Comments on: Can Sri Lanka propose a New Growth Paradigm? Journalism for Citizens Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:46:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amrik Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:46:42 +0000
I think he’s talking of the bigger picture!

By: yapa Tue, 21 Feb 2012 14:27:59 +0000 Water for irrigation and electricity are dire needs in the present context for survival of our people. However, minimal use of fossil fuel in this connection is essential in terms of environmental protection and economic factors.

While many parts of the country is suffering from the lack of water for irrigation(and also for drinking and other purposes), a vast amount of water is running to the ocean without use. The country believes that almost all the hydro power sources are already tapped for electricity generation.

However, I have found a method to take irrigation water to dry zones without any operational cost and a way to generate more hydro electricity with a small shift of technology. I submitted my methodology to several people who have know how in the field, and all accepted it is theoretically correct. I presented them to the Minister Champika Ranawaka and he also accepted that it is “technologically feasible”. I e-mailed this to the Presidential Secretariat on request a couple of months back, however after that I didn’t get a response.

Kalu Ganga (Kalu River) alone takes over 300 cubic meters of water to the ocean every second. This water(and water of many other rivers) can be diverted to dry zones with a minimal capital cost and a vast amount of hydro power also can be generated. This almost no cost water and clean energy. However, I think no sufficient interest was generated. I cannot rule out all the possibilities of short comings of the method, however, I believe, it also cannot be ruled out as useless without any serious scientific and technological assessment of the methodology. However, unfortunately second alternative seems to the reality. No serious consideration was drawn to my proposal.

If somebody who is interested and capable of assessing and recommend it to the government high ranks if it is feasible I would like to give all the details.

Assessment of the proposal won’t cost anything, even if it is a failure, however, if the method id feasible(I believe it is feasible)the gains will not be of small scale.

I think, this would be some contribution towards Ranil Senanayaka’s mission.


By: Keynes! Mon, 20 Feb 2012 07:47:07 +0000 In reply to Chris Dharmakirti.

Chris Dharmakirti,

Great suggestions. Perhaps you and Dr. Ranil Senanayake should consider partnering with Veerabhadran Ramanathan’s Surya Project in India.

I also like project Surya’s promotion of solar and fuel efficient stoves. I do not know if it could be replicated in Sri Lanka because it may be susceptible to the Jevons Paradox, which can be mitigated by a fuel tax. The political implications of a fuel tax, as demonstrated by recent protests, are such that the government may not have the will to implement it.

By: Chris Dharmakirti Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:33:18 +0000 Dr. Ranil Senanayake’s postings on this forum have been spot on about both describing the problem and the solutions available to us, and most importantly his demonstrated acumen and out of the box thinking is leagues ahead of all the advice and inputs we have received from ” international” experts that the ADB and World Bank foists upon us. With a home grown, world class expert like Ranil living and doing stuff right in our midst, it would be a real shame if we do not heed his advice and harness his expertise immediately. At the very least the authorities at the decision making layer in the relevant line ministry’s and public and private sector institutions ought to read Dr. Senanayake’s past papers and articles and immediately put into practice his advice. India too should heed his advice, as without India falling in line with a collective effort alongside Sri Lanka, the bigger regional interplay of the south Asian ecological footprint remains highly vulnerable to the industrial scale coal and diesel fuel led energy production and poorly regulated industrial emissions and public transport pollution . We need to get Ranil’s perspective to a wider vernacular audience in Hindi, Tamil, Sinhalese, Gujarati, Kannada, and Bengali, just so that the local government officials and politicians who are the real decision makers on the devolved subjects at the ground level have an opportunity to understand the issue and the solutions and be empowered with knowledge to act on this important issue, and be awakened to the big picture question as to what kind of development model and direction the family of nations in our region wish to follow, and how best we could harness knowledge bearers like Ranil in this region, and others like him in their specific domains, and forge collaboration between relevant policy and implementing agencies to get the goals achieved. It is also time to get the industrial and mercantile sector commercial captains of industry to realize the potential future value of changing gears and jettisoning the fossil fuel economy based business models and embrace the future. The secretary of the treasury in both countries need to close ranks along with the private sector chambers of commerce and industry leaders, and the environmental experts to move inn one lock step, instead of the current lip service modus operandi that lacks real commitment due to their inability to appreciate the real risks and the real rewards in making the shift. Ranil, perhaps the best first step would be to publish a revised book that outlines the plan of action and get that translated into the vernacular languages and get the widest media coverage for it, and disseminate the chapters of the book in a serialized form in local newspapers and get the knowledge out there in the vernacular domain. There is tons of stuff out there in English but that is too vast a volume for the summarized reading that certain decision makers are seeking, and therefore a succinct summary of the baby steps they need to take needs to be out there, including links to more in-depth knowledge for the initiated. A web and phone app based knowledge tool could be very useful with instant translation widgets to give these vernacular speakers and readers an easily accessible platform to peruse the do list for each task and policy option they need to empower.

