Comments on: In Memory of Marie Colvin Journalism for Citizens Tue, 28 Feb 2012 07:21:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: joker Tue, 28 Feb 2012 07:21:43 +0000 In reply to Orion.

while on might argue that there is a inseparable link between truth and justice, the link between truth, justice and peace are not so direct as much as one with flowery idealistic feelings would like to think so.

e.g. did japan get justice for the two nuclear bombs (both indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilians)? no. does japan have peace today? yes. would japan seeking justice for the American atrocities enhance peace? even after 60 years of cooling things, one would not think it would be productive

some things are better left un answered for later. not every fault, mistake or error needs to be hounded down, highlighted and pursued in the name of justice. especially the death of two prominent terrorists

By: Pang Mon, 27 Feb 2012 01:13:53 +0000 I like to know whether this reporter has reported what happen in Iraq war and Afghan war. To her, were these not wars? Before Syria, she should have been to Libya.

By: sabbe laban Mon, 27 Feb 2012 00:42:57 +0000 The bravery the late Colvin displayed, is commendable though it could be seen as ‘fool-hardy’ by some. What “cnadidly” says about her is revealing! The fact that she always seemed to take the side of the ‘agrieved’ party is slightly misplaced though!

She was reporting from the LTTE held territory during the war in Sri Lanka & tried to save the lives of some of the LTTE leaders during its final stages! She as in Egypt, Libya & finally Syria, where she met her fate. I am curious to know whether she was reporting from Afganistan too from the Taliban held side or from Iraqi cities that were bombed by the allied forces! As far as I know she was never on these battle grounds where her Master’s Forces were flatenning cities full of civilians, and reported the misery of those people with the same vigor! Maybe there lie the secret of her bravery!

Finally, this shows why the Sri Lankan government didn’t allow the journalists a free access to the Northern war zone! This is what would have happened if they did!

By: Orion Sun, 26 Feb 2012 22:22:25 +0000 Marie Colvin lived Stephane
Hessel’s ‘Indignez-vous!’ and his and Edgar Morin’s ‘Engage-vous!’ Ms Colvin also is a great person and intellectual as, “…one who engages himself (herself) with an objective greater than himself (herself); a human objective for progress”.(Thanks to Amb Jayatilleke for these quotes.)

The UN failed her in East Timor in 1999 and in Sri Lanka in 2009. Will they be indignant and engage themselves in Sri Lanka in Geneva in 2012 is still an open question.
May be Marie Colvin will be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize.

By: Ananthi Selvasivam Sun, 26 Feb 2012 13:28:19 +0000 I overcome with grief over Marie Colvin..

She put her life on line when it comes to bring the truth out of such hostile places like Sri Lanka War, Syrian uprising, Iraq war, etc… . It is well known that she is not the type of war correspondent who embedded with, and taken cover of, the forces that, more often than not, party to the destruction and sufferings and reporting the stories that they want to propagate. Instead, Marie would go to the hot spot herself and stay the course with suffering people and sees herself what the war inflicts upon these people, this has been her style, which inevitably brought an abrupt end to her life. Hope her legacy will last for ever, and her next kith and kin can feel proud of her. Let me convey my heartiest condolence to those who survive her.

By: Candidly Sun, 26 Feb 2012 07:49:08 +0000 Marie Colvin was an extremely complex character, and her motives in wanting to witness and report on war were not always of the purest. Paul Harris, the respected former London Daily Telegraph and Jane’s Intelligence Review correspondent, has some interesting comments to make about Marie Colvin’s reporting on Sri Lanka in 2001. These can be found on pp 15-18 of Harris’s memoir “Delightfully Imperfect”. Harris, we should remember, had been reporting on Sri Lanka over many years and had an in-depth detailed knowledge of the complexities of the Sri Lankan situation.

For those who don’t have access to Harris’s book here are some pertinent sections regarding Colvin and here visit to Sri Lanka:

“She was what is known in the media business as a ‘parachutist’; a media star dropped into a story she neither knew intimately nor understood particularly well.”

In Sri Lanka she failed to turn up for an opportunity to interview Lakshman Kadirgamar because her Tamil Tiger contacts tempted her with an opportunity to meet two Tiger leaders, Tamilchelvan and Prabakharan:
“In Sri Lanka, having crossed over without permission into LTTE territory, she attempted to re-cross at night across heavily defended frontlines. As she did so, and somehow her LTTE ‘bodyguard’ melted away into the black of the night, she came under Sri Lankan army mortar fire. Her body was pierced by four pieces of shrapnel: she received wounds to her eye, shoulder and thigh and sustained a bruised leg.”

“She was clearly impressed with the Tigers, judging from her article which appeared in the ‘The Sunday Times’. It advises, ‘The LTTE emerged in 1983, when Sinhala mobs turned on the Tamils, slaughtering hundreds with machetes.’ I’m afraid her explanation of the genesis of the conflict was quite at variance with the historical record: the slaughter she refers to did take place but it was a reaction to a massacre by the LTTE leadet Velupillai Prabakharan of an army unit in northern Sri Lanka.”

On the subject of the circumstances in which she received wounds and lost her left eye in Sri Lanka, Harris has this to say:

“The fact that she was abandoned by her ‘hosts’ [the LTTE] as soon as they came under fire would suggest to those experienced in the ways of the war in Sri Lanka that she had actually been ‘set up’; her death at the hands of the government troops would have attracted seriously bad publicity to the Sri Lankan government.”

Later he notes:

“Of course we applaud this [risking her life to report dangerous events]. But things are not always as they appear…that derring-do can be singularly misplaced.”

Food for thought.
