
Sri Lanka’s Post-War Crisis: War Crimes and Channel 4

Following the broadcast of ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ on the 14th of June and its public release – for seven days – on Channel 4’s website, there has been an overwhelming international reaction to what has been described as ‘brutal,’ ‘horrific’ and ‘shocking’ footage of war crimes.

In an effort to collate the reportage following the release of the documentary, we have created a bundle that features the most significant news reports, blogs, comments and videos by international networks, which have been published on the web over the last few days. We have clipped several sources that include responses by ambassadors, civil servants and soi-disant advisors to the government.

The news agencies featured in the bundle include the Guardian, New Statesman, Independent, Telegraph, Hindu, Hindustan Times, International Business Times and numerous other sources including leading blogs from Sri Lanka.

Groundviews will continue to curate the bundle and upload new reports as soon as they are published. Please note that each clip in the bundle features a quote from a news report or blog post. The full article, video or podcast can be accessed by clicking the title featured on each clip. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed of our curated news bundle by clicking here.

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