Comments on: Resource or Burden? A different perspective on the elderly in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 08 Oct 2011 03:06:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: PresiDunce Bean Sat, 08 Oct 2011 03:06:59 +0000 @justitia

Nothing mysterious. Its official government policy today. First they came for the Tamils…then they came for the poor people living on prime land…then they got rid of the beggars…and the final solution is around the corner…(will take a couple of years, but will happen)

ps. The final solution is to do with non Sinhala Buddhists…coming soon to a theatre near you… 😀

By: justitia Fri, 07 Oct 2011 13:04:49 +0000 It is sad that in sri lanka, destitute persons – ‘beggers’ – are being mysteriously killed on the roadside.
There appears to be not much concern about this!

By: justitia Thu, 06 Oct 2011 15:59:00 +0000 Sri Lanka needs Social Insurance like what was proposed (and later implemented) by Lord (William) Beveridge after the end of World War II.
He was tasked by the government, to formulate a scheme so that “No man shall be destitute in England”.
This scheme proposed by Beveridge was implemented by weekly contributions by all,including royalty,from which flowed all social services (health,education & old age pension included).
This was enlarged and modified and is now what sustains all citizens
including those unemployed.
In the sixties, even students funded by WHO received free health and social welfare.Those public servants who went for temporary employment
on earned & sabbatical leave too received all benefits including ‘child welfare’ payments.
Such schemes exist in most western countries in many forms.
All citizens are looked after by the state – out of weekly contributions by all of them – ‘from the womb to the tomb’.
There are special welfare schemes for the elderly & disabled.
Begging for alms is a crime.
Such a scheme needs political will, abolition of corruption & wastage and the Rule of Law.
