Comments on: Post 9/11 world: Compromises with war crimes and accountability Journalism for Citizens Sun, 18 Mar 2012 08:47:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: MV Sun, 18 Mar 2012 08:47:03 +0000 Kusal,
A well written article.
Despite all the patriotic rhetoric from Colombo and its diplomats that Sri Lanka is being isolated by the West for “defeating terrorism”, the foundation for the military solution in the island was laid in the West with the “counterinsurgency” approach. This has been further confounded with the geo-political interests in the region with US-India competition.

By: Candidly Fri, 16 Mar 2012 10:50:12 +0000 If there have been some closer restrictions on rights in recent years this is primarily because certain organisations, such as the Irish Republican Army, the Tamil Tigers, al-Qaeda and others, have ruthlessly exploited those rights over the last few decades to make war against the rest of society in pursuit of their totalitarian objectives.

Do Kusal Perera and the International Commission of Jurists seriously expect the majority of people to allow themselves to be overwhelmed by fascist-like organisations which have used their “rights” to organise resources and people in order to impose dictatorships over the rest of us?

Compared with 60-70 years ago – the age of fascism, Stalinist communism and colonialism – the vast majority of people in the world today have far, far more rights and liberties than we have ever had before. Now there has to be some re-adjustment in that due to the rise and growth of modern political, racial and religious terrorism. This, in my view, is for our own protection. We cannot allow people the “right” to be terrorists.
