them were massacred in groups, poor Red Indians. A few escaped death, live as second class citizens hidden in the corners of the country.

However, a few “US citizens” escaped the chains of their slave master citizens and ran away. Until 1960’s they were not allowed even to ravel in omni-buses with the other US citizens.

That is their HR record. That is not more than 50 years ago. How old were you then, dear PresiDunce Bean?

