Comments on: Thank you, Madam Navi Pillai Journalism for Citizens Fri, 09 Mar 2012 07:46:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: yapa Fri, 09 Mar 2012 07:46:04 +0000 Dear Nithy;

I think you are referring “ideal situation” and I am referring to “real situation”, I think both of us are correct in that sense.

However, how did you distinguish to classify career diplomats in their error-less category as discharging their responsibilities properly while you are silence about other diplomats, indicating they do not include in that?

Is their a specific mechanism to guarantee career diplomats are error proof, like when baby gods dip in “Amurthaya”, they become death-proof?

Nithy, I like you but I can’t agree with you in this case.

The sarcasm is not mine, inbuilt sarcasm chose me as a medium to raise its voice, that is all.


Thanks Nithy!

By: Nithyananthan Fri, 09 Mar 2012 05:50:47 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear Mr. Yapa, Greetings to you!

One’s origin nationality (home or mother, let it be the Language/Land/country) has nothing whatsoever to do when discharging his /her responsibility within the set precincts in the assigned Job Description. After-all, Madam Navi’pillai currently is an international-civil-servant like our stately career diplomats, Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala and Shirley Amarasinghe, held once before.

So, Mr. Yapa, please don’t be so cruel – you are too good to be so sarcastic. Thanks, Nithy!

By: yapa Fri, 09 Mar 2012 01:47:37 +0000 South Africa(Navi Pillay’s mother country) pledges help on reconciliation for Sri Lanka.


By: wijayapala Sun, 04 Mar 2012 02:42:59 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Dear Burning_Issue

It is very good to see you again. Here is an editorial from Sunday Leader which can hardly be described as a friend of the govt:

Can An American Resolution Help Reconciliation?

By: yapa Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:51:19 +0000 “Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Geneva, Tamara Kunanayakam lashed out at the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay during an interactive session yesterday, saying that Sri Lanka “unreservedly dissents” with the observations made by Pillay. She said that the move to discuss a “domestic process” at the UN human rights body would set a “dangerous precedent.”


By: yapa Sat, 03 Mar 2012 15:51:21 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Is might is right for Navi Pillay? Is that the rationale behind her choice to engage Sri Lanka and not USA and UK for more severe crimes?


By: yapa Sat, 03 Mar 2012 15:40:06 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Dear Burning_Issue;

Looking at this whole endeavour of the so called international community it doesn’t appear to be a honest one. It amply indicates that there is a hidden agenda involved in it. It is evident that those who are opposing Sri Lanka is backing it, LTTE supporters, Channel-4, the head of UNHRC belongs to one of the two ethnic groups related to the problem, and large scale human right violators of the world like USA and UK, fine indicators to show that the endeavour is not something planned with a good intention towards Sri Lanka. There is a big voice from almost all of them that Sri Lanka should be punished for the human right violations taken place only in the last phase of the war. When the action is just limited to that particular period alone, it is clear that the LTTE carders backing this move in Geneva now and living in the countries like USA, UK, Canada, France etc.. etc.. are indemnified from the crimes they have done before that particular period. They failed to do such crimes at the scale they had been doing during the last phase of the war because they were loosing the war and they didn’t have the capability as a loosing force. None can deny the fact that remaining LTTEers are indemnified from their crimes by limiting the suggested period of investigation to the particular period and without being investigated their crimes, but Sri Lankan state alone becomes the subject of the investigation. Such action I don’t think will be accepted by the Sinhalese community of this country, and imposing “solutions” against their will, will not make any productive results in the future, as they will feel that they would be losers at the end. To make Tamils win you cannot Sinhalese to be losers. One should go for a win win situation and should not try to take the advantage of the sympathy for being losers at the war.

On the other hand what guarantee do you have that the opinion of the USA, UK etc.. in this case is right. Most of the time their decisions in the international arena in the recent past were failures and wrong even though many of the moves were taken with the approval and support of the UN. UN backed Iraq invasion, invasion of Libya, what happened? UN also has become an institution that take decisions without any seriousness or as a paw of a distance cat. I think no hare will believe a person who goes hunting with hounds while racing with them.

How can anybody justify the action of Navi Pillay in this issue, being a party to one of the two ethnic groups that involved in the issue? What is the guaranty that she is a robot that has no any emotional affinity to her own ethnicity? Dear Burning_Issue, You and I are humans, we have some affinity to our ethnicity, it is natural and reasonable, but not the opposite of it.

I also believe justice should be done, not only that it should appear to be so.

I cannot see any justice in the present endeavour in the UNHRC, not that I do not believe in justice.


By: Anpu Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:10:29 +0000 Armenia’s Deputy FM Ashot Hovakimian, who was on a working visit to Geneva between Tuesday and Thursday, addressed at the 19 Session of the Human Rights Council on Thursday.

Hovakimian reflected on the prevention of genocides, and specifically underscored the role of education in preventing crimes against humanity—including genocides—and the need to condemn such crimes.

In his intervention, Hovakimian also looked into the principle of the people’s right for self-determination, and stressed that the people of Nagorno-Karabakh have achieved this right and joined the fundamental instruments of international law. Ashot Hovakimian expressed a conviction that the respective UN agencies, in their turn, will be present everywhere and will defend and encourage human rights.

Within the framework of his visit to Geneva, Armenia’s Deputy FM also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Vietnam and Lithuania. They discussed the avenues for cooperation within international organizations.

In Geneva, Ashot Hovakimian also met with Andrey Vasilyev, Acting Executive Secretary of UN Economic Commission for Europe, and Nick Bonvoisin, Secretary to the Espoo Convention on Environmental Assessment. The interlocutors underscored Armenia’s cooperation with the said Commission, and examined Armenia’s implementation of the terms of international agreements signed within the framework of this organization.

By: Hela Sat, 03 Mar 2012 06:56:42 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

To the one who is burning,

Why do US & EU ask Sri Lanka of a road map? By the way UN has not asked any road map.

Where is US & EU road map of reconciliation and accountability in Iraq & Afganistan?

Sri Lanka is a member of UN with equal rights. SL submit itself to the same scrutinies like other members. Accordingly SL will be subject to UPR at UNHRC in October. So why has SL being selectively targeted by the West with support of ethnic Tamil high commissioner who is willing to abuse her position to punish a member state? Should the other members allow it?

This is a struggle of the global South against the hegamony of the arrogant North. One point of comfort is that the long term curve of strategic power of the North is going South.

Let SL be a rallying point for the beleaguered at the UNHRC.

By: justitia Sat, 03 Mar 2012 00:55:47 +0000 All this attempt to discredit Pillai is only because she has a tamil name.
It appears that simply because she has a tamil name,she cannot act according to the human and humanitarian laws enacted by the UN.

Even Dayan Jayatilleke has joined the bandwagon – he has far greater respect for the JVP he says.
Was this why the two JVP activists who went north, have now been “disappeared” by the establishment? Or, was it because they unfortunately also happened to be tamils?
Why does he praise Kunanayakam – a tamil – daily? Is it only because she learned the Cuban style of governance at the feet of Fidel – DJ’s hero?
She has now been sidelined at Geneva by Mahinda Samarasinghe,only because she is a tamil, according to media reports.

Pillai’s antecedents as a great jourist because of which she was appointed to the post she holds is not considered.
She is not pro-tamil but only pro-Justice and pro-Human Rights.
