Comments on: Abuse, violence and bullying: Post-war Sri Lanka is indeed a peaceful place Journalism for Citizens Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:41:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:41:31 +0000 In reply to Chaminda Weerawardhana.

Dear Chaminda Weerawardhana,

“I have never referred to religion in the above piece” you wrote.

That is a very stupid claim Chaminda, when anyone can see what you have written above.

Re read your piece with care. Where do you think I extracted the following sentence from?

“…….. by making forced Sinhala Buddhist settlements in Tamil areas … “

The word Buddhist refers to a religion not an ethnic group.
Yet you claim that you have not referred to Religion !!!
Very smart indeed.

That Chaminda is Moronic in the real sense of the word.

Merriam Webster’s define a Moron as follows
1. usually offensive : a person affected with mild mental retardation
2. : a very stupid person

Fits you like a glove does it not?

I don’t care what your religion is, as long as you don’t transgress on mine. Fair comment is accepted but you were anything but fair. Yet your intellectual (assumed?) arrogance does not allow you to see it.

You, as a young adult and as an adolescent, witnessed and tolerated UNSPEAKABLE perverted sexual behaviour and was complicit in protecting your Peers from the Law and yet have the nerve to accuse Lakan Polity, specifically Sinhala Buddhists, of tolerating Violence. Your Hatred of Buddhism comes out very clearly as you have singled out the Buddhists for your scathing remarks.

That you want to sensationalise is very evident when you claim that a PEN was inserted in Penises by FORCE. Even a small local ball point pen has an area 90% more than the largest Catheter (22 Fr) used on males in the West (almost Double the size) !!! Strangely, the victims did not suffer injury requiring Hospitalisation and the Mainstream Media never knew about it.

Read a book on Nursing before writing incredulous rubbish of this nature.

How did you as a junior, escape the depravity perpetrated by your seniors?

BTW I am lucky not to have attended the boarding school you attended as your school has been churning out Sadistic Sexual Perverts and polluting Lankan Civil society, going by your own descriptions. Yet you call it an “Elite” school. Is that not stupid Chaminda?

“Finally, what I fully maintain what I said about Norway, …. “ you said emphatically.

Yet, when what you said is dissected, you are “wordless” and try to hide behind personal attacks. Just shows how bankrupt you are. Though you try hard to pose as an intellectual you are anything but one.

You make claims about Tamil Areas yet when called upon to substantiate, you have nothing to say.
You write about forced Sinhala Settlements and yet is unable to give the locations.
You identified three main points and yet cannot justify them.
You talk of Vani Kumar, the LTTE activist, yet is dumb when a counter argument is presented.
You talk of SL Govt’s opposition to war crime investigations and goes dumb when you are corrected and referred to SL’s official position inviting investigation as stated at UNHRC by Dr DJ

You said “MAI (Moronic, Arrogant and Ignorant) – that’s the little I have to say, as I have no time to waste with those of this category”

You have already written and WASTED two posts in a vain attempt at sidestepping the issues raised. Both posts are personal attacks bereft of answers to a single issue raised, in a vain attempt to slip away.

Personal attacks wont let you off the Hook it just exposes your character for all to see.

You state “The above is a way too excessive a response to a truly moronic ranting not worth a single word as a reply, and I may hereinafter categorically ignore rants such as the above – you may throw such trash at whoever you wish but not at me. My only hope is that the Rajapaksa Govt has no officials of your calibre – & if it does – then it’s cutting its grave under its own feet….. “

I have already pointed out to you what a Moran is. Ranting is what you have done in your article and that’s why you cannot defend it. It was naïve to believe that when you write to the gallery, it would go unchallenged.

It is also naïve to believe that I write expecting an answer from you.
You are free to defend or allow what I write to stand unchallenged.
The GV readership will know why a defence is not forthcoming.
As you have seen, your personal attacks are unproductive, as I cannot be cowed down by them.
My questions are intended to expose the wolf under the sheep’s clothing.

I have no intention of bashing you personally but will always question unjust and unprincipled writing and you can bet your last cent that I will do so in the future too.

If you have answers bring them on.

By: Chaminda Weerawardhana Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:23:54 +0000 On Off the cuff’s moronica above:

MAI (Moronic, Arrogant and Ignorant) – that’s the little I have to say, as I have no time to waste with those of this category.

On the whole issue of sexual abuse I raise, your questions amply show you don’t know what you’re talking about – or you’re simply oblivious to reason – in you arrogant resolve to bash me. I have no obligation to justify anything to an arrogant moron. I’m the only person in Lanka to be educated in such places, and inquire around – & those willing to raise the issue will have much more to say that what I’ve said above.

And what have you got to do with my religion? I don’t like repeating myself, and I reiterate – my religion is none of your business. I have never referred to religion in the above piece – and all what I can say from your arrogance and bullish tone is that YOU, in the truest sense of the term, are among the most pathetic Bushists I’ve come across on this platform.

If you gain emotional gratification in Norway bashing (& making a shamelessly public show of your arrogance here) – good for you!

The above is a way too excessive a response to a truly moronic ranting not worth a single word as a reply, and I may hereinafter categorically ignore rants such as the above – you may throw such trash at whoever you wish but not at me. My only hope is that the Rajapaksa Govt has no officials of your calibre – & if it does – then it’s cutting its grave under its own feet…..

By: sambar Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:29:41 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear OfftheCuff,

Thanks for accepting my apologies.

OK, now on to Pervcival’s writings:

Firstly, while writing that the “greatest number are of Moorish extraction”, just a few lines later and in the same paragraph, Percival clases them among “the diffeent tribes of foriegn settlers” and point sout that “Those I first mentioned [the Moors] were induced many years ago by the encouragments held out to them by the Dutch” for the sake of trade in textiles.

