Comments on: JAYATISSA, JEYARAJ AND JACOBINISM: DEBATING ‘SRI LANKAN-NESS’ IN POST-WAR SRI LANKA Journalism for Citizens Thu, 08 Mar 2012 11:52:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aufheben Thu, 08 Mar 2012 11:52:56 +0000 Asanga,

Thank you for your thoughtful piece. While I’m always tempted by the simplicity and elegance of classical liberal thinking on this matter, history reminds me of the great cost the people of Europe have had to pay for their nation-states (countless bloody wars) and the remarkable speed with which the prize is unraveling as a result of immigration and deeper European integration.

It is far from clear that the nation-state is the ‘natural’ form of government. In fact, as any good Hegelian would argue context is essential when selecting a suitable form of government; the “negation” of the Soulberry Constitution and its liberal values shows that we are not ready for such a form of governance – perhaps we need to aspire to something more limited. Plurinationalism is but one option.

By: Manoj Wed, 07 Mar 2012 10:26:52 +0000 Having just read the Jayatissa piece- and being initially seduced by its simple and compelling argument- I must say that upon reflection, the position advocated in this article is more realistic. It’s based on historical experience whereas calls for the forging of a post-religion post-racial Sri-Lankan identity rings a little hollow and idealistic.

By: Keynes! Sun, 04 Mar 2012 06:14:12 +0000 Wijayapala,

Please be grateful enough to elaborate on what I did not understand.

By: wijayapala Sun, 04 Mar 2012 02:59:52 +0000 Dear Asanga

Presumably because she was not setting out to address an academic audience, Jayatissa does not expressly set out a theoretical basis for her argument,

You more or less nailed the fundamental flaw with your own style of communication- you’re addressing an “academic” audience (and most certainly, a very narrow band of that audience) and not Sri Lankans at large. I doubt that even people who agree with you here really understood what you were saying (Orion and Keynes! can easily disprove me if I am wrong). I’m sorry to say, but Mr Wimaladasa’s post was far more comprehensible and accessible than your articles.

Moving on to the fundamental flaw with the substance of your thinking, which your writing style wonderfully obscures, you have yet to define what a “nation” is and whether they exist (in the manner that you articulate) in Sri Lanka. You do not appear to recognise the gross contradiction in your identification of “Sri Lankan Tamils” as a distinct nation.

As for your concern with Eurocentrism, I suggest conversing with CPA’s language unit to determine whether this article can be translated into Sinhala or Tamil. If this translation is not possible, then you might need to revisit how much of your own thinking is affected by non-Sri Lankan sources.

By: Keynes! Sat, 03 Mar 2012 14:17:56 +0000 Asanga’s article is truly a gem. There is also some evidence from the field of cultural psychology to criticise the Sri Lankan identity project.

In The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition, Michael Tomasello discusses the Ratchet Effect – a kind of mission creep that occurs because cultures have historical records such as the Mahavamsa and the Puranaru poems. Such texts anthropomorphize the lives of our forefathers and thus act as a catalyst for maintaining traditions. The fact that the totemic symbol that manifests itself on top of traditional oil lamps is yet to be changed to a lion may bear witness to this claim.

By: Keynes! Sat, 03 Mar 2012 08:42:54 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

I was enjoying an unbeatable bonus: Asanga’s articulate composition, a Three Coins beer and a saturday afternoon. Then came Wimaladasa’s gem. He made my day.

Govinda! May the Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem be with him forever!

By: Bedrock Barney Fri, 02 Mar 2012 16:51:03 +0000 Hey Asanga, is there anyway you can convince Wimaladasa to post a “long reads” article/essay. This lucid incisive comment is an absolute gem. Clearly a literary giant in the making. I hope Dr DJ will not make mistake of taking on someone of his!.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:12:38 +0000 PS: Hey-hey, Wimaladasa, as far as I know, the Jacobins didn’t mention me either 🙂

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 02 Mar 2012 09:40:15 +0000 In reply to N. Wimaladasa.

Hey Wimaladasa, where the deuce do I come into this? I have not been mentioned by Welikela, Jeyaraj or Jayatissa! By the way, either follow the GV editors’ advice and run an auto spell and grammar check on your computer after you’ve written, or go to night school and improve your use of English (which is currently atrocious). After all, 2012 is the Year of Trilingualism.

By: N. Wimaladasa Fri, 02 Mar 2012 02:04:40 +0000 Dayan J is most probavly be [edited out] expolited week politicial situation in country and nation for power share position.He think all Sri Lankan are foolished.
He follow path of his father of [edited out].
Sri lankan now not in era of Franch revolutionary stage.No doubt Capitalist Revolution and capilaltst class laedrship has come to end.Ours no longer capilast class give leadership for liberate york of expoliation of man by man.What ever persons in power Sinhalese Tamil or Mulims in power, THE POEOPLE OF SRI LANKAN CANNOT SHARE POWER WITH ON GOING STATE.But indeed is fact capliast has certain role to be play in our democartic stage of developement in politically econimically and socially.The pepole of Sri Lanka has to taken independent path of politicail line to be libriated his owe class and people.

[Editors note: Suggest you type out future comments in Microsoft Word, so that even if they don’t make any sense, your spelling and grammar are checked. Also read our site guidelines before commenting.]
