Comments on: De-greasing social speculation over “grease devils” in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:29:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patta Pal Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:29:31 +0000 It is important to stick to the facts in this Grease Devil thing as it is getting out of hand and rumors seem to spread faster than a wildfire, with no first hand verification or witnesses to the accusations.

A number of the ills of society seems to have been tagged with this moniker, and both mischief makers and the security forces also seem to have joined in the bandwaggon.

I seem to notice however the public disgust of the security forces in more places than I care to list, and this is a worrying phenomena which points to the fact that there is NO confidence in the legitimacy of the security forces.

This latter realization is extremely dangerous for the country as we could errupt in a flash, and face Syrian type instability all because of the incompetence of the state to realize that too much security is actually counterproductive to security, rather than the reverse that the Government is currently espousing.

By: justitia Tue, 23 Aug 2011 21:13:01 +0000 Dear Panabokke,
Your exposure of what is happening is shocking.
This problem has appeared after there were reports that the Emergency may be allowed to lapse.
The army in the northeast appear to stage these events to prevent this happening.
The military regime wishes to remain firmly in control.

By: Panabokke Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:45:42 +0000
SLA ‘grease devils’ caught red-handed by villagers in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Monday, 22 August 2011, 23:36 GMT]
A Sinhala soldier, posing as ‘grease devil’, entered a house Monday night at Aalangkaddai in Vathiri of Vadamaraadchi in Jaffna, was caught by the villagers. The man, when confronted by the residents, claimed that he belonged to Sri Lanka Army intelligence. At the same time, occupying SLA soldiers who came to the site in a white-coloured van rescued the intelligence man and took him to their camp, firing warning shots and dispersing the protesting villagers. However, the residents gathered outside the military camp and demanded the SLA handed over to the SL Police in front of them. The soldiers at the camp opened fire to disperse the crowd. In the meantime, two villagers were wounded in a similar confrontation at Naavanthu’rai, near the city of Jaffna.

By: Panabokke Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:44:33 +0000
SLA terror unleashed in Jaffna after public unmasks ‘grease devils’
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 23 August 2011, 07:52 GMT]
Occupying Sri Lanka Army entered into houses at Naavaan-thu’rai in Jaffna city Monday night, dragged out hundreds of youth and children and tortured them in their camps during the night, following public in Naavanthu’rai on Monday identifying the ‘grease devils’ as SLA soldiers. Many houses were destroyed and plundered by the SL soldiers. On Monday when five ‘grease devils’ entered into a house at Naavaanthu’rai and when the public chased them, the intruders escaped by entering into a nearby SL Army camp. Identifying the intruders as SLA soldiers, the public waged a protest in front of the camp demanding the arrest of the intruders by SL police. The angry public pelted stones at the camp. The SL Army in a planned revenge terrorised the residents during the night.
