Comments on: A Realistic Look at the Draft Resolution by the US on Sri Lanka at the UN HRC Journalism for Citizens Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:19:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:19:37 +0000 Dear Mr Gibson Bateman,

You say “As expected, there is no reference to an independent international mechanism to probe alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law during the war’s final phases”

Do you think India will support this?
If they do they would be putting a rope around their own neck as well.

Don’t forget that the IPKF which fought a war in Sri Lanka with the LTTE, was accused by the Tamils and the LTTE of Rape, Torture and killings. During this time the SL forces were confined to barracks which puts them in the clear.

What would be India’s predicament if the SL govt initiates an internal process to investigate the IPKF period?

The US is not after Human Rights. It is trying to establish a precedent within the UN system to brow beat small countries who do not tow their line. Sri Lanka happens to be the guinea pig.

You say “Getting something that strong passed through the Human Rights Council would have been an epic achievement. Alas, epic achievements and substantial resolutions continue to elude the Council”

You are wrong. If a resolution can be passed through ANY UN body to investigate Israel or to get Justice for the Palestinians then that would be an Epic achievement.

You say “As an absolute minimum, Sri Lanka must be on the formal agenda for the 20th session of the Human Rights Council this June”

What would be the objective?

Would be counter productive for as that would be perceived as instigated by a Tamil Diaspora which funded a terrorist organisation to indiscriminately attack the SL Public.

War Crimes investigations?
Would again be perceived as pandering to a separatist Tamil Diaspora. The world has no precedent of a victor in a war being investigated and punished. Hence it will seem that Sri Lanka has been singled out unjustly and will bring about a disaster of unimaginable proportions.

Divide SL Ethnically?
Half the Tamil population lives amongst the Sinhalese.
The outcome would be a disaster.

Reconciliation will not happen as long as International support for unjust demands by separatists, exists. The best example is the difficulty of implementing the 13A which is perceived as being forced on Lanka by a bully who gave birth to the Terrorist LTTE (and other terror groups). The US and the West are perceived as bullies due to their inability to hold the scales of justice, even.

The East was never a Tamil Kingdom and it was never an exclusive Tamil Homeland. Historically, it was under the Kandyan Kingdom, which extended up to Elephant Pass. Any International support for such claims would cause polarisation and the emergence of radical groups.

Sri Lanka had Tamil Tamil riots which were caused by the denial of even basic Human Rights by Tamil Elites to the Tamil peasantry. Drinking water denied, Schooling denied, sitting in class on a normal chair denied (they had to sit on the ground or a low stool), Travelling in Public Transport denied, Practising Religion denied, the peasantry even had designated pathways to get to their homes. This was long before any ethnic conflict with the Sinhalese. In fact, three Tamil Tamil riots preceded the first Tamil Sinhala riot, which was also instigated by a Tamil Nationalist, who spoke disparagingly about the Sinhalese, at a public meeting in Nawalapitiya. This country did not have ethnic strife of this magnitude before colonial rule.

Sitting in judgement to deliver justice would be futile if one allows oneself to be mislead by propaganda and believes he knows the real history.

By: Off the Cuff Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:10:29 +0000 In reply to Abdul.


Eelam does not exist period.

“those who were killed are Humans and this is clearly Human Rights Violation at its peak by Sinhalese government headed by heartless Rajapakse”

Sure Terrorists are Human too but they dont respect human rights.
What do you suggest that the world do with them?
Give what the terrorists demand?
No country has done that.
Hence by your convoluted logic, everyone is violating human rights.

By: Videha Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:09:20 +0000 In reply to Abdul.

oh please, then talk about American soldiers killing so many innocent people through out the world. when is the UN going to stand against them. LTTE was a terrorist organization and to defeat them the government had to kill them. maybe they were humans in body but don’t forget that they acted like lunatic barbarians. and if killing terrorists is inhuman and against human rights then teach us how America is killing all those people in middle east humanly

By: Abdul Thu, 21 Mar 2013 04:18:38 +0000 In reply to Janaki Chandraratna.

