Comments on: What Killed The Consensual Agreements In The Past? How Not To Kill Our Political Dialogues? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 20 Dec 2011 09:20:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Agreements Tue, 20 Dec 2011 09:20:05 +0000 thought-provoking write up! hope this should be shared with world! i have already shared with FB!

By: Kusum Sun, 18 Dec 2011 12:45:49 +0000 In reply to Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam.

1.”… the soldier in charge asked whether he can buy the houses from their owner. I said they want to come back to their houses and when the army vacate their houses. He smiled.”
mhhh… ”He smiled.”

63, going on 64, yrs of ”independence” is in that smile.

2.”I could not even take a picture of the foundation of the hut in which I was born.”

Ethir, were you prevented from photographing?


Didn’t you have a gadget to photograph it?


Was your gadget not in working condition, please?

By: myil selvan Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:38:59 +0000 What Killed The Consensual Agreements In The Past?

Plain and simple Sinhala hypocrisy.

1919 Sinhala leaders promised Thamil leader Sir Pon. Arunachalam a seat in colombo for Thamil community and then went back on their promise.

Same with SWRD

Same with Dudley Senanayake

Same with JRJ

Same with Mahendra Rajapakse (Mahinda is not his real name)

this has been the biggest problem for Sri Lanka

By: Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam Sat, 17 Dec 2011 19:33:28 +0000 Gnana Moonasinghe,
The Army that occupies my village, Periyavillan, since 1992, is still to vacate the houses they have taken over. I cannot understand why they are still staying there. When I asked them, in May and Oct 2011, when they are going to vacate the houses in my village, the soldier in charge asked whether he can buy the houses from their owner. I said they want to come back to their houses and when the army vacate their houses. He smiled. I left. I could not even take a picture of the foundation of the hut in which I was born. This is the story of many villages in the North. When the Military get out of homes of the Tamil people then the Tamils will be ready for a dialogue on political rights, and then reconciliation.

What John Locke said is relevant in the current situation in the North.
“17. And hence it is he who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him… To be free from such force is the only security of my preservation, and reason bids me look on him as my enemy to my preservation, who would take away that freedom which is the fence to it. So that he who make an attempt to enslave me thereby puts himself into a state of war with me.”
(Locke, in Chapter Three, ‘Of the State of War,’ in ‘The Second Treatise of Government’)
I cannot see Tamil people taking up arms again. But they will also not swallow what the GoSL is trying to shove it down their throat. Such public expression has already started. Sooner the North is de-militarised and power of decision making transferred to the civil administration, sooner the reconciliation can commence.

By: Kusum Fri, 16 Dec 2011 13:55:05 +0000 In reply to kumarasamy.

Sinhala colonisation of Tamil areas from the time of DSSenanayake has been planned and executed to this day just to make any form of devolution of power meaningless – what has happened in the last six years is much more than in the previous 55yrs.

By: kumarasamy Fri, 16 Dec 2011 01:19:45 +0000 It is a well written article but what is important is the attitudinal change required on the partof the majorority sinhala community. The Tamils have more than sacrficed and what is remaining is entirely the sihala component in achieving success. Failure on th part of Sinhala
community will eventually lead to 2 nations and nothing short of it!

By: luxmy Thu, 15 Dec 2011 12:55:17 +0000 ”desire to share something”:

Chapter5: Ethnic Co-operation in Sri Lanka by Norman T.Uphoff in Carrots, Sticks and Ethnic Conflict(Ed MJ Esman and RJ Herring 2003):
”The farmer who objected to this generosity was persuaded to support the plan after a young farmer, Narangoda, took him by bicycle down the long and bumpy canal road to see what conditions were like at the end. The dissenting individual came back quite moved by what he had seen, reporting that the tail-end farmers did not have enough water even for drinking and bathing, let alone for growing a crop of rice. The Gonagolla farmers tried to save donate two and even three days’ of their five days water allotment once they became more conscious of how the drought was affecting othersothers down stream. ……

Several Sinhalese farmer groups told me that they had an informal understanding with Tamil communities downstream: if the tigers were making a raid upstream, Tamils would try to warn Sinhalese communities so that they could try to protect themselves; if the Sri Lankan army was moving downstream, Sinhalese would try to warn the Tamil communities so that they would try to get out of the way…. When I met with Sinhalese farmers in Gonagolla and asked whether the Tamil engineer living among them was safe, Narangoda, the local leader said: ”Yes, I regard him as my brother and if someone comes to get him, they will have to get me first” ……”

If the power-hungry leaders of SLFP and UNP leave the ordinary citizens of the South alone, we can easily find justice and peace for all in no time.

By: raja Thu, 15 Dec 2011 11:07:29 +0000 if ones lands are taken over by the navy how will the sinhalese tolerate in matatra? the tamils lands are not only being taken, but the produce is used by the armed forces. no rent is paid. how do you stop ones blood boiling over.

By: Sandy Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:54:04 +0000 “That simple desire to share something…” Paul Coelho.Bautiful!

Recently we met up with some new friends in the North..

we ate together – sharing meals was great.

Our knowledge of Tamil is very limited, but we murdered our way through.. they thought it was very funny and we had a really good time.
