Comments on: In conversation with Prof. Harendra De Silva Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Feb 2012 01:53:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harendra Sat, 11 Feb 2012 01:53:54 +0000 In reply to Anapayan.

I did work in the menik farm after the war and contributed to the well.- being. However there has been a large number of ‘experts’ in child soldiers who came in and have pushed me out of the system. I only act when personally requested. I have volunteered to government since I have no official position now which has been ignored. I could do another interview on the subject if necessary.
I am not the type who can be politicized! I will work for anyone doing good for children provided it is the right thing!!
Prof Harendra

By: Anapayan Sun, 05 Feb 2012 00:25:28 +0000 I have a great admiration for Prof De Silva’s contribution to the field of paediatrics and Child Protection in Sri Lanka. For a long time, he had been involved in highlighting the recruitment of child soldiers by the LTTE. Regrettably his silence on the state of children especially the orphans in the post war Vanni is shocking. That makes one to think whether his previous concern on the well-being of Tamil child soldiers was merely due to political reasons rather ethical responsibility. Sri Lankan medical profession also came under fire for its role on detainee torture.

By: justitia Sat, 04 Feb 2012 15:59:11 +0000 There is no handbook available to the public on child rearing and treatment of common child disorders at home before rushing to hospital.There was one authored by Prof.C.C.De Sila in the fifties titled “Mother – Your Baby” in english & later in sinhalese. Prof Silva should think of authoring such a book which the Health Education Bureau can publish and maka available to the public at nominal cost.

In the fifties, Public Health Nurses had “Little Mothers’ Classes” for school girls after the age of 15,on saturdays, on child care – feeding,nutrition,immunisation,dress etc.,under the direction of Medical Oficers of Health.These can be revived.

Regarding Child Abuse,children of ages as young as ten years,of poor families are handed over to local buddhist temples where they are not given formal education,but only indoctrinated in buddhism. At a tender age,before the age of ‘reason’,they are compelled to forsake the ‘worldly life’ & also embrace ‘celibacy’.Does this not amount to ‘child abuse’.Should the Sangha revise ‘rules of adoption’ for training as future members of the buddhist clergy.

Thousands of illegal abortions are performed daily.The natural ‘sex urge’ cannot be prevented.The state should freely make available, condoms and contraceptive pills including the “morning after pill” to prevent unwanted pregnancies.It is upto parents to teach “morality” to children.

Handing over children of unwanted pregnancies,for adoption by couples screened for suitability, of lankan & foreign origin should be encouraged.Let them have a good upbringing unlike those of mothers who brave the cruel & inhuman employers of the middle east,to earn funds for their their children.
