Comments on: Forbidden Fruits: Niromi de Soyza’s “Tamil Tigress”, Noumi Kouri and Helen Demidenko? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:15:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Did LTTE’s Adele Balasingham inspire Kenyan Mall killer Samantha Lewthwaite? | Enews Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:15:54 +0000 […] Ambalavanar (, Michael Roberts(😉 and Muthukrishna […]

By: Onlanka News - Did LTTE’s Adele Balasingham inspire Kenyan Mall killer Samantha Lewthwaite? « Tue, 01 Oct 2013 11:04:07 +0000 […] Ambalavanar (, Michael Roberts(😉 and Muthukrishna […]

By: ABC can foul. See Niromi! Hear Niromi! Without a Knox …. No Demidenko | Thuppahi's Blog Mon, 22 Apr 2013 01:46:26 +0000 […] the questioning of Niromi’s reliability as witness in Tamil Tigress. Several authors, including myself, have pinpointed errors and embellishments of some […]

By: Niromi De Soyza’s Message to the Australian, at Adelaide Writers’ Week | Thuppahi's Blog Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:41:57 +0000 […] Michael Roberts, 2011 “Forbidden Fruits: Niromi de Soyza’s “Tamil Tigress”, Noumi Kouri and Helen Demidenko?” 31 Aug, 2011,… […]

By: wijayapala Mon, 26 Dec 2011 01:05:31 +0000 In reply to Chris.

By her own people?

By: Nihal Perera Sun, 25 Dec 2011 16:05:50 +0000 In reply to Chris.

Not only her, but definitely her family and such relations in SL would have been threatened. There is a blacklist of expatriate Tamils which is maintained by the Sri Lankan CID, in which case it would be impossible for her to set foot on the island again without being imprisoned. Those like Michael Roberts fail to understand that freedom of expression, in the SL case, applies largely to those enjoying political patronage at the highest levels.

By: Chris Sat, 24 Dec 2011 23:54:07 +0000 In reply to Cheryl Fernando.

If she had used her real identity, you would not see a book, but a murdered woman

By: roger Sat, 10 Dec 2011 17:26:01 +0000 I am from Jaffna. Now comfortably living in Colombo. Niromi would have been a SOLT member. But I doubt whether she was a trained cader. The swear words used by her were very commonly used in Jaffna at that time. A Tamil equivalent of boyfriend was commonly used by Jaffna girls at that time. The story may have inaccuracies but most parts seems true. I was very much involved in the process Arul Ambalavanar whom I knew as Natchaththira sevvindiyan was a self proclaimed poet who was not very much a in contact with reality at that time.

By: Shaun Sat, 10 Dec 2011 07:27:33 +0000 here the truth comes out…..

Here are the facts about Niromi…

Michael Robert, Arul Ambalavanar and Mutthukrishna Sarvanantha wasted lot of their time tried hard to prove she is a fake…. shame to the critics …..

Now we all know truth prevails…..

Well done Niromi. you are so different from these jealous people .

You set an example for others to follow by helping the war affected children through education.

keep up the good work Niromi

By: yapa Thu, 29 Sep 2011 01:29:33 +0000 “Writing and truth:The instance of Niromi de Soyza’s Tamil Tigress
Sept 29 (ST) What follows is not a review of Tamil Tigress (hereafter, TT) but an attempt to use it to raise and share some questions about issues such as writing, veracity and the “reception” of a text. The word “text” signifies “that which is woven” and suggests the coming together of different strands to form a composite, a whole, with its own shape and design, as in a carpet. “Context”, made up of “con” (or “with”) plus “text”, is that which surrounds and accompanies a text……”

