Comments on: National Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, Rights and Accountability in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Wed, 02 Nov 2011 19:24:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Publius Wed, 02 Nov 2011 19:24:13 +0000 I’m interested to know, in the unlikely case there are no prospects for multilateral efforts lead by international bodies for a genuine and sustainable attempt at national reconciliation, transitional justice, and for the preservation of minority rights and accountability in Sri Lanka, for the foreseeable future, what should the normative response ideally be from the Diaspora. I’m interested to know the opinions and arguments to this dilemma by those illustrious intellects, who frequent this site.

By: wijayapala Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:27:43 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear Shiva

India will break and Tamil nadu will become a seprate country.


Have you read about King Raja Raja Cholan’s rule upto the Far East.

Are you equating Hon. J. Jeyalalithaa with King Rajarajacholan?

By: A. Sitthawatthai Uthayakumar Sat, 29 Oct 2011 08:21:49 +0000 Dear Mr. Bopage,
In the UN Panel Report (Para 24, page 7)it is stated that: ” … It is not the role of the Panel to dissect the complex and contested political history of Sri Lanka. Nonetheless, in order to place the final stages of the war in its relevant political and social context, the Panel found it necessary to consider some elements of the history of the conflict.”
In the Paragraph 28 (pages 7&8) the report says: “After independence, political elites tended to prioritiz short-term political gains, appealing to communal and ethnic sentiments, over long-term policies, which could have built an inclusive state that adequately represented the multicultural nature of the citizenry. Because of these dynamics and divisions, the formation of a unifying national identity has been greatly hampered. Meanwhile Sinhala – Buddhist nationalism gained traction asserting a privileged place for the Sinhalese as the protectors of Sri Lanka, as the sacred home of Buddhism. These factors resulted in devastating and enduring consequences for the nature of the state, governance and inter-ethnic relations in Sri Lanka.”
What do these mean?
This means the Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism with Sinhalese – Sinhala – Buddhism – Lanka doctrine with one to one despondence only caused all the problems in Sri Lanka.
Therefore,killing and other measures of the government and its forces at the last stages of the war were not unintentional or by ignorance, but intentional. The Panel has provided with some evidence for it. The Channel 4 has also provided some further evidence.
Thus the solution to this problem is the destruction of the false and imaginary doctrine of the Sinhala nation and giving all the rights to all the citizens.
Th UN has to wait for LLRC Report to take further action.

By: Shiva Wed, 26 Oct 2011 00:17:13 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear Yapa,

Thanks for your comments. In those countries independent media, journalism, NGOs and Human Rights groups are freely available. In contrast, in Sri lanka 34 independent journalists were murderd by the regime and no investigations yet. There is no rule of Law and accountability in Sri Lanka. Do you know that US Soldiers were punished in US Courts for their wrongdoing in Iraq?

Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist racism is well known and denial of rule of Law, Justice, Human Rights and fundamental rights are going on for over six decades. The victory over the LTTE will not last as long as Tamil Diaspora is strong and Tamil Nadu is just few miles away. India will break and Tamil nadu will become a seprate country. Have you read about King Raja Raja Cholan’s rule upto the Far East. Sinhalese will pay the price for their crimes against Humanity.

What you do will come back to you – Lord Buddha.

By: georgethebushpig Mon, 24 Oct 2011 12:46:23 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Tu quoque! Logical fallacy!

I always thought you first sow and then it ripens?

By: Kusum Mon, 24 Oct 2011 11:02:06 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Sri Lankans talk about Sri Lanka.

If you look at websites in other countries, people are calling for Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Muvammur Al Gadafi, …..

What about the backlog of court cases in our country?
What about the crimes going on and on?
Will we ever have time to talk about atrocities in other countries?

By: yapa Sun, 23 Oct 2011 22:17:25 +0000 In reply to Shiva.

Dear Shiva;

Do you support and pressurize for an independent international investigations into the killings of Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Muvammur Al Gadafi and the hundreds of thousands of civilians in the particular countries, as well?

You know how Sadam Hussein was hanged hurriedly after a brief hearing, no one knows how Osama was killed other than that it was done by a group of USA forces, why no one pressures to question that group to take out the truth, Gadafi was captured, tortured and killed.

Your false lamentation is for a separate selfish cause. You ripe as you sow.


By: Shiva Sun, 23 Oct 2011 15:40:25 +0000 The world leaders and the International community have failed to understand the Tamils’ freedom struggle and their sufferings under the successive Sinhala regimes since independence.

Without an independent investigation of war crimes and crimes against huamnity, no truth will come out. The Rajapakse regime is involved in a malicious propaganda against the Tamils and to cover up their state forces war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Only human rights organizations and true human rights activists are demanding for an independent international war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka. Certain leaders are supporting Sri Lanka due to their cozy relationship despite gross human rights violations are committed against Tamil. Prof. Craig Scott’s artile “Taking Tea with Torturers” provides details cozy relations are more important than human rights and war crimes.

By: silva Sat, 22 Oct 2011 15:16:37 +0000 ”The difficulty of generating consensus is also likely to burst into the headlines in Perth as Sri Lanka stubbornly resists efforts to bolster the Commonwealth’s role in upholding human rights” –
Sri Lanka reacts negatively to Commonwealth report on enforcing human rights, 9 October 2011:
A recommendation for the Commonwealth to assume a more active role in enforcing human rights in member countries has raised Sri Lanka’s ire. It is likely to draw wider protests in the coming weeks.
The proposal envisages the appointment of a commissioner on democracy, human rights and rule of law, all unsavoury subjects in Sri Lanka. It has prompted External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris to warn that the push for “punitive action” by a few Commonwealth countries could split the organization.

Is it only the gap between the rich and the poor increasing?
It is dreadfully accompanied by the increasing gap between the justice-seekers and the oppressive.

By: PresiDunce Bean Sat, 22 Oct 2011 07:46:30 +0000 justitia

YES…the military regime that holds regular flawed elections must end. But how? Short of overthrowing them in a coup or a peoples revolution, I don’t see them (the regime) ever handing over power to anybody else… preferring to keep it all in the family. Older people like us can only agitate over the net in blogs and on sites like this…but it will be the young people who will have to do the fighting and dying like what happened in Libya and other ‘Muddled’ Eastern countries.
