Comments on: Grease Devils and Police and Army attacks on civilians in Mannar and Vavuniya Journalism for Citizens Tue, 18 Oct 2011 03:24:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chandra Goonewardene Tue, 18 Oct 2011 03:24:18 +0000 Dear All,

Please wake up one and all. The grease devil attacks and the violence of the military are not only against the Tamils. Look at those poor people in Panama in a Sinhalese village who were thrown out of their ancestral lands by the military ad by Namal Rajapakse. Look at the Muslim villagers in Pottuvil and Komari who were attacked by the military. I think there was an excellent series of columns on this in the Sunday Times, if I remember right, written by Kishali Pinto Jayawardene who looked at the legal aspects as well.

When will we learn that the military might of the State is used in varying parts against all communities in Sri lanka who get in the way of the government?

By: Nihal Perera Sun, 16 Oct 2011 07:57:15 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Of course I am sure about what I say. Only the Sri Lankan State media tries to hide the truth. Yes, Sinhala-Buddhism has acquired a bad reputation, but that is due to Sinhala-Buddhism. The Buddha never said violence is okay, whether to defend land, empire, or one’s own self. If you want to see what true Buddhism is all about, I suggest you undertake a study of the Dalai Lama.

By: Off the Cuff Mon, 10 Oct 2011 17:37:33 +0000 In reply to Buddhika.

Dear Buddhika,

Yes Singapore can be used as a model.
Then you will need to implement their Ethnic Integration Policy as well.

Any idea what that means?

By: wijayapala Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:17:24 +0000 In reply to Buddhika.

Dear Buddhika

First we must choose to reduce militarisation and to stop killings, torture, etc to let Tamils BREATHE and THINK:

How many killings are taking place now, compared to when the LTTE was around?

By: Buddhika Sat, 08 Oct 2011 04:15:15 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

In December 2002, the Pool
brought five senior members of
the Sri Lankan Buddhist clergy to
London, Belfast and Edinburgh to
study devolved administrations.
They met a wide range of
politicians, senior officials,
religious groups and community
leaders. The delegates found the
visit extremely valuable, and took
back positive messages about the
devolution process.

By: Buddhika Fri, 07 Oct 2011 15:20:39 +0000 First we must choose to reduce militarisation and to stop killings, torture, etc to let Tamils BREATHE and THINK:
”Is it beyond the realm of possibility, that President Mahinda Rajapaksa, architect of perhaps the greatest military victory in Sri Lankan history since that of Dutthugamini over Elara, could choose Asoka the righteous as a role model? It is possible that he could commit himself to a vision that was mooted by J.R. Jayewardene in his 1977 campaign but, sadly, became little more than a sound bite, the Dharmista Society? I refuse to dismiss this as impossible. Buddhist traditions and practices offer much in the way of guidance for reconciliation and for humane, sustainable development. As we know, there are countervailing Buddhist traditions and practices that have been influential as well. It is a matter of choosing.”

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 05 Oct 2011 16:05:29 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Dear Luxmy,

You wrote “Pointing out the faults of the Sinhalese is whitewashing the LTTE !!! “

Of course not.
Overlooking the Faults of the LTTE is whitewashing the LTTE.

Luxmy your criticism is one sided (partisan).
You cannot see the faults of the Tamil Diaspora and the LTTE.
You claim to be a Sinhalese and yet you cannot see the injustice perpetrated on the Sinhalese whose Lands were dispossessed and forcibly colonised with Foreign Tamils. Hence even your claim about ethnicity rings hollow.

This injustice has remained without a solution for 200 years and the number of people involved are several millions.

As I said before, a large majority of Sinhalese would stand together with you when you cease to be partisan. When you cease to whitewash the LTTE and when you exhibit a genuine desire to reconcile and integrate.

As long as you are concerned only with revenge and extracting the pound of flesh that will never happen.

By: wijayapala Wed, 05 Oct 2011 11:35:50 +0000 Dear luxmy/silva

L. Athulathmudali, 4 Feb 1985: ‘’Proposing a federal constitution will be political suicide.”
R. Wickremasinghe, 13 May 1997: “We are a political party. Like any other political party, we will not do anything that will not get us into power, nor would we do anything when we are in power to lose power.”

In other words, people such as yourself have not convinced the country how federalism will make EVERYONE’S lives better. In a democracy, if you want to get anything done you have to get other people to agree with you.

By: luxmy Wed, 05 Oct 2011 09:57:23 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.


”‘’The umpteenth Indian delegation (Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao, National Security Advisor Shiva Shankar Menon and Defence Secretary Pradeep Kumar) went back empty handed: President Rajapakse handed them a flat ‘Nyet’ and for once in a lifetime he spoke the truth. “If I make any devolutionary concessions to the Tamils, 13A Plus, Minus, Divided or Subtracted, it will be curtains for me.” The government’s parliamentary group met the evening before the esteemed visitors arrived and decided; ‘Let’s tell them the truth straight from the shoulder and upfront; let’s tell them, if we do it we are dead meat.’

The Rajapakse regime will not grant substantial devolution to the Tamils nor “solve the national question”. More important, and this is the crucial point, the reason is not because the leadership is plain cussed and chauvinist (it is, but that’s not the point), the basic reason is that it cannot make concessions and continue to survive in power. The Bandaranaike-Chelvanayagam Pact on regional councils was torn up in 1958 and the Dudley Senanayake-Chelvanyagam deal buckled in the mid-1960s not because the two premiers were spineless (which they were) but because racist sentiment whipped up on the streets, in society, and in the temple, was too powerful for the government of the day to withstand.”

2.Nagalingam Ethirveerasingham wrote in these pages some time ago that he was told the following when he met them:
L. Athulathmudali, 4 Feb 1985: ‘’Proposing a federal constitution will be political suicide.”
R. Wickremasinghe, 13 May 1997: “We are a political party. Like any other political party, we will not do anything that will not get us into power, nor would we do anything when we are in power to lose power.”

3. Some Sinhalese, Tamils and Musliams in this country and some others around the world believe that the only way to solve this problem is to appeal to the Buddhist clergy – hope the Tamils start seriously thinking about this.

LLRC on its final lap, 3 April 2011:
The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) members met the Chief Incumbents of the Malwathu and Asgiri Chapters last week to seek guidance before preparing the final report scheduled to be presented by May 15.

5. We’re waiting for November to hear from LLRC.

Pointing out the faults of the Sinhalese is whitewashing the LTTE !!!

By: yapa Wed, 05 Oct 2011 06:04:37 +0000 In reply to Nihal Perera.

“It has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the grease devils were/are none other than Sri Lanka Army soldiers.”

Are you sure about what you say?

I have noticed that their is a general tendency/will among people to express what they really don’t know but they like to believe to others as what they know. I think this must be due to the deviated positioning of the human mind from the reality. Human mind does not over position with the reality. Some conscious effort with the guidance of unbiased/good intention is need to positioning them together in the same place. Finding reality is not fulfilled with the endeavor of cleverness or intelligence. It needs the help of goodness.

That is why with all the efforts like Channel 4, Darusman Report etc. propagandists cannot convince what they are trying hard as reality to the world. That is why they cannot convince and tag to the world Sinhalese Buddhists as oppressors, killers, barbarians, chauvinists, racists, etc. etc., despite heaps of foreign money is put before the feet of the INGO’s and powerful dignitaries holding the high chairs of the world.

One can push the minds of the people towards reality with some effort, however, mind always like to perch on its own place, and replace to the original position when the external force is released. So if propagandists want to keep the collective mind of the world with the realities of Sri Lanka for a long time, they will have exert the force for the same period of time.