Secondly, since Percival is writing in the context of trade, it is very reasonable to suppose that he is only refering to Jaffna town where the textile trade was going on and not to the Jaffna district/peninsula as a whole. So just as the present Colombo demographics does not reflect that of the south as a whole, that those of Moorish extraction were in the majority in Jaffna town does not reflect the situation in the whole region.

And of course Offthe Cuff you have committed the error of extrapolating (in time and space) beyond what Percival’s data/information warrants.

Percival also distinguishes between the Candians and the Cingalese. And on page 186 Percival seems to think that the language that the Candians/Kandyans spoke and used, which sounded different and more refined to that spoken by the Cingalese/Sinhalese, is derived from Arabic.
Of course that is impossible!
My guess is that since the Moorish traders spoke in a sort of Tamil, Percival noting the similarity between what they spoke and what the Kandyans spoke has mistakenly supposed that what the Kandyans spoke was a Muslim language which in his mind had to be Arabic.
So it is reasonable to suppose that Percival’s mistake actually also points to the fact that the Kandyans spoke Tamil.
This is of course not at all surprising since the language of the Kandyan king and the court was indeed Tamil!

The question then is why the Kandyans speak in Sinhalese and refer to themselves as ‘Kandyan-Sinhalese’:
After the British conquered the Kandy they denied the Kandyan elites/aristocracy their titles and heritage, and instead gave the titles to the locals who supported them.
So these locals with their false tiles in time began to dominate Kandyan society. And since it was the Sinhalese speakers who sided with the British, it was they to whom the Britsih gave false titles and dominance and so eventually Sinhalese rather than Tamil came to dominate Kandyan society.

Consider this: if the Portuguese hadn’t arrived when they did, then the AryaChakravarti would have conquered the whole island; and if the British (with the help of Sinhalese betrayers) did not conquer Kandy then the Tamil would have been the dominant language of the Kandyans; so if not for the colonialists the language that would have been dominant in Lanka today would probably be Tamil!

Note an interesting parallel: if the west hadn’t supported the GOSL then they [the GOSL forces] would never have defeated the LTTE!

By: sambar Thu, 25 Aug 2011 08:48:09 +0000 In reply to sambar.

Dear Yapa,

Have a good, but also thoughtful, holiday. 🙂

By: samabar Tue, 23 Aug 2011 11:17:27 +0000 In reply to Shiva.

Dear Shiva,

You wrote: “Tamils had their own Kingdom prior to Colonial rulers”

This is not quite correct.

The AryaChakravarti considered himself to be the rightful ruler of the whole of the island of Lanka; he did not merely see himself as a Tamil king ruling over a Tamil kingdom, though he seemed to have liked to maintain his throne in Jaffna (obviously because it was the most civilised place on the island!.
If the silly Portuguese did not come when the did the AryaChakravarti would have conquered the whole island and then we wouldn’t have had all this Sinhala-Buddhist nonsense that plagues the island at present!

In fact we cannot correctly refer to Tamil or Sinhalese kingdoms at any time in the past – anyway even the ‘Sinhalese’ kings were of Tamil lineage!
However we can talk about the predominantly Tamil speaking areas, or traditionally Tamil speaking areas, which correspond roughly to the shape of Tamil-Eelam.

But I don’t think that there is any substantial argument in favour of a separate Tamil-Eelam based on historical kingdoms.

Rather, a much more reasonable argument would be along the lines of separating from the Sinhala-Buddhist extremists and their less than civilised ways (as the Kandyans wanted to in 1924) where the borders would correspond to the traditionally Tamil speaking areas.
But if there is a miracle and the Sinhala-Buddhists were to reform, then that argument would become weak!

By: samabar Tue, 23 Aug 2011 10:52:44 +0000 In reply to Shiva.

Dear Yapa,

You wrote: “Why do you oppose putting up Buddhist temples? According to Hinduism, isn’t Buddha an avatar of Vishnu?”

Yes, according to some schools of Hindu thought Sakyamuni Buddha is considered to be an Avatar of Vishnu, though not necessarily a full Avatar.

But you don’t see Hindu’s disturbing areas considered sacred to other gods [i.e. other expressions of God] to put up temples to their favourite one do you? For example Vishnu devotees do not try to put up Vishnu temples in places where Shiva devotion is strong.
So that is why it is very unspiritual and uncouth to go around puttting up Buddhist temples all over the place.

Besides putting up genuine temples requires considerable amount of proper ‘consultations’ and rituals for approval from whoever in whose name the temple is being built.
So you can also take it that the way so-called Buddhist temples are being put up willy-nilly in Sri Lanka is also actually an insult to the Buddha!

By: samabar Tue, 23 Aug 2011 10:34:52 +0000 In reply to sambar.

No direct evidence – as with most black operations few would be brave or foolhardy enough to publicly declare that they had direct evidence.

However consider this: why under the hostile international circumstances together with the many local military problems would the LTTE bother to take time and resources and go out of their way to kill a priest for merely garlanding MR?
And that when it was well known that the priest did not willingly do so, but was made to.

By: Off the Cuff Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:22:47 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear Sambar,

Apology accepted.

Not many have the courage to admit a mistake and I respect you for it.

Thank you

By: sambar Mon, 22 Aug 2011 11:54:12 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear OfftheCuff,

Please accept my apologies – I stand corrected!

No time now but I will comment on Percival’s writings soon

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 20 Aug 2011 20:29:53 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

With just a few exceptions, the majority of Tamils who contribute to this blog
