Comments on: The absence of Patriotism, Pluralism and Cosmopolitanism: ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ in retrospection Journalism for Citizens Sun, 17 Jul 2011 20:28:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Sun, 17 Jul 2011 20:28:25 +0000 In reply to Upal.

Dear Upal,

Is Adelle Balasingham a War Criminal?

If she is, can you call the UK civilised for harbouring her?

If not, who else can be called a war criminal?

By: Off the Cuff Sun, 17 Jul 2011 20:21:05 +0000 In reply to Chaminda Weerawardhana.

Dear Janaki Perumal,

You say 1. “Sinhala colonizations in traditional Tamil lands”
2. “My note was on the government sponsored colonizations with the intention to change the demography”

What are these Traditional Tamil Lands?
Even during the Dutch occupation of parts of Lanka, the Kandyan Kingdom extended up to Elephant Pass. So what are these Traditional Tamil Lands? Is it an untouchable de-facto Eelam?

How just is it to claim 35% of Land in the North and East and 60% of the Coast Line and the integral 200 mile territorial waters and economic zone as an exclusive domain of a Tamil Minority of less than 10%?

CIA fact book gives the following data. Population 21,283,913 (July 2011 est.). ethnic mix – Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%, Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, other 0.5%, unspecified 10% (2001 census provisional data)

Tamils were settled by the government in lands hitherto occupied by the Sinhalese in the hill country, converting the Sinhala peasantry to a landless entity and changing the Demography of the Hill Country permanently. Add this land, now occupied by Tamils, to what you claim to be “Traditionally Tamil Lands” and justify your claim for over 40% of land and 60% of coast line and the territorial waters to a Minority of less than 10%.

Can’t you see that this unreasonable claim to the land is one of the major factors causing division and resentment?

Over 80% of Land in Lanka is owned by the State and the JUST method of allocating this scarce resource to the citizens of Lanka is on a per capita basis. Every state sponsored development that requires allocation of land should hence be per Capita based where ever such developments take place (North, South, East or West). You should read about the Ethnic Integration Policy of Singapore. It has been in operation for two decades yet the Tamils there don’t complain.

You also state “Thank you for agreeing those who were in the channel 4 crimes were really sl soldiers that your fellow sl gov intellectuals and UN representatives negate either as fake or as a fabricated Tamil diaspora video”

That it is overwhelmingly fake, is beyond question. Even if it had an iota of truth within, the biased reporting (both video and commentary) blots it out.

You should read Dr. Noel Nadesan’s open letter to ABC Australia TV. Dr. Nadesan is the Editor of the Tamil Newspaper Uthayam and has been its Editor for 14 years.

Here is an excerpt.
… Ch 4 showed images of a young man who was tied to a tree, threatened with a knife and subsequently killed. I was told by sources in the Wanni that this was an LTTE operation and pictures were taken for propaganda purposes by LTTE. Have a close look and you will find among the so called soldiers a man in slippers. Sri Lankan soldiers never go out in slippers when they go out on operations.
end excerpt.

He has also written about Suthanthipuram, the first NFZ. He says the LTTE moved their Radio station and Artillery units in to it, to fire at Army points.

He has also described how the LTTE was firing from the close proximity of the Hospital and makeshift hospitals and cites as witnesses the AGA Parthipan and Dr. Shanmugarajah.

The full letter is available at

The C4 showed a damaged hospital in the LTTE controlled area. It was strange to see able bodied wounded males in Civilian clothing within the hospital precincts. It was well known that the LTTE forced conscripted ALL able bodied men and even women and children including UN employees to fight in the war front. Yet NOT A SINGLE LTTE wounded or Dead was in sight and this was the ONLY hospital within LTTE controlled area in the War Zone.

The C4 was a Diaspora project. It contained mainly film footage from the LTTE “Truth Soldiers”. A two man propaganda unit attached to each group of 100 cadres. It used selected government film footage but excluded footage captured from the LTTE and published by the Government showing Tamil civilians being marched off at gun point to work in the war front and LTTE Cadres dressed exclusively in Civilian Clothing, manning armoured vehicles equipped with high powered machine guns. Once they get wounded or die they become instant civilians at the hospital.

C4 has an Axe to Grind with the SL govt for the expulsion of its team from Lanka. The Diaspora is still waving the terrorist flag.

Adelle Balasingham is the Highest Ranking LTTE Terrorist living in freedom today. She was the first Female leader of the LTTE and the creator of the Baby Brigade and was a close confidante of Prabhakaran. She has to answer to the atrocities perpetrated by her cadres and for sending young Tamil children to war. Yet she is living in comfort and freedom in the UK. The Tamil Diaspora is the least concerned with what she did to Tamil Children as evident from their silence on the issue.

Are the Wanni Children any different to the Tamil Diaspora children and is not worthy of getting Justice?

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:20:38 +0000 In reply to Asanga Welikala.

Hi again, Asanga,

What would you make of the fact that liberal-secular-progressive Indian opinion holds that the ‘two nation theory’ led to bloody partition –and therefore constitutes the deadliest of dangers?

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:15:47 +0000 In reply to Asanga Welikala.

