Comments on: TNA MP Suresh Premachandran on the result of the Local Government elections Journalism for Citizens Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:41:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:41:57 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.



Other Sinhalese, correct?

Absolutely wrong.

Ask your parents about the composition of the Public Service just before Independence or an elderly person if you want first hand information.

Some Sinhalese and more Tamils would be correct.

Why are you missing the woods for the trees all the time?
Exceptions do not negate the general pattern.

Are you trying to say that the Bureaucracy during the Colonial rule was not Tamil dominated?

Of course there were some Sinhalese whose greed overcame the duty to country and bent over backwards to please even foreign rulers. You find them even today.

Since your comment is only about the Lackeys are you in agreement with the rest of the comment?

I saw this statement in a book by Capt.Robert Percival

“The inhabitants of Jaffna consist of a collection of various races. The greatest number are of Moorish extraction, and are divided into several tribes, known by the names of Lubbahs, Mopleys, Chittys, and Choliars: they are distinguished by wearing a little round cap on their close shaven heads. There is also a race of Malabars found here somewhat differing in their appearance from those on the continent. These different tribes of foreign settlers greatly exceed in number the native Ceylonese in the district of Jaffna.“

What is your opinion about it?

By: wijayapala Thu, 04 Aug 2011 02:51:55 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.


Though you try to hide it, it is also well known, who the lackeys of the British Colonials were, that dispensed injustice to the Sinhalese.

Other Sinhalese, correct? Who do you think the ancestors of the Bandaranaikes, Wijewardenes, and other elite families were, heroes??? What is your take on the noble radalas like Mahawalatenna?

By: wijayapala Thu, 04 Aug 2011 02:39:43 +0000 In reply to jansee.

Dear jansee,

During the IPKF’s occupation, at least Prabhakaran fought bravely with them. Not only your heroes were just looking pathetically at the sky when Indian airplanes dropped parippu. The fact that Prabhakaran stood against them when your heroes hid in the camps speak a lot on heroism, doesn’t it.

It is so delightful to see there is at least one patriotic flag-waving Eelavar here who has not disowned Thalaivar and is still praising how Prabakaran bravely led the Tamils to total defeat. You may not be aware that there is a fine line between “bravery” and “stupidity.” For example, it would have been “stupid” for the SLA to fight the Indians when they could get LTTE to do the job for them. Your argument would make sense if there was no LTTE and SLA just ran and hid when IPKF arrived. But fortunately, there was LTTE dummies eager to get killed. Unfortunately the Tamils were trapped in the middle of this trap laid by JR and suffered, but LTTE supporters are too brain-dead to understand or care.

But even more brave/stupid than that was how Thalaivar got Rajiv Gandhi killed. And you are shocked that India did not jump to save the LTTE from destruction in 2009???

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 03 Aug 2011 16:24:12 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Dear Yapa,

Agree with you.

The Northern Tamil Aspirations and demands has always been considered as superior to the rest of the population and they consist of less than 10% the Lankan population.

They do not have a negotiating mindset. They want control. The same control they exercised as the Lackeys of the Colonials. How else can they claim over 50% of Lanka’s Publicly owned resources?

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 03 Aug 2011 16:16:41 +0000 Jansee,

Who chased the UN agencies?

Insinuating is easy but proving it is the problem.

CH4 videos are a case in point. So were the earlier Times of London canard about the 20,000 killed. This was discussed on GV and no one could explain how trees and tents were left standing under a bombardment that was claimed capable of burning Live trees to charred stumps. They could neither explain how the LTTE cemeteries escaped the bombing. Probably the LTTE dead who attained martyrdom protected it from the bombs.

Here are TWO glaring indicators of fabrication.

1. The big talking LTTE sympathisers writing to GV are mum about Dr.Nadesan’s claim that the CH4 video shows Purported SLA soldiers wearing slippers. SLA soldiers never wear slippers in uniform but the LTTE did.

2. Absence of LTTE wounded or dead in the ONLY hospital under LTTE control. Though they are present, ALL of them are in civilian clothing posing off as CIVILIANS.

