Comments on: Rambling in Jaffna: An ode to the past Journalism for Citizens Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thambi Wed, 06 Jul 2011 20:50:59 +0000 In reply to Thambi.

The Libyan intervention occurred because it seemed like an easy war pitting the majority of angry Libyans against Gaddafi and his minority army (no ethnic or racial issues involved), Gaddafi has been a big bogeyman to the West and is considered an enemy despite resent cooling of sentiments prior to the invasion, plus Libya has oil.. The stalled nature of the war will prevent any sort of intervention for at least the next decade. Notice nothing is been done for Syria which is killing its civilians rights now.

If the West was going to intervene In Sri Lanka they would have done so in 2009 when the Tamil diaspora was at its loudest and most obnoxious. The same videos being thrown around today was available then — on the internet, on Channel 4 (they showed the famous execution video back then as you recall). What makes you think two years on they would invade when the ground situation has cooled off and there is no real reason to intervene. After Iraq the West knows not to attack countries ruled by majorities (Arabs) in support of minorities (Kurds).

And the video is not been shown to billions. It’s been shown to thousands in London and recently Australia. Here in the United States no one has any idea that Channel 4 released its production nor does the rest of Europe. Also, neither does Asia (including China, Russia and Japan — the only exception would be the Tamil Nadu and parts of Malaysia where Tamils are), South America, Africa, etc.

The UN doesn’t represent billions of people either. It represents the interests of the strongest powers in the world — i.e. United States, China, Russia, etc.

And btw what family members did you lose? Did you really lose people or are you going by the idea that all Tamils are your family?

By: yapa Wed, 06 Jul 2011 15:27:38 +0000 In reply to Lakshan.

Dear Tara;

“Just tell us whether you want to see a proper investigation happening or not ? If you demand such an investigation a sri Lankan government under which political party would do that ? If there is no constituency for that in Sri Lankan politics, what would you suggest as the next step ?”

Dear Tara, investigations begin with reasonable causes, not on Pow wow and propaganda prejudiced with greed, hatred, ignorance and gains. Mighty screams on media are not reasonable causes. A cause is the important thing, not the amplified noise of it.


By: Tara Wed, 06 Jul 2011 14:15:48 +0000 In reply to Lakshan.

Just tell us whether you want to see a proper investigation happening or not ? If you demand such an investigation a sri Lankan government under which political party would do that ? If there is no constituency for that in Sri Lankan politics, what would you suggest as the next step ?

Funnily enough, you do not want to tell us why you think that West will not/cannot intervene in Sri Lanka.

I sort of see what you mean now. You want the war crimes issue to be a some sort of weapon in the hands of NATO and the West, only to be waved it against Sri Lanka in order to get them to chase out the Chinese avatars hanging around it at the moment. So the West to use ‘my anger’ against the killers of my family members for a different game and nothing more !! Perhaps to inject us a higher dose of Managala Samaraweerism, I thought.

This is why my friends, we have to get these pictures to the living rooms of billions of households around the globe. I can understand (assuming you live in Sri lanka) your ignorance of the shock, anger and disgust within the millions of ordinary wetern people and the intellectuals in western countries. It is not going to go away. The westrn people have gone throughthe horrors of 2 world wars and understand what these pictures mean to us and them too.

Lots of people thought that after the war everything would be fine we can move on. But now after the screening of this film, very same people have been tossed out form their arm chairs and lost the wind out of their sails and leaving them bitterly depressed.

I appreciate the important task Groundviews doing in this regard, really taking up the challenge of countering the efforts to discredit at least whatever the evidence we have in hand. The bigger task is unearthing the mass of evidence the government is trying to conceal.

By: Lakshan Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:44:25 +0000 In reply to Tara.


what do you expect ?
For lots of reasons NATO or USA will never touch Sri Lanka.
I don’t have to elaborate ,though I find it rather surprising that you and Sinhalese nationalists like Professor Nalin de Silva are in the same wavelength when discussing foreign intervention in Sri Lanka. In Sinhalese extremists case they need the “Western” bogeyman to further their hold on power and people (like the recent Arsenic fiasco), while in yours it is driven by anger against the Rajapakse regime for what you perceive as the excessive action against civilians and also perhaps destruction of LTTE.
But one can detect a rather symbiotic relationship

By: yapa Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:57:12 +0000 In reply to Tara.

Dear Tara;
I think you must have noticed the following on the top of the article of your given link.

“Summary: Use of the documentary film ‘Nazi Concentration Camps’ in the Nuremberg war crime trials provided irrefutable evidence of what occurred, but the unprecedented nature of the atrocities complicated the prosecution’s task of convicting the war criminals within the context of existing law.”

I would like to stress the following phrases for your information please.

1. provided irrefutable evidence of what occurred,

2. the unprecedented nature of the atrocities complicated the prosecution’s task of convicting,

Do you think your assertion is for a so simple task?


By: David Blacker Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:31:19 +0000 In reply to Tara.

But the alleged crimes in SL are not unprecedented, Tara. We have seen them with mind numbing repetition all over the world since Nuremberg.

By: Tara Wed, 06 Jul 2011 08:54:16 +0000 DB & Yapa

“While the film [Nazi Concentration camps film shown as evidence at Nuremberg War crimes Tribunal] offered visual proof of astonishing atrocities, the very unprecedented nature of the crimes to which it bore witness complicated attempts at assigning blame and seemed to undermine the jurisprudential theories upon which the Allied prosecution was based. For the horror of the Nazis’ crimes lay not only in their concrete detail, but also in their symbolic content. By challenging the capacity of the Nuremberg Tribunal to comprehend the practice of genocide in terms of conventional violations of ordered legality, Nazi practices threatened to expose law’s limits.”

By: Off the Cuff Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:57:15 +0000 Tara,

If the people in the top of the UN is not doing the right thing at this moment,

Are all of them with you Tara?

It only requires just One Veto to stop your project on its track. Are you sure you have them all covered?

By: ordinary lankan Tue, 05 Jul 2011 17:13:21 +0000 Not joining this argument –

I am just looking at the beautiful picture of this valiant cyclist

this is a poem I put together after a visit to jaffna on the A9 this February

Build and break
Break and build
Is this not
A child’s world?
Stamp your journey with mildness
Stamp your journey with gentleness
Tread with care
Disturb nothing
Inherit the earth
By being the earth
Take the self out
Let the thought
Float away
Watch the wheels
Move up and down
Watch the mood swing
High and low
Find the still point
In darkness and light
Cycle brother and sister
Through your joys and pains

By: yapa Tue, 05 Jul 2011 14:33:54 +0000 In reply to Thambi.

Dear tara;

“Who in sri lankan poiltics stand for an international investigation in Tto the alleged crimes? The intrnational media has already taken the initiative to bring these pictures to billions of people. The people are shocked and appalled.”

Just because international media has taken the initiative,initiative of propaganda you think it is invariably true and correct?

On the other hand channel 4 is just one media institution out of millions of the similar organizations of the world run by a profit oriented private organization. You cannot just say it is an international media????

The main objective of any private media organization is to make profit. They run on the money paid to them by their stake holders for advertisements etc.., and CH4 video is another profit oriented project of Channel 4, it is not charity to produce a film and telecast it free of charge to be bankrupt soon. Further CH4 video has no verifiable evidence, other than just a line of pictures, which even could be taken from a movie of Bollywood.

What nonsense are you talking based on unreliable evidence?(propaganda?) Before starting propaganda please be concerned about sound evidence. Your tactic seems to be the sound effect to deafen people for others opinion and to win your unjustifiable goals.

