Comments on: Re-displacement of Menik Farm inmates to Kombavil (Mullativu) Journalism for Citizens Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:42:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Post-war situation in Northern Sri Lanka & Prospects for Reconciliation | WATCHDOG Sri Lanka Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:42:17 +0000 […] [x] See […]

By: Re-displacement of Menik Farm inmates to Kombavil (Mullativu) | WATCHDOG Sri Lanka Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:14:30 +0000 […] claims the people are not allowed to go back due to landmines, the latest Joint Humanitarian Update[ii] has stated that “8.5 Grama Niladhari Divisions (GNDs) that currently remain closed due to […]

By: Re-displacement of Menik Farm inmates to Kombavil (Mullativu) | WATCHDOG Sri Lanka Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:12:33 +0000 […] Sri Lanka had announced that Menik Farm, hosting 7394 persons (2097 families) will be closed down.[i] The solution imposed on these people has been to send them to Kombavil, an interior village in the […]

By: luxmy Fri, 07 Oct 2011 03:17:49 +0000 I hope teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum specialists visit these websites to see how they should improve education in our country.

By: PresiDunce Bean Thu, 06 Oct 2011 12:01:14 +0000 @Sandy

Click the link below to see who is taking an imaginary walk. 😀

By: wijayapala Thu, 06 Oct 2011 11:05:34 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce

As a Buddhist you also must be knowing about ’cause and effect.

Since you phrased it like that, shall we conclude that as a non-Buddhist you are not be knowing about cause and effect?

If majorities and minorities and everyone else in between had been treated equally after ‘IndepenDunce’…would there ever have been such a large number of Diaspora Tamils…and for some 15-yr old non-diaspora Tamils having to be forced to fight for Tamil Liberation?

I am not blaming any Tamil for leaving Sri Lanka and certainly not for trying to escape the war. My only problem is with those individuals who fled the war **but supported it from abroad while countless number of their brethren were suffering and getting killed.**

Prabahakaran did not wake up one fine day and decide that he must form a liberation organisation to liberate the Tamils.

The problem with your argument is that Thalaivar was not the only other Tamil militant. There were others such as Padmanabha and Sri Sabaratnam who also formed “liberation organisations.” Were they killed by Sinhala oppressors?

By: Sandy Thu, 06 Oct 2011 10:05:47 +0000 Those of us who never had to live in a camp will not ever know what it was for them who had to..

It would be good to get in to their shoes and take an imaginary walk.

By: Off the Cuff Thu, 06 Oct 2011 09:07:24 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dear PresiDunce,

“If majorities and minorities and everyone else in between had been treated equally after ‘IndepenDunce’” (PresiDunce)

Oh why was such foresight absent from those who held Administrative power during the 200 years before independence !!!

Then the reaction to that 200 years of Domination would have been non existent.

Hindsight is no replacement for Foresight………. !!!

Corollary of Newton’s third Law
No action, no opposing reaction.

How come there are such a large number of diaspora Tamils far away in the West where cultural, religious, language and genetic differences were so disparate when safety was within a few hours reach in a land with an identical culture, language, religion and a population with a closer genetic make up?

Fear for life or Opportunism?

and for some 15-yr old non-diaspora Tamils having to be forced to fight for Tamil Liberation? Don’t forget that there were also young Tamils who fought without having to be forced. (PresiDunce)

If that is an excuse for stealing the childhood of 10 and 7 year olds and sending them to their death, it is downright despicable and would mean that your tears are that of a Crocodile.

It was the expendable poor Wanni children that died not the rich diaspora children was it? How many willing Diaspora Youth joined in the fight even when the LTTE was short of man power and forcing civilians to the war front? Was staging Death Fasts while tucking in to Fast food the best that the Diaspora could do by way of sacrifice?

Quote from you
The logical way would have been like this…
18. (1) The Official Languages of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala and Tamil and these 2 languages shall also be National Languages of Sri Lanka.
(2) English shall be the link language.

Here I agree with you without reservation.

By: PresiDunce Bean Thu, 06 Oct 2011 05:29:44 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.


If majorities and minorities and everyone else in between had been treated equally after ‘IndepenDunce’…would there ever have been such a large number of Diaspora Tamils…and for some 15-yr old non-diaspora Tamils having to be forced to fight for Tamil Liberation? Don’t forget that there were also young Tamils who fought without having to be forced.

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”
-Newtons Third law-

As a Buddhist you also must be knowing about ’cause and effect.’There was never ever a need for a 30 year war. Prabahakaran did not wake up one fine day and decide that he must form a liberation organisation to liberate the Tamils. Nelson Mandela might have spent his life as an unknown lawyer if there had never been apartheid in South Africa.The same goes for Gandhi…(I’m not trying to equate Mandela or Gandhi with Praba…just giving an example of how in certain oppressive situations people rise to the occasion)

If you read You will see how Sinhala and Tamil were defined in the Constitution.

The logical way would have been like this…
18. (1) The Official Languages of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala and Tamil and these 2 languages shall also be National Languages of Sri Lanka.
(2) English shall be the link language.

…instead of that we get the arrogant Sinhalese trying to show their dominance by saying
18. (1) The Official Language of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala.
(2) Tamil shall also be an official language.
(3) English shall be the link language.

…this is just one example of how the shit kept hitting the fan since ‘IndepenDunce’ and finally culminated in a 30 year humanitarian operation of zero casualties. 😀

ps. please don’t ask me how I know you are a Buddhist.

By: Off the Cuff Thu, 06 Oct 2011 05:18:24 +0000 In reply to luxmy.

Dear Luxmy,

Quote “The agents of LTTE in the Tamil diaspora also shed a lot of crocodile tears about the 300,000 IDPs. They described the IDP camps as concentration camps. Knowing the general conditions under which Sri Lankans live I can assure you that the conditions of the Tamils, particularly in the  in the IDP camps, were far superior to the slums of Colombo or even the conditions of the Sinhala villagers and hill country Tamils in remote areas.

Even the Tamil MPs of Tamil Nadu and Indian journalists who visited the camps were convinced that the Sri Lankan authorities had done a very good job under trying conditions”

Dr Noel Nadeson, Editor of 14 years, of the Tamil Newspaper Uthayam
