Comments on: Sri Lanka’s War Burden: Two years on Journalism for Citizens Thu, 14 Jul 2011 08:01:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eelam Modaya Thu, 14 Jul 2011 08:01:54 +0000 In reply to Mango.

It has nothing to do with there being “murderers” and “rapists” elsewhere; it’s more a case of the absconding serial killer accusing us of hiding a body in the basement and asking to pop in and investigate.

By: Lanka Liar Thu, 14 Jul 2011 07:38:00 +0000 In reply to Mango.

Sometime ago a veteran Indian journalist published Prabaharans deaths for four times each time he was wrong. Nobody in Sri Lanka questioned him, because he was immersed in gold and silver and titles for doing the work for Sri Lanka. Gordon Weiss and channel 4 has written and shown what they saw and are prepared to show the evidence. They didn’t come to Sri Lanka to write a comprehensive history or politics or about the beauty of the landscape. After all with this kind of atrocities going on what can the beauty bring to this. A foreign friend of mine visited Sri Lanka and bought some cloths . when he learnt about the torture disappearance and horror perpetrated by the Sri Lankan armed forces and the justifications for those actions from the politicians, he opted to throw the cloths away, See their reaction. This is long before the channel 4 or Gordan Weiss. Correct yourself don’t expect the world to behave according to your specifications.
Can you allow the Tamil people to come out and speak freely and give evidence and gurentee their life? Then only you can dispute Gordon Weiss and Channel 4 Who will dare it. If they do they will simply vanish. Isn’t it. – A humanitarian operation will be performed on them. The country is slowly being characterized as a failed state with very low level values. Landscape, food, short term smiles can’t erase them. Only courageous acceptance of errors and practicing honesty will put back the nation on the map. It is up to the people to take which ever path they want to

By: Lanka Liar Thu, 14 Jul 2011 07:17:48 +0000 In reply to Mango.

If you tell a Sri Lankan
Don’t murder he will say there are many murderers in the world.
Don’t Lie he will say there are many liars in the world
Don’t Rape There are many rapist in the world
Be good there are many good people in the world – Oops there are no good people in the world.
How long you can go on like this. The world has begun to operate as on entity and one nation’s actions are scrutinized by other nations collectively and individually. If you want to live inwardly there were countries like Myanmar and North Korea etc to see how they destroyed themselves. Do you want Sri Lanka to be like that? If you mess it once you can’t rebuild it again especially the culture and character. A golden opportunity is in the horizon to correct our self and become men among men.

By: Charles Haviland Thu, 14 Jul 2011 03:32:15 +0000 In reply to haren.

Thank you, both, for prompt apology/correction.

By: wijayapala Thu, 14 Jul 2011 03:29:06 +0000 Dear Janaki,

I have friends who strongly despise the monolithic sinhala buddhist governance pushing anything against anyone with its bloody grip.

And what did your friends do or say in 2005 when Prabakaran threatened the Tamils away from voting against this monolithic sinhala governance? Why were you all so silent back then compared to today?

The opposite side may have spectrum of flags.

So far I’ve only seen one- the lovable Tiger surrounded by bullets and rifles- and I’ve heard that if that flag had not been waved around in mass demonstrations by thousands of mindless sycophants in London and Toronto in 2009, then these other flags you are hinting at might have taken more action.

By: Janaki Perumal Wed, 13 Jul 2011 16:26:16 +0000 In reply to Janaki Perumal.

/Given this context, don’t you think it’s time to take a look at your flag-waving friends and ask them their own role in those civilian deaths? – wijayapala/

None of my friends are flag-waving, though I have friends who strongly despise the monolithic sinhala buddhist governance pushing anything against anyone with its bloody grip. It does not have to be only Tamils.

Said this, I also want to point you out that until you think only you have the right to wave the flag not the other, you are going to see more and more flag wavers on the opposite side. And, The opposite side may have spectrum of flags.

It is funny that you said this. Current Jaffna mayor wants to remove the sword from the sculpture of last king of Jaffna, sankiliyan as he thinks it threatens the southern ministers and tourists visiting north. When I read this today I was amused with two thoughts

1. Hope he has no intention to replace a sword with a white flag in Sankiliyan’s hands (of course with UN approval)

2. Well, none complained to this day about the sword in the hands of lion.

By: haren Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:17:48 +0000 In reply to Charles Haviland.

I acknowledge and regret the error on my part and accept full responsibility for it.
Please accept my apologies.

By: Groundviews Wed, 13 Jul 2011 12:27:31 +0000 In reply to Charles Haviland.

Thanks Charles. The error is regretted and now stands corrected. We’ve also emailed the author your comment in an effort to understand why he wrote what he did.

By: wijayapala Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:17:39 +0000 In reply to Janaki Perumal.

Dear Janaki Perumal,

These are two contexts I pointed out his death.

Thank you for appreciating the notion of context. So you will agree that the 40,000 or 4,000,000 civilian deaths took place within the context of stopping a brutal, fascist organisation that led the world in suicide bombing and did not hesitate to use Tamil children as cannon fodder to literally fatten its leaders. You will also appreciate the context that this same organisation was bankrolled by people living outside the country and having no intention at all in risking their lives or their childrens’ to achieve this Tamileelam dream. Finally there is the context that this same organisation had no interest at all in peace and disenfranchised Tamil voters to ensure that MR would come to power.

Given this context, don’t you think it’s time to take a look at your flag-waving friends and ask them their own role in those civilian deaths?

By: Janaki Perumal Tue, 12 Jul 2011 22:41:57 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

I do not and any compassionate human-being can not approve anyone’s killing. I only pointed out he was not the first Tamil being killed and he was Srimavo government’s man in Jaffna when the state organized disturbance of 4th Tamil International Conference, and the consequent deaths of few Tamils. These are two contexts I pointed out his death. Hence, let me repeat to you; I do not approve his killing; I do not approve LTTE’s last decade conscription either.

However your questions do the contrary. From your bold face statement, “how does civilian deaths caused by the SLA somehow worse than the LTTE’s using thousands of Tamil children as cannon fodder? Why is it that you must protest violently against the GOSL, but be perfectly content coexisting with those who had bankrolled the LTTE’s atrocities?” what I understand is that if LTTE does anything wrong to Tamil children, civilian killings by SLA are ok for you. You sound very similar to one Lt Col (Retd.) Anil Amarasekera in July 11th Asian Tribune. His convoluted argument is, “LTTE did this list of atrocities since 1983, but Channel 4 questions sri lankan military; thus, the only possible conclusion one can arrive at is that Channel 4 has been bought over by the rump LTTE or by vested interests.”

Further, I do not think you care about not thousands, but not even a single Tamil child. For you everything seems to be SLA Vs. LTTE.
