Comments on: Why Government Rhetoric and Propaganda Might Divide Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:10:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Citizen BAK Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:10:27 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

@ Wijayapala: you are right to assert that one cannot simply assume that war crimes were committed… The UN Panel report was not a conclusive investigation, but its results provide sufficient evidence to warrant an international investigation. Either way, the premise would not be “Sri Lanka is guilty” only that specific government officials MIGHT be guilty… An investigation would not detract from the valor and bravery of Sri Lankan soldiers as a whole. An unbiased investigation might even show that there were no war crimes committed, and that certain International and Tamil communities have been misled. However, a flat out refusal to allow an unbiased international investigation to be conducted will only breed more suspicion and hatred. This is why it is vital that all Sri Lankans work together to voice that an investigation be conducted.

By: Citizen BAK Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:34:44 +0000 The Government strategy with respect to reconciliation centers on denying war crimes allegations and asking individuals to “forget” the past and move on…Forgetting and denying is as atrocious to me as the original deaths of those civilians in Mullaitivu…Bystanders are complicit in the second murder of those innocent civilians if their memories are allowed to be destroyed. If war crimes did occur, then silence is an unforgivable offense and implies that the perpetrators have succeeded.

Even if government officials like MR and the defense secretary are granted amnesty (immunity from prosecution) I believe it is of utmost importance for ordinary Sri Lankans (especially Sinhala Buddhists) to push for neutral and unbiased war crimes investigations not only because it departs from forgetting and doing nothing, but because it respects the many lives lost as being valuable and treats the legitimate grievances of those who have suffered as valid. Most importantly, it is a way of restoring equal dignity to those individuals who have lost homes and family members.

Ultimately it is not up to the government to say how the affected communities should recover, forgive or reconcile but it is up to the victims themselves. These communities are asking for an international investigation, according to TNA MP Suresh Premachandran.

Many nations have been party to neutral international investigations WITHOUT LOSING SOVEREIGNTY. Brazil named the names of those implicated in human rights violations and is still a sovereign nation. Czechoslovakia screened and removed officials involved in its old regime and is still a sovereign nation. Germany prosecuted border guards and is still a sovereign nation. Argentina prosecuted 500 members of its military junta without losing sovereignty.

The MR regime’s refusal to participate in investigations is certainly suspicious…if it has nothing to hide, why prevent an investigation? MR is not a modern day Duttaigamunu, he is just a man. His glorification as such, sheds more light on Sri Lanka’s feudal ideological tendencies rather than MR’s own invincibility. If flaws in MR’s administration are brought to light, I do believe opinions could change…

I believe that an investigation, where results can be trusted by all parties to be accurate, will pave the way for a better reconciliation. Even if it does not bring about legal justice, it will end the harsh propaganda war that we see today and help both ethnicities to understand what really happened. How the Sinhalese and Tamil communities react will depend on the results of the investigation, but it is my opinion that having a common and shared interpretation of the final stages of the war will bring the two communities together.

By: wijayapala Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:31:40 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Dear Burning_Issue

3. If the Sinhala public were to come to know about the true stories of the war crimes, how would it react?

Do you know the true stories of the war crimes?

A better question would be “how would the Sinhala public react if an ‘independent’ investigation began with the premise that Sri Lanka is guilty and has to prove its own innocence?”

By: Burning_Issue Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:24:41 +0000 In reply to Citizen BAK.

Citizen BAK,

“Please remember that an investigation would denounce ONLY those individuals found guilty. An investigation against those suspect individuals is NOT an investigation against the whole country.”

“An independent war crimes investigation would be in the best long term interests of a peaceful unitary state. Therefore, patriots should support it.”

I 100% agree with your above statements. An investigation would not only establish the facts but also would send a strong message of intent on the part of GOSL that it is serious about reconciliation.

