Comments on: Sri Lankan Post-War Cinema and Reconciliation Journalism for Citizens Tue, 13 Mar 2012 08:45:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: rita Tue, 13 Mar 2012 08:45:54 +0000 In reply to Dan Herath.

For peacebuilding education and artes:
Christian clergy and laity from South write to UNHRC in support of earlier letter by Northern clergy, 13 March 2012
”We the undersigned, endorse the concerns and calls made in the letter of 1st March 2012 to the President and Members of the UN Human Rights Council by 31 Catholic clergy from Northern Sri Lanka, including the Bishop of Mannar.

We also express our grave concerns about intimidation and discrediting of the signatories of the initial letter and in particular the Bishop of Mannar, by media such as the Sunday Divaina, websites and even government’s coalition partners such as the Jathika Hela Urumaya and National Freedom Front by accusing the Bishop of aspiring to become Cardinal of Tamil Eelam and that he should be arrested and prosecuted.”

By: Dan Herath Mon, 12 Mar 2012 19:23:45 +0000 Dinidu Karunanayake and Thiyagaraja Waradas,
Thank you for bringing this out.
There is obviously a lot of hate inside the hearts of the people in the South – generated by textbooks to some extent and much more by the behaviour of politicians.
Let us get together to have peacebuilding through our education system.

By: Buddhika Mon, 12 Mar 2012 07:59:43 +0000 Thank you, Dinidu Karunanayake and Thiyagaraja Waradas.

The following must reach the people in the South:
Plight of the people more important – Sangaree

Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), V. Anandasangaree said the need of the hour was to address the needs of the people who had suffered during the war and after resettlement.

Speaking to The Nation, Anandasangaree said very little had been done for the welfare of the affected people.

Anandasangaree who was in Mullaithivu last week canvassing for the upcoming local government polls, said that the resettled people continued to live amidst hardship.

“What is more important now is to help the people. I can see for myself what the people are going through,” he said.

He added that there were important aspects to be dealt with at the moment other than resolutions.

He alleged that the government had failed to give prominence to the war-affected people despite launching several programmes in the areas.

“Very little is being done. These people do not think about resolutions passed abroad. They are fighting to survive every day,” he added.

Anandasangaree also stressed the necessity for the world to know the actual plight of the people. “I urge everyone including local and international politicians, and the fair-minded people of this country to come and see for themselves what our own people are going through,” he said.
