Comments on: Hear My VOICE: Bonsika Vadivel Vasanthan ~ “Please bring my father back to me” Journalism for Citizens Wed, 26 Jan 2011 02:33:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Mervyn Silva Wed, 26 Jan 2011 02:33:18 +0000 In reply to The Mervyn Silva.

The Wijayapala,

I am liking your comentings and suggestions very much especially this one:

“White People and their local kitchen boys (calling themselves “civil society”) wrote many reports how you can tame a weed by talking to it.”

This is also what some peoples in the government are thinking about me. But the more they are talking to me the more weed-like I am becoming, running wild all over the place.

By: David Blacker Mon, 24 Jan 2011 04:00:36 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

That should read “why Karuna & Co are needed for now”.

By: David Blacker Mon, 24 Jan 2011 01:31:10 +0000 In reply to paradiselost.

Paradise, there will always be abuses where human beings are concerned.

Genocide is very clearly defined and doesn’t require me to redefine it. However, in short it can be said to be the deliberate killing of people simply because they belong to a particular social group or demographic. The killing of an individual isn’t a genocide, though it can be part of a genocide.

I have already explained several times why Karuna & Co are needed. As for your comments on my mind being closed etc, anyone who’s read my comments and posts over the last months and years will know what I believe.

By: wijayapala Sun, 23 Jan 2011 15:14:47 +0000 In reply to The Mervyn Silva.


just for an example all politicians could taken into account the socio-economical aspirations of the population for the politics to uplift the life of all people instead of making politics and the corresponding governments along the ethnic lines.

How would they have uplifted the people?

There is no necessary for a Tamil not to vote for SLFP or UNP or some other party like the for Sinhalese to vote for a Tamil party and this would have been possible when the ideology of any given party is not defined along the ethnic identity.

Why was the Tamil Congress created in 1944? Or ITAK in 1949?

By: wijayapala Sun, 23 Jan 2011 15:07:11 +0000 In reply to The Mervyn Silva.

Dear the Mervyn Silva

Believed to have been completely and one hundred percent eradicated in 2009 after the extensive use of the very powerful weedkiller produced by the Gota-Fonseka Chemicals Inc. after very ruthless campaign, suspected of having killed many insects also in the process.

Thank you for the reference. I humbly suggest adding that no other solution to dealing with this weed had worked for over two decades. A lot of very educated White People and their local kitchen boys (calling themselves “civil society”) wrote many reports how you can tame a weed by talking to it. They were so intelligent that they did not have to study the origins of this weed or its nature to come to this conclusion. They used fancy words like “confidence building” that I’m sure even they did not know the meaning. Not only that, anyone even hinting that a weed will not respond to talking was labeled “extremist” and “hardliner.” Also your entry does not explain how the weed traps insects so that it is impossible to pull out weed without killing insects.

By: paradiselost Sun, 23 Jan 2011 11:30:31 +0000 David Blacker
I am talking about any possible abuse under the guise of war and fight against terrorism, but you argue as there is nothing else can be true than what you believe, eventhough you are not definetly sure that if there were any delebrate killings. What you thing what is the minimum number of killings it needed to be declared to be arbitrary killings or genocide, one, ten, one hundred thousand? It is fanatism and fundamentalism what you preach, and I hope you have no blood in your hands too. I am not LTTE and I was against all these killings from terrorists right from the beginning, and I wouldnt argue because the LTTE did it was right for the others to do the same. Where are we going ahead? Please avoid with such all-inclusive arguments like ” You try and use cliches, half truths, and outright lies, you can’t change history nor what the Tigers were” you are scared to hear anything else than what you want to believe; and it reflects the attitude of the GoSL. Have you ever asked why Karuna is in the cabinet of our govt. has he became a saint overnight? and you self defined protectors of the law accept it without any objection? Has there been any deals over the lives of Soldiers and civilians , sinhales as well as Tamils?

By: The Mervyn Silva Sat, 22 Jan 2011 12:51:11 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

Dear the Wijayapala,

The Mervyn Silva Botanical Dictionary is having this description:

LTTE – Weed growing in the Jaffna side, first discovered in the 1970s and originally of very small size, later growing big and getting out of hand also, feeding on improperly used weed killers and its own internal make up. Showing tendency to be reaching maturiy at different ages but usually around 14-18 years and ofen expiring in the explosive manner causing harm to weeds, plants and animals all alike. Believed to have been completely and one hundred percent eradicated in 2009 after the extensive use of the very powerful weedkiller produced by the Gota-Fonseka Chemicals Inc. after very ruthless campaign, suspected of having killed many insects also in the process. A weak strain of the weed has recently been discovered in the Europe area, half the size of the eradicaed variety but with twice the smellings.

By: wijayapala Sat, 22 Jan 2011 06:11:15 +0000 Dear The Mervyn Silva

I am using the weed killer to be killing the weed not the insect but the bottle is saying this may be killing some insects also.

I was not aware that the LTTE was like a weed. I never knew that weeds strapped bombs onto themselves, but you are a Doctor and I will not lecture you.

By: David Blacker Sat, 22 Jan 2011 05:34:39 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Paradise, where did I say anything about ten civilians being killed for every Tiger? I’m sure many civilians were killed by the military in their attempts to nail the Terras, and a few might even have been killed deliberately. Such is war. But the Tigers deliberately and as a policy targeted civilians (bombs on buses and trains, attacks on civilian infrastructure, Sinhalese and Muslim villages, using Tamils as shields, etc) which the GoSL never did. However much. You try and use cliches, half truths, and outright lies, you can’t change history nor what the Tigers were.

By: The Mervyn Silva Sat, 22 Jan 2011 01:42:13 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Highly true and accurate also. Our heroic and victorious security forces never killing the civilian interntionally. What is happening is always unitentional and not calculated also. It is very much like what is happening when I am using the weed killer in the garden side. I am using the weed killer to be killing the weed not the insect but the bottle is saying this may be killing some insects also. But is it my fault that insects are getting killed when I am only trying to be killing the weeds? It is true that I am not giving much of a thought to be sparing the insects but I am definitely not having the thought to be harming them. Anybody saying that I am an insect killer just because the insects are geting killed when I am only wanting to be klilling the weeds is barking up the wrong weed and probably paid by my enemies in the opposition who are always wanting to be calling me names other than what my father and mother are giving me!
