
The Right to Respond

NGO: The numbers do not
add up. Census says 430,000
people resided in the Vanni
mid-2008. A year later, 290,000
are shepherded by the Army
into “welfare centers” where
one hundred men, boys, girls,
women shared one latrine, but
that is another dirty subject;
we are speaking here of brute
numbers and mass disappearance.

Govt: I understand
Tamil Net will jump to spread
the pernicious bleeding
heart report from those pesky
fellows at Channel 4,
so we must follow
our Leader and enact
his plan to send teams
to like-minded, non-aligned
countries to show how
governments can eliminate

terror, following our way
or the highway, of no return,
but we won’t use that crude
phrase. We believe we are
among friends here
in the poem without a need
to camouflage. Yet, we must
practice to win the diplomatic
battle now in the third and
fourth worlds where we
are very much at home.

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