Comments on: Colombo night races: Racy development in post-war Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:13:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gamarala Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:13:01 +0000 What is the underlying rationale for these races? To allow wealthier young people to have fun? To promote tourism? Is it effective? Is it harmless?

If it’s effective at generating actual foreign income, I suppose one might overlook it on the grounds of “daring new ways to attract tourists”. If it affects the public at large minimally, and people are having fun, I suppose it’s ok (in the same way that a carnival is ok). If neither, why on earth don’t they move it to a private race track and leave the rest of the public in peace?

By: Sandy Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:29:18 +0000 “Limit your spending to needs, not luxuries disguised as needs.Necessities contribute to life: luxuries can choke.”-quote.
