Comments on: Post-Conflict Peace-Building: A Gradualist Perspective For Evolutionary Reform Journalism for Citizens Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:04:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:04:21 +0000 In reply to jansee.

Hey Jansee, thanks for coming all the way out of the closet and stating your moral preference for Prabhakaran over the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka, which recently held and lost elections in the North!

As for Prabhakaran not killing babies, you obviously forget the Naiaru and Kokilai massacre, Arantalawa and many more.

In any case, the Nazis didn’t firebomb Dresden, the Allies did. The Japanese militarists didn’t atom bomb US cities, the US did two Japanese ones. However, history stands with the Allies, not the fascists. Similarly, morality, ethics, history and the people, stand with the democratic state, not the fascist Tigers, notwithstanding any other factors.

By: jansee Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:04:55 +0000 Dayan:

Thank you for being so glad to know of my position. Was that supposed to be a classified information – after all I have known this view some time back and the reasons for holding such a view.

Call it a sequel or even better a resurrection. Sinhalese racists like you enjoy the subjugation of the Tamils because of the numbers but despite all the odds they have faced the Tamils still didn’t fall for pumps, sarees, bicycles and sweet-talk. Indeed the spirit is still burning high in them. For all what he may have been and been called, Prabhakaran did not rape women nor cut their breasts off. In all his unwarranted actions, he still stands high when compared to the barbaric deeds of the SL regime and the soldiers. How one sees the brutal and bloody murder of more than 40,000 as compared with a few people he killed?

Off the Cuff:

How much of arm-twisting by India has gone into driving the SL regime to its senses. Didn’t Gotabaya acknowledge that the only country that may militarily make a difference is India? If a different Indian regime (not Congress) decides to settle this issue for good – then I doubt it would prefer to go it alone – it may go for the help of the local Tamils – as happened during the 1971 Bangladeshi war. May be you should ponder on such a possibility.

By: jansee Thu, 28 Jul 2011 19:49:25 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Off the Cuff:

When Premier Indira Ghandi decided to arm and train the rebels on Indian soil, and particularly in Tamilnadu, there was nothing much SL could do. It is conceivable that if it is the SL rebels who take up arms, then they hardly have any chance against the SL army. This is where Prabhakaran made a huge mistake. If he had continued with his guerilla warfare as he did with the IPKF, then it would have been that easy to defeat him or may have taken very much longer to defeat him. But all this changes if INDIA decides to invade SL, as in then East Pakistan. In fact, a regime change in India may just push that possibility upwards.


I have mentioned the logic of a separate Eelam a number of times before. Call it a sequel or by any other name, I would call it a struggle against a tyrannical and murderous regime. The Tamils may have been tortured, raped and murdered and even as you seem to enjoy this triumphalism, the spirit of the Tamil is not going to rest, you can be rest assured.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:01:48 +0000 Jansee, many thanks. I am SO glad that you have openly stated your position: a separate Tamil Eelam.

Er…haven’t we seen that movie before? And its ending? Is this supposed to be a sequel?

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:26:06 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.


My reply to your post has gone out of this thread and it is found here.

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:20:32 +0000 Jansee,

The IPKF mission had already failed before Premadasa asked India to quit. The point is, that India received a bloodied nose from the LTTE and would think twice before engaging on the ground, with Lankan Forces that eliminated the LTTE.

The Tamil Nadu factor is what sustained the Terrorists through three decades and the smugglers before that. No Lankan Govt is going to take a chance on the smugglers rearming the Terrorist remnants in Lanka again.

By: jansee Wed, 27 Jul 2011 07:07:27 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.


13A, 13A plus or 13A plus plus are all terms brought up MR and BR. Of course, many of knew they were lying but when India, being the architect and since Mahinda wanted to start with that, the Tamils have to go along with it. The APRC proposals were significantly and dramatically changed by MR to be in line with the 13A. Tamils have been asking for a decent devolution since independence and almost every single Sinhala admin had lied to the Tamils. Now you come with this ego talk of take it or leave it. Is it because the Sinhalese are the majority. Even then when has the SL regime implemented the 13A in full. What about the referendum to join the east with the north? Well, we have a better idea now – a separate Eelam – then the dictates of the Sinhalese need not bother the Tamils anymore. A pipe dream you think. Just watch.

By: Justitia Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:28:02 +0000 In reply to Mahinda.

Dear Mahinda,
Good Governance according to Mahinda Rajapkse will come about after another Parliamentary Select Committee, proposed by him,deliberates until the next presidential/parliamentary elections are due.
The APRC proposals are now irrelavent.
The LLRC meanwhile is due to render its verdict in november – this
may not advice/suggest measures on ‘good governance’though many who appeared before it,have spoken on it.
The Military Government in the nothern & eastern provinces will continue because tamils abroad wave ‘tiger flags’ – these guys may assemble an army and invade the sovereign republic from the north or east!
Noone, not even MR has given this as a reason for the Military Regime in the north & east. Maybe, next month, the prime minister will mention it during his speech to justify the Emergency & PTA.
But strangely,the Emergency & PTA are for all provinces – not only for the northeast, and will remain so,even though UPFA won a majority in the south.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:30:25 +0000 In reply to jansee.

Jansee, “it has nothing to do with the sinhala majority?” C’mon, are you afraid to look at the public opinion polling data compiled by the CPA and the NPC?

Why do you think CBK couldn’t push through her ‘union of regions’package? Why did the UNP burn CBK’s Aug 2000 draft (which proposal I publicly supported, while having opposed the earlier ‘package’)? Public opinion, lady.

Here’s the thing: anything beyond 13A could be held by the courts to require a referendum. At a referendum it will be shot down, and what is more, the wording could be so configured that the entirety of 13A is shot down.

Does anyone want to run that risk?

So, my oft-repeated bottom line: Activating 13A is as good as its gonna get.

13A: take it or leave it.

By: Mahinda Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:56:42 +0000 In reply to Sri.


All your articles choke us with immense political philosophy.

Please tell the President something about Good Governance.

That will be of immense help to the country.
