Comments on: Fr. Jim Brown and Mr. Vimalathas: Five years after disappearance, where are they and what has happened to the investigation? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:28:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kratos Sat, 20 Aug 2011 07:59:36 +0000 Many were disappeared & I afraid tat still people disappear.Many civilian homes were shelled & bombarded my uncle & his whole family was bombarded in 2006 at muthur in Trincomalee.We tamils still don’t believe in the majority coz when they see a tamil they curse us.Most of my friends don’t know that I’m a tamil when they see a tamil person talking or laughing they feel some kinnd of a jealousy & they start to curse that person & they stare at him & goes nuts on that person……………Why can’t they understand that is pure [nonsense]?

By: wilson Thilakaratna Sat, 20 Aug 2011 04:04:25 +0000 disappearances during a time of war is common and who you do you think responsible for this? This can be a personal grudge too.There is only catholic in the world but not divided by nation. LTTE too mercilessly killed their own people who bore different opinion.Who knows what actually happened?

By: Ray Sat, 20 Aug 2011 03:12:06 +0000 Good Job Ruki!
If priests and journalist are disapearing in Srilanka without a trace, then I wonder how many Tamils must have gone missing.
Time has come for the Srilankans to stand up for their fellow citizens.

By: Ward Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:59:22 +0000 In reply to anton norbert.

Sinhalese Catholics or Buddhists, they were incited to hatred for the ‘other’ through the same Sinhala textbook on social science at secondary school.

By: silva Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:17:50 +0000 Ruki

Thank you for writing this.

But a government that is prepared to spend a large amount of money on PR – to polish its image, mostly with lies – reconciliation is not intended even remotely.

What is unbearable is the silence of the South.

By: anton norbert Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:08:21 +0000 In my experience, the Sinhala Catholics don’t care. Even those out of the country.

I read somewhere that the Govt knows the identity of the navy officer involved in Fr. Browns meeting with the creator.

But then, who cares, someone does and the squeeze is on.

One day we will say Fr. Browns death was not in vain. His people can live in peace.

By: PresiDunce Bean Fri, 19 Aug 2011 10:36:31 +0000 Dear Ruki,

In the last paragraph of your article you state, “Will we ever know what happened to Fr. Jim Brown and Vimalathas and thousands of others who have disappeared? And will those responsible be ever identified and brought to justice?”

Well two your first question, the answer is YES. Most of us know what happened to Fr. Jim Brown and Vimalathas and thousands of others who have disappeared.

And to your second question, “Will those responsible be ever identified and brought to justice?” Only if people with a conscience living in this country keep relentlessly pursuing for justice and the “Internationl Community” and people with a conscience living abroad also keep agitating for justice along with bringing sanctions against the country like they did against South Africa…maybe then we might see some justice.