The above two incidents are sufficient to show that CH4, in collusion with the LTTE sympathising Tamil Diaspora, has been cooking up canards at regular intervals to serve their own ends. Both of them have Axes to grind.

Those who were chased away, were the NGO’s, who supplied the LTTE with Heavy Earth moving equipment, amongst others, to build the LTTE Earthen structures. It was these earth bunds that were used by the LTTE to coral the Tamil Civilians within them. It was these earth bunds which were breached by the SLA. The World saw the Human Exodus of Tamil Civilians from the LTTE prison the moment the earth bunds were breached by the SLA.

You say, “After chasing-off all the UN agencies, and with the UN putting it around 7000 and the UN Panel putting it around 40,000 there should be an independent investigation to verify the truth to establish which figure is correct and why SL is running scared to do this – hide a dark secret eh? “

T he University Teacher’s for Human Rights Jaffna states thus.
The Timesonline report of 29th May citing UN sources, which gave the total killed for the year as 20 000, with 13 000 of the dead in May, said ‘the numbers killed by shelling doubled from March to April, with an average of 129 every day.’ In contrast our Bulletin No.47 published on 17th April stated, “Persons in regular touch with those who have escaped confirm that an average of 15 to 20 people die each day; either killed by shells or shot by the LTTE attempting to drive fear into would-be escapees.” “That huge discrepancy cannot be bridged even if one adds combatant deaths.
End extract

UTHR says that even a 20,000 dead figure (which includes those shot by the LTTE) is Ludicrously inflated and cannot be reconciled even by adding the COMBATANT dead.

How do you propose to reconcile DOUBLE the Ludicrous Times claim (as per Darusman) even when the Times claim is labelled as FICTION by a Tamil organisation respected amongst the Lankan Tamils? I wonder whether you respect their views as well.

Who talks with more authority the UTHR(J) or you?

Jansee, you need to listen to Dr Dayan Jayatilake’s address at the UNHCR.
Lanka INVITED an international investigation but only under equal terms.
She wanted the investigation to encompass EVERY MEMBER STATE OF THE UN and was not prepared to be singled out for unequal treatment. So far there are no takers.

Justice Jansee, should be applied with an even hand, equally to all. Else it ceases to be Justice.

It is not Lanka that fears investigations but the hypocritical West, who apparently have a lot to hide.

If you waant an International investigation, you should divert your energies to convincing the west with whom you seem to be having considerable influence (judging from your oozing confidence), to take up Lanka’s challenge and establish a regime under which such investigations could be done and to submit themselves to the Jurisdiction of that investigative regime. Then Lanka would have no other alternative than to submit to an investigation.

I and most probably all others who write comments challenging the call for International investigations will most certainly support any International Investigation if Lanka’s dignity is not demeaned by singling her out.

By: yapa Wed, 03 Aug 2011 12:57:51 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Dear Off the Cuff;

jansee has pretty aspirations and claims only. She doesn’t know the importance of evidence or rational justifications.

This is like “I want this, I want that, give them to me, no matter whose they are, otherwise……….”


By: Off the Cuff Wed, 03 Aug 2011 05:47:09 +0000 Jansee,

3. Lankan Tamils are less than 10% of population
4. Sinhalese over 80% (Excludes British indentured Labour)

How would you explain this, if as you claim, the Tamils inhabited Lanka before the Sinhalese?

By: Off the Cuff Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:29:23 +0000 Jansee,

You say “Even if we use simple logic, Buddhism migrated from India, from a place further away from Tamilnadu. So, logic dictates that Tamils would have settled there long before the Sinhalese migrated from other parts, like Kerala and Gujarat. Not that this is of any importance or significant as what happens on the ground resonates with me more than mere symbolic history”

Logic Jansee?

The obvious problems with what you say are the following,

1. Northern Lanka is ARID
2. Southern and Central Lanka is Fertile and fed by many rivers

Yet the Tamils are concentrated in the ARID lands and the Sinhalese in Fertile lands.

