Comments on: Sports and Governance: A Look at what the Doping Scandals means for International Politics in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 09 Jul 2011 12:13:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: justitia Sat, 09 Jul 2011 12:13:50 +0000 Sri Lanka may be the only country where politicians control sports bodies.
The minister in charge of the subject of ‘sports’ should assist in ‘sports promotion’ but leave the administration of sports bodies, severely alone.
I think that a Cricket Board should be elected from among test cricketers who are not politicians, and are resident in sri lanka. This board should appoint its own employees and conduct business of TV rights etc. by itself in a transparent manner.
There must be annual audited statement of accounts published in the media.
The sorry state of finances of Sri Lanka Cricket has been bared by the Auditor General. This should be inquired into.
This appears to justify Sangakkara’s comments.

By: yapa Wed, 06 Jul 2011 02:32:51 +0000 Though, Sanga’s Collin Coudry speech was supposed to be about the cricket and affairs of cricket, I think it is an indication of the sentiments we should have to develop a vision of our own to take the country in the path of progress. As in the case of cricket, power should changed to the masses to represent their needs and aspirations, if country to move forward from a majority of elites or those whose sentiments are sprang from colonials. I think post war period, the order of the day is the battle for power between the elite class of this country and the general masses.

I think minority elites who shares the sentiments of colonialism want the power back and trying to hard for the goal with the international unscrupulous elements.

As in the case of cricket we will have to defeat this exercise too teaming up with a leadership who has no inferiority complex in the presence of any other country or any power, and dignify our nation as an equal partner of the world or with a higher moral dignity. Need of the hour is not beggars, but leaders who can challenge and glorify our nation. With that national pride we will have to take initiative to build our nation.

Cricket, seems to provide our country the direction we should move for a proud and prosperous nation.

Thanks, cricket and thanks Sanga, we need braves, we need heroes, not timid “ambitillan meeyos”(timid rats) to lead our nation.


By: ravana Wed, 06 Jul 2011 01:36:12 +0000 WRT testing of school children, this exemplifies what this and other SL Governments have traditionally done in any sphere. When caught out, they always find offenders among the innocent (e.g. JVP instigated the shooting incident at Katunayake, The TNA attack is false it was a fight between MSD and an unidentified uniformed group, doping isn’t carries out by the “President’s Physician” but is endemic in the country even down to primary school).

It would be hilarious if it was not so tragic, that the Sri Lankan public smile and take a regular dose of punishment from the Government for various faults that the population “exhibits”.

It is said in the article that the anti-doping bodies punish not Governments but individuals. The same approach may be taken by the International bodies against individuals who had responsibility for demonstrated war crimes. If the Sri Lankan public can develop the courage to think of themselves as responsible for Governance and not individuals, and that individuals can be sacrificed in the service of that Governance, then Sri Lanka can respond to the current crisis while retaining sovereignty.

Actually, whether the Sri Lankan public does anything or not International mechanisms will see certain individuals constrained and compliant. People of SL have taken themselves out of the equation so far. This is because they have been chasing the rainbow of International action against Sri Lanka, whereas the rules are applied against individuals to take them out of the game. Given that the Sri Lankan people as the umpire on ground have not booked the individuals, it will be done by the match referee or worse still, the Governing Body. The outcome will be that the Umpire is left out in the cold rain looking all shrivelled.

Unless the umpire develops some backbone….