Dear Asanga,

Multiple, but heirarchical/heirarchised?

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:11:18 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Funny you should mention Rwanda, Burning_Issue, because my stance on national sovereignty, accountability and international inquiries, is the same as that of Paul Kagame, whom I admire!

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:08:54 +0000 In reply to Janaki Perumal.

Janaki, Janaki, Janaki, maybe you should ask yourself why every single regime that is considered or considers itself Marxist, from Cuba to Vietnam, supports Sri Lanka on all these issues? My position is no different from that of Cuba, Venezuela etc. So who should I check with on whether my position is anti-marxist and not in keeping with my earlier Marxist positions? You or Havana?

By: Burning_Issue Thu, 14 Jul 2011 16:20:30 +0000 In reply to Patta.

Dear Patta,

“I believe India and its treatment of Sri Lanka is just as important to Sri Lanka in its pursuit of independence in an inclusive society within a unitary government with assurances of certain rights so that the basic inalienable rights of the people of the North and East to live in peace is guaranteed.”

Please quantify of the “certain rights”; what are they and how do you envisage giving assurances to the people in the North and East? What rights do the Tamil speaking people have in terms of their language and way of life in Sri Lanka? Do you feel that the Tamil speaking people have a claim to the Tamil language in Sri Lanka? What constitute a Sri Lankan? Is a Sinhala Buddhist more Sri Lankan than the other and Tamils and Muslims at the bottom of the pile? If this is injustice, how would you go about rectifying it? Only the Sinhalese can put this right and the ball is in their court!

By: Patta Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:52:57 +0000 It is interesting that India was not mentioned at all in this article and the importance of India in this equation, thereby belittled. I believe India and its treatment of Sri Lanka is just as important to Sri Lanka in its pursuit of independence in an inclusive society within a unitary government with assurances of certain rights so that the basic inalienable rights of the people of the North and East to live in peace is guaranteed.

Only then will be get a lasting peace. India’s ability with its huge presence of RAW agents in the country to destabilize the country as they wish means we have to keep each government in India very closely engaged and made to feel that we are doing what they want but actually act independently being able to play one super power against the other, and in this context, both India and China are also superpowers.

By: Lanka Liar Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:31:47 +0000 In reply to Shanuki Perera.

“Trying to cover up what?” – covering up mass murder rape torture by giving reasons for, and justifications for, casting doubts, suspecting, talking around, expressing helplessness, comparing with other mass murders in other countries in some time somewhere. Whether it is LTTE or SLTE or any body “If you commit a crime you must do the time”. History politics geography religion culture patriotism nationalism even security any of these things cannot be an excuse for committing crime – rape murder torture etc. How many have been committed against the innocent Tamils for how long. Some of them in day light documented. Has any one brought to trials. tried and found not guilty / guilty, you can even pardon them for this heroic acts but try them first. That is the minimum justice that you can give to any victim let alone Tamils. That is the bare minimum for any civilized country. Rather than doing this many try to say that this is a humanitarian operation. Is murder rape torture, humanitarian operation.

I quote from the article
“Throughout its existence, the LTTE was composed of Tamil youth from impoverished (often low-caste) layers of Tamil society. The young people who enlisted largely did so in the absence of any other alternatives. When children were forcefully conscripted, parents and family members simply had no choice. We must never forget this social dimension, which shares a parallel with the social composition of Sri Lanka’s state armed forces. The armed forces are largely composed of Sinhalese youth from underdeveloped rural areas, in many a case with low O level results (often failing key subjects) and in a tremendously large number of cases, they end up joining the army in the absence of any other choices.”
Did you see the comment those who joined the LTTE are low caste but those who joined the army are low GCE (ol). Who brings the caste now. Do you understand.
Do you understand why now. If you cant I cant help you.

“you call for justice for Tamils, but you don’t explain how to get there?”
I am not here to explain how to get there, because so many have advised there are no one to listen and I consider it is a waste of time. But I will try because you have requested
You can get there by being honest civilized human beings
If you don’t know how to deliver justice to the Tamil victims or any victims of crimes, why do we have a country, a judiciary a democracy etc. Ok I will tell you an example, If somebody is murdered how do you deliver justice. You should know. Not by saying there are many murders committed in the world, and the dead man is not going to wake up. This is how simple I can get. Please understand. Or if you don’t know how, get advice from someone who knows, or hand over that part to somebody who can, International courts?

My intention is not to take you far – pretty difficult task, If truth is told it become arrogance injustice even unpatriotic you know where. That is why I can understand your anger. This is the essence of my comment., Hope you understand now.

These type of analysis are political and journalist pastime for some people. There will be no action. The same players who write and comment and preach will not come forward to defend the ideals they have preached when they occupy the seats of some sorts of power or positions. R Pak – a very good example there are thousands in Sri Lanka men without principle but theories and rhetoric to suite the time.

By: wijayapala Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:12:39 +0000 In reply to Upal.

Dear Upal,

How do you make amends after killing 40,000 people in cold blood?

From where did you get the 40,000 from? Of that number, how many did the LTTE kill? What have the people who had bankrolled the LTTE done to make amends for all the Tamils killed by the LTTE?
