Comments on: Justice Palakidnar Memorial Oration: Economic Development, Inclusive Societies And Peace Journalism for Citizens Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:36:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shanuki Perera Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:36:59 +0000 In reply to S.D.MUNI.

wow! at least she was mindful in giving presidential awards, let’s say…i can see how grateful you are….Sri Lanka Ratna Professor SDM

By: curious Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:39:42 +0000 In reply to sumanasiri liyanage.


Only the very powerful leaders speak and do things they really believe in while in power. Others speak and do things in order to remain in power. At least now she has said something courageously, even blaming her father. Not many past leaders would have done this.

By: KC Logeswaran Thu, 28 Jul 2011 07:35:59 +0000 I agree with Muni. We need to look at what she said on that day at the oration rather than indulging in ad hominem statements. She relenquished her post as President almost seven years ago and this is not the forum to evaluate her Presidency. On the other hand it will do good to think over a few things she has said relating to shedding exclusivity and engaging in an inclusive governance model; that infrastructure building per se will not win the hearts of the minorities unless and until a proper political framework for powersharing is worked out; infrastructure of gigantic proportions should be need based and not at the whim of persons however important they be; a true Sri Lankan identity could be built with the goodwill of all communities.She has inspired persons who have these views but who remained silent all these days to come forward and express forcibly. This speech should also wake up people in the higher echelons of power to rethink on the policies hitherto adopted. My heartiest congratulations on her forthrightness.

By: S.D.MUNI Thu, 28 Jul 2011 03:42:32 +0000 A masterly analysis of the current Sri lankan situation. To comment on this article on the basis of what was done or not done during her regime is an excuse for escaping the harsh realities of the post-war Sri Lanka and also for the peopel and the system that is responsible for this situation.
SD Muni

By: sumanasiri liyanage Thu, 28 Jul 2011 01:30:40 +0000 full of banalities. in 1994 soon after she came to power, her main intention is how to keep the executive presidency for another term. she was the one who dragged new constitutional draft that was ready by 1997. she could have gone for a constituent assembly option soon after she won the election. dont trust what politicians say when they are out of power.

By: Sonali Samrasinghe Wickrematunge Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:55:12 +0000 Enough said!

By: Thiru Wed, 27 Jul 2011 04:54:08 +0000 I stopped reading this once I got to the 3rd paragraph, where she talks about good governance.

I may not be an expert in the history of our ethnic conflict, but, if there’s one thing I know clearly, it is that CBK has no right to speak on good governance, considering it was she who dissolved the UNF-lead parliament in 2004.

She dissolved a government which had people who at least knew how an economy should be handled.

She dissolved a government which knew the best way to manage a conflict between ethnicities without inciting a whole load of bloodshed.

She swore in a government which didn’t have a majority in parliament and encouraged the practice of buying out people from the opposition and encouraged the now-widescale practice of crossing over to the government (which is an assault on the voting public, who vote a particular person in power because he is part of a particular party, not because he wants his elected representative to cross over).

Should I say more?
