Comments on: A Road to Reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Will We Take It? Journalism for Citizens Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:50:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Fernando Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:50:06 +0000 Amazing that the SL govt can’t even implement its own LLRC and is trying to stall indefinitely – a pathetically low point from which to start giving some credibility to the concept of ‘reconciliation’ – what is worse is the large percentage of the domestic audience supporting the SL govt. To the victor go the spoils is the average ‘sri lankans’ position it would seem.

The only place the Rajapakse’s deserves to be is the Hague – and it will be the best thing for everyone on the island.

By: Vichara Fri, 24 Feb 2012 07:47:39 +0000 Thank you for an incisive and comprehensive article.
The South African TRC determinations were more conducive to reconciliation because the amnesty was available for both parties of the conflict. In the case of Sri Lanka only one party that is the Sri Lanka military and the Government are taken to task. The other party, the LTTE is not there to be penalized. The financiers of terrorism the Diaspora and the LTTE proxy the TNA go scot-free.
There is no equal treatment.

By: luxmy Thu, 23 Feb 2012 14:17:38 +0000 Thank you, Gnana Moonasinghe for this:

”…… If the recommendations referred to here are implemented within a limited time frame there is no doubt that a great deal can be achieved to bring about healing of wounds, restorative justice and reconciliation, a big step towards nation building.”

But it’s more than three months ago the President was given the report and what has been transpiring so far doesn’t convey the idea that there is an iota of political will to do so. On the contrary all proves thatthe government is doing all it can to dodge implementation. There is absolutely no change in the attitude/behaviour of the government.

By: Justin Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:50:12 +0000 The rule of law is defined as the legal dimension of the democratic process which seeks to ensure that government decisions are impersonal and subject to legal restraint. It also guarantees individual freedoms from arbitrary government and entitles the individual to due process of law.

Accountability arises from the rule of law.

The GOSL approved torture and disappearances of Tamils. It commited war crimes and Tamil genocide. The soldiers killed infants and estroyed villages. The killing fields were many.

The catalogue of crimes against humanity by SL is as long as it is ugly. Yet, the soldiers who committed these crimes and those in the GOSL who ordered the soldiers to commit the crimes are walking scot free.

Therefore, the GOSL occupies a very dark place in the minds of many across the world, as one unwilling to be accountable.

But will anyone ever arrest these dangerous criminals?

The UNHRC appears reluctant to bring the criminals who commit such crimes to accountability and justice.

If the soldiers in SL and the government are not made to face their Waterloo at the present UNHRC sessions in Geneva, one should expect SL to spiral back to commit adverse crime against humanity soon.

Furthermore, the people of Tamil Eelam deserve tom live very much better than the way in which they are forced to live and die. The UNHRC has a duty to provide that right to them.
