Comments on: Picking up the Tamil Tigers’ scent Journalism for Citizens Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:17:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: joker Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:17:13 +0000 In reply to Sankaran.

This is a big joke. there is a thing called the Sri Lanka Medical Council. It is not part of the government. nor is it controlled by the government. In fact they are against the government and fighting against the private medical college established in Colombo.

SLMC alone decides which medical qualifications are recognised. when Chinese, Russian medical degrees from very prestigious universities are not recognised, why the heck would they recognise one from the university of LTTE.

By: policyminded Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:08:23 +0000 In reply to Punithavathi.

there are over 25,000 unemployed graduates in this country, most are sinhala. Unemployment is not a problem experienced by Tamils alone in this country.

I live in colombo and have to go through security checkpoints. although not very often now. I remember just over two years ago, they emptied entire buses and checked our bags and IDs. There is a reason for this, and people who live in this country understand.

I would expect those who fought against the government and targeted civilians with weapons to be kept an eye on, after all it was just two years ago. it’s a restriction on the freedom of those who have committed crimes but have been given a very generous pardon by the president.

By: silva Tue, 02 Aug 2011 09:02:09 +0000 ”Live and let live” takes such a long time to take root in this ”sovereign” country ????

By: Candidly Tue, 02 Aug 2011 08:05:03 +0000 It seems the objective of this article from a handful of Dutch journalists was to find any “dirt” that they possibly could to undermine Sri Lanka’s unitary status. This is demonstrated by their willingness to repeat what they were told as if it were fact without taking the elementary professional journalist safeguard if checking with others.

For example: “No Tamils are allowed to join the police force.” (That was only true when the Tamil Tigers would murder Tamils if they did.)

“‘Sinhala colonization of the north and east of the island.” (As if the Sinhalese were from a different country. And they don’t use the term ‘colonization’ when referring to Sri Lankan Tamils moving to Colombo or elsewhere on the island.)

“Hindu Tamils being made to take part in traditional Sinhalese Buddhist rituals.” (Not a shred of evidence is cited to justify this allegation.)

Our friends from Holland seem to forget that their parents & grand-parents fought a brutal war themselves against German Nazi occupation 70 years ago and it took years for Dutch hatred of Germans to subside.

By: Kotravan Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:10:20 +0000 If Tamils had Statehood to protect their rights from the 1948

\\Yes the British should have made Tamil Eelam as an independent sovereign state ,just as it was before they conquered it and merged it with the sinhala states as 1 sovereign state

By: kavi Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:34:53 +0000 The Language is major difference,it can influence thoughts and values even people have similar culture,color,religion.Thats why India is seperated linguitically.India is still one nation, even some tensions exist within it.If Tamils had Statehood to protect their rights from the 1948,Sri lanka would be war free one nation.I dont know why Sinhalse can’t understand the root causes of terrorism and slove this problem politically?Everyone wants to live happy life,why not everyone from Sri lanka?

By: Sankaran Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:07:14 +0000 Rajapaksa promised successful reintegration into the society for former Tamil Tigers… but none has happened so far. As always, more of the same …empty promises, broken promises


Kumarasamy Muralitharan is an ex-LTTE doctor who was trained in the militants’ medical colleges and served for 20 years in their medical wing. When I met him in October he wondered nervously whether his qualifications would get him a job as a doctor in post-war Sri Lanka, and whether he would be accepted by society.

Neither has happened. Sinhalese officials have told him they only recognise him as a person released from custody, not as someone medically trained. He would love the chance to sit a government medical exam but he has been given no guidance or encouragement to do so.
“There are more than 15 [former LTTE doctors] like me who’ve completed MBBS [Bachelor of Medicine]-level qualifications here,” he says in English. All would happily do government jobs, he says. “I’m ready to face any exam by the government if there is any chance given.”

In another instance the 130 jobs were promised 13 months ago and these promises have not been fulfilled so far.
Ex-Tiger, Kumar has no job 13 months after being freed from a tough detention camp.
“I’ve tried so many places to find a job,” he says. ” There were 130 driving jobs allotted to us in the transport board, but Pro-Rajapaksa Group of Douglas Devananda gave those jobs to other people and none went to the Ex-Tigers as promised .”

By: Punithavathi Mon, 01 Aug 2011 15:05:37 +0000 This article drives a point which I fervently pray will someday resonate with Sri Lanka’s Sinhala population as well as its Diaspora. The spark of Tamil nationalism and statehood does not lie in terrorist ideology; it is rooted only in a need for safety, equality, and care. If this were present within the framework of a united Sri Lanka, the ethnic tension which exists today would be free to dissipate.
