Comments on: How bad is the crisis for Mahinda Rajapaksa? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:51:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: ordinary lankan Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:51:28 +0000 Slavery
is our perpetual condition
we dont really know freedom
all we do is exchange masters

By: patriot Thu, 08 Mar 2012 02:36:06 +0000 In order to hang on to his power this power greedy, money,power,food,wisky,hotels,tamashas,foreign trips, land and you name it…tasty president knows that this is a lifetime jackpot he won and will go to any extent to safeguard his power no matter what happens to the country and it’s people. Also he play a dangerous game and may again try to arouse another uprising in the country similar to 1971 and 1983. He may also arouse an anti religious,anti racial, anti capitalist and may even arouse a conflict between the armed forces and the people to suppress economic uphewal uprising by people. He is playing a dangerous game with politics with carrot and stick tactic with his own as well as opposition political parties. Therefore the opposition has to understand this new game plan and has to come up with a new strategy to face this situation, educating the public, Sri Lankan expriate community and the international community and keep public informed without allowing the murderer to commit anymore blood shed in Sri Lanka.

By: Ranjith Tue, 28 Feb 2012 17:32:40 +0000 In reply to Gamini.

Teachers issue seem to have gone to UN ?

By: Anpu Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:11:51 +0000 “Although certain foreign powers have attempted to conspire against and oust me from the presidency, I will not leave this position before completing my duties”

What are his duties? To Sinhalise N&E ???

It took nearly three years to come out with this figure – 8000 killed ( ). Chnage of mind from “zero casuality”

By: Sarath Fernando Sat, 25 Feb 2012 21:56:50 +0000 In reply to Sarath Fernando.

Dear Hela,

I am sure Dayan appreciates your hand holding and your voluntary offer to surrogate now that he finds himself either shy or lost for words, or perhaps both. And, additionally he gets to count one more on his side of the balance sheet of Public Opinion. This show of support would no doubt help him regain some of the rapidly diminishing self-confidence that saw him hitching his wagon rather desperately to Tamara’s back.

In any case, after being the roaring lion denigrating some as backbone-deficient for not being forthright in revealing their names, I wonder why he suddenly became a morbid invertebrate, unable to even name those whom he wants to vilify, and keep readers like me guessing.

While on that subject, I see that you use a cute, though seemingly ambivalent pseudonym. To compensate for my ignorance, I just Googled and realized you could be either “the Asgardian goddess of death” as in Marvel Comics, or, at the other extreme, be a “widely used continuous, immortal cell line for virology.”

Now, based on your free-will choice to use pseudonym, Dayan, as well as another organism, namely Pandukabaya de Silva, seem to think you are a “coward” and that you “do not have any strength of conviction” and so should not be taken seriously, if not abhorred summarily for that. Would you care to express how you feel about that profound wisdom of these wise men?

Hela, since you at your free will chose to stand surrogate for Dayan, I felt comfortable taking the liberty to ask these questions from you directly – no offence intended.

By: joker Sat, 25 Feb 2012 20:42:58 +0000 In reply to Dinuk.

Mr Kusal Perera is the classic nay sayer and arm chair critic. He has always been in opposition and forever will be. He has never had an idea of his own but will criticize all others. He has never done anything or achieved anything of his own but will criticize all others who do.

people like him do have a role in society, in any society, but we must not put any unnecessary weight to their thoughts.

By: country Sat, 25 Feb 2012 08:54:16 +0000 Part of the blame must go to cabral, being poodle of the president and not to use his professionalism in managing the economy or respectfully resign. He brings shame to the profession by his conduct. He was claiming until end of January ”strong inflows are coming in this year no need to worry about” rupee appriciation we can keep propping up. Now he is claimng all increase wont have much impact on people by claimg who had electricity bill of Rs250 will increase to Rs350-400

By: Hela Sat, 25 Feb 2012 08:37:08 +0000 In reply to Sarath Fernando.

Dayan’s comments are extremely valid. The inability of the psuedo intellectuals to distingush between national sovereignity & popular sovereignity v the establishment made them irrelevant in the past and judging by their utterences will continue to make them irrelevant in the future too.

Yes, there are lot more issues with regard to economic management, waste, corruption, cronysm etc with the existing dispensation. Active opposition & struggle against such issues are certainly valid (though I cannot find any saint among the opposition who were not guilty of such practices during their hey days). However, the silence of the so called intellectuals writing in these blogs against the most evident threat to national sovereignity, the basic foundation of this nation from vested global interests shows a clear link in an attempt on regime change by other means while being trying to be opportunistic in mass agitations. It also points to the possibility that many of these writers being in the payroll of certain global vested interests.

The writer of the article clearly tries to hoodwink the readers by trying to belittle the massively negative international economic situation on small countries such as SL. It is no secret that even when the oil prices went up to $140 a barrel, govt continued to subsidies the local economic sectors at a great cost to the national budget. Protests have to be expected when such subsidies are reduced which even Harsha De Silva’s economic team in the UNP cannot sustain. A fair critique must need to take all such variables in to perspective if it not to be vindictive.

Lastly, as pointed out by another commentator, can the writer point to an alternate political/economic programme that is visible among the opposition that would address the issues noted by me at the beginning? or does he favour anarchy (in trying to punish his hated)? Can he tell us what his desired programme is?

By: surendra ajit rupasinghe Sat, 25 Feb 2012 04:24:39 +0000 In reply to Okay.

An important and timely article that reads the ground situation and emerging scenario with accuracy and foresight. I have wriiten along the same lines in my artilce ” Emerging Scenarios in the previous Sunday Leader,and also Colombo Telegraph and my next article appearing tomorow titled ” Towards a Parliament of the Steets”


By: RENU Sat, 25 Feb 2012 04:10:09 +0000 The end is near for the Rajapakse regime. Brothers sons, & relations will have to call it a day very soon when the present economic crisis and the Human Right crisis have there repercussion on the people. 27th forced pro Government demonstration will not help to remedy the situation. It is going to be another Libiya ???