3. Lankan Tamils are less than 10% of population
4. Sinhalese over 80% (Excludes British indentured Labour)

[Edited out]

5. Water is essential for life and agriculture. Ancient Lankans built nearly 30,000 Irrigation Tanks to store water, most of them in the Dry Zone. In Mannar we have the Giant’s Tank. In Kantalai we have the Kantalai Tank. How many of these 30,000 reservoirs have been built by a Tamil Administration?

Here is a challenge to the Homeland claim in more detail.

You say “The Sinhalese have re-written history to hide the truth and burnt the Jaffna library to hide the Tamil version of this truth. So, shall we go on arguing on this – for perpetuity.”

While sympathising with you about the loss of Jaffna Library, the question that comes to my mind is how the Jaffna Library became the SOLE REPOSITORY for Tamil History?

You say “It is a well-know fact that the Sinhalese majority have been bullying the Tamils and since independence this has been the pattern”

Though you try to hide it, it is also well known, who the lackeys of the British Colonials were, that dispensed injustice to the Sinhalese. The Tamil attempts at perpetuating the Bureaucratic rule that they enjoyed as the Colonial lackeys even after independence was the Primary cause of ill will between the predominantly Tamil Bureaucracy and the majority Sinhalese who were ruled by them.

You say “Pray tell me how many women Prabhakaran raped, how many women’s breats did he sliced-off”

What if someone claims that the WHOLE LTTE Women’s corps and the Female Baby brigade were his personal Harem and Adelle was the Pimp who supplied women for his pleasure? Praba’s wife was one of Adelles charges wasn’t she? The black Tigers had their last meal with him before going on their suicide mission didn’t they? The dead don’t talk.

Not only Breasts Jansee even pregnant women’s belies were slashed open, Genitals mutilated and Babies Heads slammed and crushed against Trees.

However much you try, you can’t whitewash a Sadist.

By: Off the Cuff Tue, 02 Aug 2011 18:44:05 +0000 In reply to jansee.


You have nought to say about Dr Nadesan’s claim about how well the IDPs were treated.

You have nought to say about the SLIPPER wearing LTTE terrorist posing as a Lankan Soldier killing a young man tied to a tree by slashing the throat in the Ch4 film.

You have nought to say about the absence of LTTE injured or dead in the ONLY war zone hospital under LTTE control.

Yet you talk about lies.

What Hypocrisy?

It was Dr Nadesan who burst your bubble Jansee.

By: jansee Sat, 30 Jul 2011 15:55:29 +0000 yapa:

“Evil forces have been trying to gobble this country from the very instance it was born, but over 2500 years our heroes protected it”

During the IPKF’s occupation, at least Prabhakaran fought bravely with them. Not only your heroes were just looking pathetically at the sky when Indian airplanes dropped parippu. The fact that Prabhakaran stood against them when your heroes hid in the camps speak a lot on heroism, doesn’t it. And what kind of heroism has to rum for support to so many countries like India, China and Pakistan to defeat a few thousand men. And what kind of heroism is to muster a 200,000 army to defeat a few thousand men. If they had challenged Prabhakaran men to men around the same number and with the same type of weapons, and still had won, then that is heroism. Please don’t make me laugh.

Safety – this is the most dubious excuse I have ever heard. All over the world wars have been and are being fought and there are media people who take the risk to bring the story to ordinary folks. Knowing what the SL regime was up to, Millibank then UK Foreign Minister and his French counterpart insisted that they want to go to the war and despite Gotabaya’s assertion on safety, they were willing to take the risk but, of course, the truth had to be hidden and they were refused permission. Whom are trying to hoodwink?

The person who shot and killed the 600 policemen is in the custody of the SL regime. I agree with you that whoever did such a heinous crime should be punished. Would the President or Gotabaya do that?

If you equate hatred with justice, then it is pure ignorance and your pretense is quite profound. We want accountability for the murders of several thousands deliberately killed. You can talk and write what you want, we are not going to stop in our endeavors. The simple truth is you and the SL regime get very frustrated that you cannot stop us. You should have watched the face of Shivendra Silva when he was questioned about the the latest revelations. Boy, that was a mirror.
