Comments on: Longing and Belonging series: The science of planning in Jaffna Journalism for Citizens Fri, 10 Feb 2012 23:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Fri, 10 Feb 2012 23:35:22 +0000 Dr. Narendran,
I spent some time travelling in Jaffna and the north last year and salute you for trying to do something positive to give hope to this beautiful part of Sri Lanka.
The government has and is doing a lot. All those residents i met along the way were getting on with their lives once again after three decades.
The diaspora as you said is not the connniving lot or the noisy lot toting red flags in canada, UK, switzerland etc.
It has a well educated, refined,decent silent majority like yourself which will hopefully slowly come back to help get Sri Lanka economically and politically to a place that gives everyone their rightful place in the country.
We are one country and one nation and i would love to see the Northern province develop and catching up with the western province.

By: Orion Sat, 04 Feb 2012 20:52:26 +0000 Dr. Narendran,
Your comment about the diaspora Tamils is derogatory and not true. Yes, they differ with you and others like you. It is true the Tamil diaspora is not united in everything. No groups in this world have unity in all issues. The degree of unity changes with different issues. Within a group, composition of members changes with the issues raised. But a substantial majority of diaspora Tamils are united in some issues. If you have not read it, here is a link to a a unity view on Human Rights and War Crimes:

Thank you for your efforts in improving food production in the Islands. Hope you are in consultation with the Northern Agriculture Department and the Faculty of Agriculture Univ of Jaffna. They do have the soil survey. That and the Islands peoples wish (Not those of political parities) should help. I also hope it is a civilian effort and not a combined project of your group, whatever it is, and the military. The military should not be overloaded with civilian affairs and neglect their constitutional duties.

Mr K.A. Thank you for giving gigabytes to such views also.

By: Bishan Rajapakse Sat, 04 Feb 2012 18:12:30 +0000 Kannan Arunasalam’s video series is a very well crafted segment of interviews and cinematography – thanks for sharing. I particularly enjoyed watching the segment from Dr Narendran, and the courage given by the author to highlight this gentleman’s perspectives even though it differers from that of the author. Only by giving value to differing perspective that may not be intuitive, but still understandable will we see the kind of progress that everyone wants to see in the North and the East and in Sri Lanka in general – no matter what view one holds.

Here’s to Dr Narendran’s great work, and also artistry of the film maker!

Thanks also to Groundviews for showcasing!
