Comments on: You Can’t Catch A Bogeyman Journalism for Citizens Fri, 02 Sep 2011 08:23:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandy Fri, 02 Sep 2011 08:23:58 +0000 In reply to Rita.

Seems strange that these heartless devils terrorize only hapless people – our poorer folk- minorities- those who don’t have a Voice to back them up…anyone heard of these perverse Wee Willie Winkies tapping at the windows of the rich and famous and frightening their womenfolk?

Let us not add to the misery of already traumatised people by dishing out platitudes.. ” what we must guard against mostly is fear itself..” oh goodness..!

By: Rita Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:56:00 +0000 Arun

”at times like these what we must defend ourselves most vigorously from is fear itself”

How nice it would be if it’s true for the ethnic minorities!

When the Northeast is under the army boots, whay you say is hurting.

What you say has never been applicable to the Tamils for 63 years:

1956 – Tamils protesting Sinhala only were stoned and thrown into Beira lake while the police watched. I don’t have to repeat what has been discussed umpteen times here.

Now any excuse is enough for the army to be brutal to the Tamils:

SLA-assaulted Tamil civilian dies at Puththa’lam hospital
[TamilNet, Friday, 26 August 2011, 15:07 GMT]
A 33-year-old Tamil civilian, suffering from heart ailment died last Sunday at hospital after being assaulted by Sri Lanka Army soldiers in Narakkalli village in Puththa’lam, medical sources told TamilNet. The victim, Mr. P. Sivakumar, was the first one to alert the villagers of suspected ‘grease devils’ believed to be Sinhala soldiers.

The villagers chased the ‘grease devils’ on Sunday but failed to capture them.

On the next day, Mr. Sivakumar was severely beaten by a group of Sri Lanka Army soldiers the next day and was rushed to Puththa’lam hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Family members claim that he was assaulted for alarming the villagers.

By: justitia Sat, 27 Aug 2011 01:27:12 +0000 The district judge of jaffna has remanded almost all of the more than 100 civilians who were dragged out of their homes while sleeping and brutally assaulted causing grievous injuries – almost all of them are in hospital.
The perpetraters are left alone to carry on, knowing that they can do this again and again.
Sri Lanka thus appears to have a perverted justice system.
In other countries professing democratic governance, assaults on civilians by servicemen/policemen are dealt with expeditiously, most ending in courts martial in addition to indictment in normal courts of law.
It appears that judges are expected to be ‘blind and deaf’ when obviously injured persons are produced before them and accused of crime. They, it seems, are NOT expected to inquire from such persons as to “what happened” ! ! !
Automatic ‘remanding’ has become almost mandatory.
Purpose of remanding a person is to prevent him evading court appearances later – but if such persons are able to provide surties and cash bail, this would not happen.
Further, in other countries,accused persons are provided a lawyer by the state even before he/she is interrogated.
Further, lawyers in sri lanka are reluctant to visit those in police custody.
Will any members of the legal fraternity care to comment?

By: Luxmy Thu, 25 Aug 2011 08:36:06 +0000 Yes, Aruna but the Tamils inevitably get the worst reaction from the forces:

Those who were taken into Army custody from their homes in Navathurai mercilessly assaulted: limbs broken, 24 August 2011:
(Lanka-e-News -24Aug.2011, 10.30PM) The residents of Navathurai district Jaffna who were involved in a conflict with the Army over the grease devil menace , and were later taken into custody by the Army from their homes on the 22nd night had been assaulted and limbs broken while they were held in the Army camps, according to reports. Of the 95 persons who were produced before the court yesterday , 5 of them had suffered this fate. These pictures show the victims of the assault warded in the Hospital after the Court gave the order to Hospitalize them.

This Greece devil incubus is raging in many districts in the country , but it is only in Jaffna , the civilians were arrested in a cluster taken out of their homes , and brutally assaulted. In Puttalam even when a police officer was killed ,no officers forced themselves into homes and took bunch of persons into custody and assaulted them and broke their limbs .

From this brutality perpetrated in Jaffna the cruel nature of the current Army administration is clearly manifested. It is well for the authorities to remember that it is because of such ruthlessness that suicide bombers proliferated earlier. Hence they must take precaution to ensure that innocent people are not pushed to the edge until they are made to react with terror tactics.

It is most significant to note that while the Army is taking brutal action against the civilians who are reacting out of the fear psychosis created by the grease devil syndrome , every grease devil suspect has either crept into a police post or to an Army camp following a single pattern when given chase. The people are therefore angered not without justification. In the Puttalam incident, over this grease devil incubus , because of the shooting at the people , a 13 year old child and five others were injured , and no investigations had been conducted into this serious crime. Neither has the police uttered a word as to who did the shooting.
