Comments on: The LLRC report and ‘accountability’ in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 24 Dec 2011 15:35:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Sat, 24 Dec 2011 15:35:53 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.


Bates should read as Gibson Bateman
My apologies to Mr Bateman for the inadvertent error

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 24 Dec 2011 15:31:14 +0000 In reply to Candidly.

Dear Candidly,

Thank you.

I do hope that what I have placed before GV would be used by others to counter unjust criticism that is levelled at Lanka.

People like Bates write to the Gallery and have a Holier than though attitude. Like the Prawn, little do they realize what they carry in their head.

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 24 Dec 2011 05:53:43 +0000 In reply to Phil Collins.

Dear Phil,

Writing anything negative is welcome as that contributes to healthy debate as long as the Negative Critique is based on Facts and Logic.

Bateman has not placed ANY FACTS per se but has used Insinuations and Innuendo to degrade Lanka. He, like Gordon W and Bruce F before him, is advertising to the Tamil Diaspora as a possible ally in Tar brushing the Govt of Lanka. Whether that is Lucrative or not can be seen by the Income his predecessors derived. One by writing a Book and the other by Representing the Diaspora.

Did you read what Dr Noel Nadesan an Ethnic Tamil and the Editor of the Uthayam (the only Tamil Newspaper in Australia) for 14 years had to say to ABC Australia on CH4?

What do you have to say about Alston’s so called Experts?

I do agree that there are some in the NGO’s that are Honest and work with feeling but sadly HR is a Lucrative Business. How much dollar goes to the needy for every 10 dollar that is contributed to a cause? Quite a bit goes to provide a luxurious life style to some of the so called activists is it not?

By: Nihal Perera Sat, 24 Dec 2011 00:50:58 +0000 In reply to Sri.

Ah but then the language of the master gets replaced with the language of the majority (the horror!)

Well, judging by the quality of today’s civil service, the language of the “master” was clearly more beneficial for the larger society. Today’s swabasha proponents are only good for tying powerless individuals to trees and finding arsenic where it does not exist.

By: Ward Fri, 23 Dec 2011 17:16:11 +0000 There must be an investigation into the last 30 months which are as bad as the i. 3o months previous to them and ii. 30 years previous to them.

By: Hikz Fri, 23 Dec 2011 10:53:01 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

What ‘Murphy’s law’ says is everything that can go wrong will go wrong. What kind of an inane statement is “if something has to happen, it will happen.”

By: OpenEyes Fri, 23 Dec 2011 09:14:13 +0000 In reply to Ranjith.

The point is very simple: all have rights to own opinion, but consider a simple fact:
typically, in democratic societies (such as Sri Lanka), when reports from independent commissions are made public, the government normally has some reservations on its findings and does openly criticise some of the statements and works to put perspectives out to ensure the government’s position is understood.
There has been no such reaction from the SL Government of such nature hence, the doubt that this is actually a product of the government is somewhat well founded!
There is no need to take crticism as a personal attack! And don’t think that the sri lankan people or otherwsie the “international community” are homogeneous entities! So don’t generalise but ask and demand from your government to be more open. This will actually better serve you and your family too.

By: Phil Collins Fri, 23 Dec 2011 08:45:31 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

I think Mr. Bateman has made some good points, but that you have also made some good points. But I do not think the fact that Mr. Bateman has written something negative about the LLRC means that he is looking for a “lucrative future” or is trying earn money from diaspora groups.

As you yourself said, it looks like he has been working for NGOs. I have worked for NGOs for 20 years. Working for NGOs is not a wise career choice if someone is looking to make a lot of money, trust me.

By: Candidly Fri, 23 Dec 2011 07:06:39 +0000 Very well researched, Off the Cuff. This sort of detailed analysis is enormously powerful in dealing with the arguments and prejudices of those, like Gibson Bateman, who would like to see Sri Lanka de-stabilised once again.

By: wijayapala Fri, 23 Dec 2011 05:46:27 +0000 In reply to Sri.

Dear Burning_Issue

You replaced the “language of the master” common for all Sri Lankans, and recklessly become the new masters of the Tamils. As far as the Tamils are concerned, the Imperial Master has been replaced with a 3rd grade monster!

How was English common for all Sri Lankans when only 4% could speak it at independence? And why are you calling Sinhalese 3rd grade monsters?