I would like to know your views to the following:

1. Pushing for War Crimes Investigation does not help in the quest of reconciliation
2. The MR regime is here to stay for a long while; since it is directly implicated in the War Crimes, is it realistic to expect that it participates in an investigation that would most definitely deem it as guilty?
3. If the Sinhala public were to come to know about the true stories of the war crimes, how would it react? Since, MR is the modern day Duttagaimunu, how can he suddenly become a war criminal?
4. Under these circumstances, would an investigation that finds some government officials and military guilty of war crimes, pave the way for a true reconciliation?
5. I as a Tamil can tell you that, it would certainly make much easier for the Tamils to close chapters and move on, but how would it impact the Sinhala?

By: Citizen BAK Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:36:05 +0000 Dayan,

I have already shared my views on the “unitary” state. To prevent further ethnic tensions SRI LANKAN TAMIL COMMUNITIES THAT SUFFERED DURING THE WAR, especially its traumatizing last stages, NEED TO BE REDRESSED!

If you are truly patriotic (and have all of our fellow countrymen’s best interests at heart) and wish for a unitary state (devoid of ethnic tensions) then you must agree that an unbiased international war crimes investigation is what is needed.

This is the request of the TNA representing those Tamil communities in Sri Lanka…

One of the claims of this article is that your newfound patriotism (read “fatherland or death”, “free fatherland or death”) – Sri Lanka against the World – is just a tactic to prevent an international investigation.

Please remember that an investigation would denounce ONLY those individuals found guilty. An investigation against those suspect individuals is NOT an investigation against the whole country.

An independent war crimes investigation would be in the best long term interests of a peaceful unitary state. Therefore, patriots should support it.

By: Dayalan Tue, 09 Aug 2011 07:32:26 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Thank you Dr. Dayan,

I have no great problems with your statement given below.

“My idea of my country, sri Lanka, is a strong, centralised but not over centralised state — a unitary state in which the provincial autonomy provisions of our Constitution are fully implemented. I also wish to see strong anti-discrimination legislation and a strong anti-discrimination authority.”

So to move forward, what can you Doctor, and we. do to ensure that:

a. provincial autonomy provisions of our Constitution are fully
b. strong anti-discrimination legislation are in place
c. and a strong anti-discrimination authority is established.”

If there is something we can do at grassroots,or at any other level/forum let’s do it.

Doctor, a another question I wish to pose to you. Is n’t it true that Sri Lanka was made a unitary state by the Colonial rulers, the British & the Dutch. Of course there were 5 or 6 brief periods when the whole cuntry was brought under one flag (I stand to be corrected ).

I think if we are to be a Unitary state, which is the IDEAL, a great effort has to be made by all stake holders, which I am afraid does not look possible due the present stand of the GOSL. If we go back to pre 1505 scenario, I don’t think we would see a Unitary arrangement, It would probably be strong autonomous administrative units, built and thriving on the extremely diverse cultures of this land. I consider Sri Lanka diverse in it’s culture as it is in it’s bio-diversity. A cultural-diversity hot spot, (if you like), in the world.

This is precisely, why a unitary arrangement becomes a very difficult,but possible, with lot’s of trust cultivated between the various players.
Over to you.

By: Pol Baa Moona Tue, 09 Aug 2011 07:00:35 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Noble words Mr Jayatileka.

I am happy to see these sentiments and I am also glad that you no longer seem to be promoting Douglas Devananda, who you previously hailed as the messiah of the Tamil people (being suitably patriotic etc).

Pls see link below:

His conduct seems to have the sanction of the authorities and may herald things to come elsewhere.

By: Shiva Mon, 08 Aug 2011 23:09:28 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Dr.Dayan Jayatilleka must understand that India has lobbied other nations to support Sri Lanka as they were in trouble if there is an independent international war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka.

Please read the following report:

The Sinhala has to know that they never ruled Tamil nations prior to independence by the British in 1948 and it also due to the mistake that the then Tamil leaders have trusted the Sinhala nationalists and did not ask for a separate land for the Tamils like Mohd Jinna demnded for the Muslims.

