Comments on: Do we need a street address? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 01 Sep 2011 01:50:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sivam Krish Thu, 01 Sep 2011 01:50:01 +0000 In reply to Sunela Jayewardene.

Hey Sunela,

Ray was also very impressed by the design of the Malay house. He had spent some time in Malaysia. Its roof shape he pointed out was an inverted arofoil. When the wind blows it pushes down words (instead of being blown away). Also he loved the idea of living above land and could not resist criticising those who did not

Feudal architecture is obsessed with land owing it and killing other for it. He liked the sense of elevation above land. He also loved the fact that the Malay house was sieve in the air, thermally designed to make the best use of the tropical breeze. He also admired the timber work. His inspiration was global and his sensibilities were rational and not cultural – definitely not in the sense of the narrow minded “everything good come from my grandfather” – that festers Sri Lankan architecture.

Ray being Ray, was also inspired by what he saw around him – especially stuff that other people missed.

Of course, he loved what you had built for him. Pity we cannot enjoy thambili amongst coconut leaves and birds – with good old Ray.

By: Sunela Jayewardene Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:08:46 +0000 Sivam, the ‘Attale’ [the pela or observation platform of Dry Zone farmers] at Kohombe Estate was inspired by a poem I wrote. If one can attempt to follow a mind like Uncle Ray’s, a poem about a farmer being rocked by the wind, reminded him of the abandoned water tanks; the result of a failed attempt at drip irrigation.
As he always said, a pencil has an eraser at the end to rub out mistakes and draw new lines, we set about putting the now useless water tank platforms to better use… to rock him to sleep amidst his beloved coconut groves!
Thank you for reminding me of many things that have already slipped my mind… The GPS address, the fascination with the dragonfly, the midday thambili [I was given Martini in the evenings… in his oddly old world way!]!

By: Sivam Krish Sun, 21 Aug 2011 02:42:18 +0000 Johan, You are right.

Ray was fascinated by everything from the simple bee to the most sophisticated machines. He was learning every day. He understood things at a profoundly higher level. But he was willing to take anyone along in the great journey of learning – in sharp contrast to the padidathyas who are in plenty – who know everything.

By: Velu Balendran Sat, 20 Aug 2011 18:47:32 +0000 In the 70’s there was a big push by the govt to create an infrastructure in SL for manufacture of 2-wheeled tractors for helping with the mechanisation of agriculture at village level targeting the small farmer. Govt institutions that had a mechanical engineering division participated in this exercise competing to produce the best prototype. These were based on a design by IRRI (Int.Rice Research Inst, Philippines) which had the potential to be knocked out by the village blacksmith (not quite, but with some workshop facilities). Probably Ray had something to do with this design as it is strikingly similar to the one pictured in his web site.

By: georgethebushpig Sat, 20 Aug 2011 12:39:43 +0000 Ah! A legend…. sorely missed. Wish I had known about him while he was alive. Would have loved to have had a bourbon with him.

“The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us (Khalil Gibran)” so shall your Rays.

By: Rohan De Livera Sat, 20 Aug 2011 08:18:57 +0000 Thank you Sivam. Really enjoyed this. He is missed.

By: Johan Fri, 19 Aug 2011 17:07:38 +0000 Though he may not have recorded his experiments, he was keen to pass on his way of thinking, if not his knowledge. In fact, he was passionate about teaching this. His many anecdotes had a central theme of not finding the right answers, but asking the right questions. He questioned everything, including himself. There were so many times that he started a conversation with “you know, I had it all wrong all these years.” He even questioned the need for his legendary two-wheel tractor! He was as humble as he was smart–a rare combination. And boy did he love to fly, preferably with as little cockpit as possible separating him from the air. Wonderful man.