Janaki – what is the answer for all those thousands of Tamil Eelam killed mercilessly by the Dictator Rajapakse? Your comments sounds like this…. India or any other country can just drop a Nuclear weapon on southern or central Srilanka wipe out entire Sinhalese population and walk away from the international dispute stating “we will run our own investigation and clean up ourselves!”. Forget the fact of racism beyond everything else those who were killed are Humans and this is clearly Human Rights Violation at its peak by Sinhalese government headed by heartless Rajapakse.

By: Candidly Sat, 24 Mar 2012 05:10:23 +0000 Ah, Mr Bateman again whining that his government can no longer beat up smaller developing nations. So what does he propose for dealing with the naughty Sri Lankans? Using the British and French, as the USA did in Libya, to overthrow a government that will know toe the American line?

If readers look at the votes cast at the UNHRC session concerning Sri Lanka, they’ll notice that Libya, for the first time in decades, voted with the USA. And that’s despite the fact that Libya does not in practice have a government! However on the Palestinian-Israeli vote, even Libya could not bring itself to be publicly seen to be be supporting the Israeli government. The never-ending international chess game is definitely no longer going so easily going in America’s favour.

By: Janaki Chandraratna Mon, 19 Mar 2012 02:25:56 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Bateman is trying to sweeten the poison so that the delegates would vote in favor of the resolution if he can convince them that it has no impact. Bateman should have a bit more respect for the readers. Sri Lanka or any other country should not have any kind of forced intervention. If the UNHRC is really keen it should provide assistance on request. For example demining in the North is still a big issue in Sri Lanka for refugee settlement.
The world is aware of the misery created by US and its lackeys in the Middle East, Afghanistan and other places where they had stepped into. US is trying to create another Palestine in Sri Lanka. We cannot afford to have ongoing communal wars in our country. Please leave Sri Lanka alone to come up with its own solutions. We have managed to crush the LTTE that terrorized our country for 30 years. Come on UNHRC, be fair. If the resolution gets through, Sri Lanka should leave UNHRC until such times the organization gives up on harassing its members for their cooperation. Regime changes should be in the hands of the people as we have a committed democracy in our country. Janaki Chanraratna, Perth, Australia

By: Pandukabaya de Silva Sun, 18 Mar 2012 13:22:28 +0000 Frankly, I disagree. If nthe resolution succeeds, this will be a massive step as Sri Lanka will, for the first time, be officially on the table of the UNHRC. Let us not miss that fact.

By: MV Sun, 18 Mar 2012 08:31:00 +0000 The purpose of the LLRC was to buy time.
The US resolution, if passed, does exactly that – give more time.

The end result:

It’s a win-win for both US and Sri Lanka. The US will emerge as the “good guy” and Sri Lanka will walk away with more time, both patting each other on the shoulder. Meanwhile, protests would be organized in SL to thwart this “western conspiracy” against SL – so that the attention could be diverted away from the increasing polarization the regime has come under from its patriotic voter base.

The rest of us will pin our hopes on such a farcical organization like the UNHRC and the US to deliver against Sri Lanka – with the US being the primary architect of the counterinsurgency war and the subsequent military solution in the island.

Well, it seems April Fools has come up too early.

By: yapa Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:28:35 +0000 The reason why Resolution should be primarily supported according to the writer are

1. It is a very weak Resolution.

2. It will not change the policy in Colombo.

3. It will have little effect on human rights and national reconciliation within Sri Lanka.

4. US doesn’t want to Come out of Geneva, nobody wants to look like a “loser.”

If it is the motive the hell the reason for supporting it at all?

All these goals simply can be achieved withdrawing the draft Resolution by US herself! The easiest way.


By: joker Sat, 17 Mar 2012 17:37:59 +0000 actually mr Bateman, the US resolution has already had a massive impact, and probably the impact desired by the USA.

Sri Lanka has been polarized by this resolution, the delicately balanced reconciliation process which was well on track has been thrown off balance. The moderates who were gaining ground, the TNA who were gaining trust and credibility have lost what it had gained.

The nationalistic and racist extremists who had been sidelined since May 2009 have got the limelight once again. Looks like a classic divide and conquer policy of imperialism. One thing that this resolution was never meant to further was reconciliation and peace… that is for sure