The Sinhala leaders have proved the world that they are inhuman, barbaric, Apartheid minded and hooligans. The Great Leader of Singapore Hon. Lee Kwan Yew has said that the Tamils will continue with their struggle until achieved. This is from his experience of the Tamils who jointly helped build Singapore.

Time will write “EElam” on the Wall as the struggle has moved to Global capitals and to Tamil Nadu. When the corrupt Congress Sonia Maino regime is voted out of power in the next general election, things will change and the Tamils will show the Sinhala who they are!

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Mon, 08 Aug 2011 17:31:16 +0000 In reply to Dayalan.

Dear Thilina Rajapaksa and Dayalan,

I regard your points as constructive and valuable indeed.

May I just remind you that Fidel Castro, who is no narrow nationalist, and the most internationalist figure in the world today, coined the slogan “Patria O Muerte! Venceremos!” which means “Fatherland or Death! We shall triumph!”

This was followed by the Nicaraguan Sandinistas whose slogan was
“Patria Libre O Morir!” which means “Free Fatherland or Death!”

It is in this precise sense that I use and recommend patriotism, and regard myself as a patriot.

You must also consider, Dayalan, why the Cubans an Ncaraguans voted with Sri Lanka , and never once sympathised with the Tigers or regarded them as patriotic.

That is because secession, separatism, is regarded as dismemberment of a sovereign country and as opposed to patriotism.

This is also why they supported evo Morales against secessionism in Bolivia, under the guise of federalism and regional autonomy.

My idea of my country, sri Lanka, is a strong, centralised but not over centralised state — a unitary state in which the provincial autonomy provisions of our Constitution are fully implemented. I also wish to see strong anti-discrimination legislation and a strong anti-discrimination authority.

I stand for the same vision that Judge Weeramantry, Kumar Sangakkara, Kalana Senaratna, David Blacker, Indi Samarajiva and Godfrey Gunatileke do, to name just a diverse few known to GV readers.

By: Dayalan Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:34:45 +0000 Dear Dr, Dayan,

This entire dialogue is very vital, and I hope you stay engaged in it.
I represent the majority of Sri Lankans, who are non-intellect, working class men and women, who understand life in it’s simplest form. I admire the knowledge of people like you, Citizen BAK and others.

Please see below my (simple) understanding of the three commonly used words in this dialogue.

A. PATRIOT – person devoted to and ready to defend his or her country
B. NATIONALIST – patriotic feeling, policy
C. SOVERIGN – self governing
(Courtesy Oxford dictionary)
If you call the Sri Lankna soldier and all who supported and encouraged and finally hailed him as a patriot ( = person ready to defend his of her country….), then the same could be said of Thamil Chelvam, Pottu Amman, and Prabhakaran, the only difference was their defintion of “country was different”. SO PATRIOTISM IS NOT THE ISSUE HERE. THE ISSUE IS THE “UNIT” OR “ENTITY” WHAT ALL SRI LANKANS CALL “COUNTRY” This MUST BE DEALT WITH. So what BAK and others are saying is the GOSL is calling people like me and others who want this issue discussed as UN-PATRIOTIC. Is this fair Sir, Please answer in LAYMENS LANGUAGE.

So, some day if all Sri Lankans have no problem on WHAT IS MY COUNTRY ?
Then we will be nationalist in a positive way !? (if that is possible…)

C. SOVEREIGN – self governing
Was not Prabhakaran and others also concerned about self governing, I believe they were trying to define their county first, and self govern. The problem again was their definition of the “Country”.

MY POINT IS …… All of us, and most importantly, learned and well read people such as You, Dr. Dayan, Citizen Bak and others SHOULD WORK ON DEFINING WHAT SORT OF ENTITY SRI LANKA SHOULD BE. What I mean is what should be the political arrangement …, Unitary, Federal, what ever. and this must be done objectively, DEVOID OF ANY ROMANTIC NOTION OF “MY COUNTRY” SHOULD BE THIS,THAT OR THE OTHER.
I do hope i made some sense to all you readers, and hope for some response, specially from DR. DAYAN.