By: George Venator Sat, 18 Feb 2012 10:39:35 +0000 This analysis of our situation is quite amazing. Dr. Senanayake’s proposal to look at the problem facing us clearly and without fanciful assumptions about what constitutes “growth”, demonstrates that very practical solutions can be implemented immediately to reverse our current path which is leading to a virtually certain disaster.
After reading this, my understanding of “ecosystems” has undergone a dramatic change in how I can comprehend what is necessary to reverse the horrible predicament facing us.

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 17 Feb 2012 09:46:10 +0000 Obviously, about 90 percent of the members of the legislative assembly in Sri Lanka(SL) are a bunch of greedy and egoistic lot. They play to the media and the media play with them.

They have proved to be a useless and hopeless legal clan.

Though there was a problem of colonialsm arising out of grabbing Tamil Eelam(TE) as a colony by SL in 1972, the legislature wrongly called it an “ethnic problem” for the past 40 years.

They were chasing after a mirage and therefore a solution could not be found.

The politicos did not have the wisdom to solve this problem without war, murder, genocide and waste of financial resources.

Together, foolishly, the lawmakers of SL, bristly spent massive amounts to carry out a war against the people of TE.

Consequently, the Sri Lankan Ruppee has reached its all time low now.

This is perhaps the begining of the end of SL and the begining of TE.

The people of TE, inside and in exile, now have a strong intellectual and ideological grounding by the grace of God. And this is making them a tough customer for those who support the colonisation and empire building of the coloniser SL in TE.

By: Ranil Senanayake Fri, 17 Feb 2012 09:23:10 +0000 Dear Keynes,
I noted the fundamental shortcoming of the IPCC group in

My criticism is leveled at ALL concerned with maintaining this fiasco not any one person or group but the entire process. I quote:
‘The global effort on addressing the problems of climate change is also hampered by the fact that the IPCC is consisted only of people who are nominated by their Governments. Commenting on this feature Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute says, “Its Governments who nominate people, you will find in many chapters that there are people who are not scientists at all”.


Having been a spectator at this circus, I see that the only thing most international ‘scientific’ bureaucrats are concerned about is ‘ensuring their positions by ‘not rocking the boat’. Jobs on these platforms are not secured by minding the truth or the well being of society. Sadly, I see no one in the IPCC (as yet) willing to address the issues that I have raised, but it does not mean that we, the public should stop asking ‘why’?

By: Keynes! Fri, 17 Feb 2012 06:37:00 +0000 Nice article and very impressive suggestions on what is to be done with photosynthetic biomass.

Here’s a link to an article by Paul Krugman that was written way back in 1997.

It outlines the position of economists on climate change. I hope that Krugman’s write-up will act to diminish the negative stereotyping of economists.

I also like your passing reference to the scientists who run the IPCC. Can I presume that also includes the Sri Lankan MIND at the IPCC? I hope you don’t MIND answering that question. LOL!

By: justitia Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:27:55 +0000 Groundviews,
Thanks for this article & others by the author. It explains & summarises the foremost problem facing mankind which is engaged in petty political squabbles.
Science has come a long way since the forties when we had an inkling about plants & photosyntheis from the book on botany by Ms.S.G.Pulimood.
A summary at least,of this article and others by Ranil Senanayake should be made available in schools.
In the beginning of civilisation, man worshipped the Sun, the gas giant in our part of the universe knowing that all of us and all our energy came from it.
Now this is forgotten and many other ‘gods’ overshadow and alter/determine human behaviour.
