Comments on: Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons: Plagiarism and the fate of LTTE surrendees Journalism for Citizens Thu, 01 Mar 2012 07:29:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groundviews Thu, 01 Mar 2012 07:29:20 +0000 Dear DAS,

Groundviews has a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. It is the worst form of cheating in writing, undermining both the author’s work, and the larger issues debated and flagged. The level of plagiarism flagged by Valkyrie is clearly not by mistake. It is by deliberate design, and deserves the strongest condemnation.

By: DAS Wed, 29 Feb 2012 00:30:43 +0000 Valkyrie,
Sharmila had only good intentions.
She agrees with most of your views.

The life of women who had passive or active association with LTTE must be hellish. They are shunned by their own society and hounded by the army, even after ‘rehabilitation’ & release.
Same is true of most males too, but by being the ‘tougher’ sex most will cope.
The army (and police)should be given specific orders on how to behave with them,formulated by a behavioural scientist.
Else this is mental agony amounting to torture.
They should be also told what they signed.
Else they will fall prey to the vultures waiting to prey on them.It is reported that many have turned to prostitution purely to survive. Some may have been coerced into it.
