Comments on: Sri Lanka and war crimes investigations: Nothing to Lose, but a World to Win Journalism for Citizens Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:36:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heshan Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:36:52 +0000 TT,

Most people are happy without devolution which is democracy.

I must disagree with the above hypothesis. Most people in the South may be satisfied with no devolution, but what about the people in the North? The only way to determine an objective answer is via a referendum.

Yes. And you agree militarization and “colonization” of the NE is an anti-secession/anti-devolution business.

There is a thing in economics called “human capital.” Keeping 40,000 uneducated soldiers in Jaffna is a great loss of human capital. These soldiers are not doing anything productive other than engaging in crime – in collusion with pro-government paramilitaries – as we all know from the recent crime spree in that area. The soldiers also create a high amount of congestion, which hinders the free market from doing its work. Having so many soldiers around in such a small space is not conducive for attracting investment, either. A little story for you – as soon as WWII was finished, thousands of American soldiers came home. What did the US Government do? It created something called the GI Bill to finance their college education. In other words, a way for soldiers to transition back to civilian life. This is good for society in general, because once again it increases the amount of human capital, thereby improving the quality of overall labor.

By: The Mervyn Silva Thu, 27 Jan 2011 23:08:45 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Why you sad about the Abu Gharib? Why the tears for the Dresden and the My Lai? I am happy and thirlled also that the My Lai and the Abu Gharibs are happening. If not what to be saying to all the idiots asking us about what is happening to the Tamils? Whenever some one raising the voice and starting to be talking to me about the war crimes of the Sri Lanka I am pulling sad face and shaking my head and saying, why nobody wanting to be talking about the poor Germans dying in the bombings, what about the Vietnamese and oh my god, have you already forgotten the torturings in the AbuGharib side? Then they are shutting up and walking away letting us be doing whatever we are liking to anybody we are liking (or not liking) .

By: TT Thu, 27 Jan 2011 06:02:52 +0000 Heshan,

“You are not going to let any referendum on secession take place – where “secession” in this case ranges from devolution to complete independence”

I agree with this. It is not outright referendum. Matters leading to more autonomy plays a part too. Strange DJ didn’t get it.

“and you are going to do so at the expense of democracy.”

Now this is not true. Democracy does not require SL to share power, etc. Most people are happy without devolution which is democracy. This decentralisation/devolution drivel was imposed on SL in the most anti democratic draconian way.

“Militarization and colonization of the North and East (although, to be fair, the East has already been colonized) tops the agenda for the next several decades. Basically, this anti-secession/anti-devolution business is an excellent excuse for the Center to strengthen itself”

Yes. And you agree militarization and “colonization” of the NE is an anti-secession/anti-devolution business.

I agree with that too. In fact that is the best guarantee to stop secession/race based devolution.

“until – that’s right, it becomes the equivalent of a dictatorship.”

Again this bit is not true. Most people are happy with the anti-secession/anti-devolution business. So the country will be more democratic not a dictatorship. A centralised democracy as the mother of democracy was until recently.

BTW it is not Mahavamsa driven. Most SLs don’t know what the Mahavamsa says apart from a few stories. Even if Mahavamsa had sai there was a seperate Tamil nation in the island, people would still not want to allow secession because it is economically beneficial. Should 90% of the island’s population have only 65% of the land? No way! Should 90% of the population have only 35% of the coast? Absolutely not!

By: TT Thu, 27 Jan 2011 02:11:07 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

Dr Dayan,

You cannot compare the inaction of IC actors during the LTTE and now. We could kick ISGA nonsense because it was the work of Tamils’ sole representative – LTTE. A banned terror group in most western countries. LTTE had no political wing capable of functioning independantly. Gave no assurance of democracy. In fact all the signals they sent out were against it. Things are different in the Tamil camps today.

Also the Chinese factor was not there then. Today it is beneficial to the west to split SL so that they can have a Kosovo, East Timor, etc. in an otherwise pro-Chinese region.

Powerhungry politicians may agree to hold a referendum for a few million bucks and/or a few hundred thousand votes.

By: TT Thu, 27 Jan 2011 01:55:08 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

What do you mean no moving forward?

Sri Lanka is moving forward with or without the naysayers. Most Sri Lankans want to move forward and actually are without any investigation. If any group of Sri Lankans are not moving forward, they will end up being backward! Who is complaining? Certainly not the people moving forward! What a self destructive statement!

But I agree SL may end up as Sudan. People can now say who will hold a referendum, who will give into Diaspora, human rights demands, etc. But did any of these people see the ISGA or PTOMS coming? No. SL could overcome these easily in the immediate 9/11 aftermath. PTOMS was easier because no donor was willing to give money to the LTTE. They badly needed an intermediary (SL). But the effort to force a referendum in the north and the east is not over yet. It may become a reality in future.

The only way to avoid it even if it happens is to settle people of all races in the north. East will reject seperation at a referendum even today thanks to ethnic integration schemes of DS Senanayaka and others. We should do the same in the north.

Then hold any number of referenda and the verdict will be NO to seperation. Military means because democratic means failed? No problem.

By: wijayapala Wed, 26 Jan 2011 23:26:26 +0000 Prof Heshan

Judgment is usually backed up by some kind of force

Ok, so in this case it wasn’t! My argument still stands.

If you prefer, the judgment was actually backed by the force of the SL military. Hence the LTTE is no more. 😉

By: wijayapala Wed, 26 Jan 2011 23:24:40 +0000 Dear Dunce

“If at first you don’t SECEDE, TRY and TRY AGAIN!

Truly brilliant, visionary thinking. it is a shame that Blacker and Dayan cannot comprehend such nuanced analysis that can do so much for Sri Lanks.

The key challenge we have to address, dear Dunce, is how to convince poor, preferably low caste Tamil children in Sri Lanka to strap on bombs again while the real Eelamoids like you and me are hiding in the West. It is simply enthralling to hear you talk so courageously about the Eelam Struggle given how you yourself had abandoned Eelam and were too afraid to fight for it.

The Eelam Cause needs more Dunces to talk about seceding while waiting for someone else to actually deliver it.

By: Heshan Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:32:25 +0000 DJ,

We are not going to let any damn referendum on secession take place –

Do add the necessary qualifiers, else your assertion lacks context. You are not going to let any referendum on secession take place – where “secession” in this case ranges from devolution to complete independence – and you are going to do so at the expense of democracy. Terms limits on the Presidency have already been removed. Militarization and colonization of the North and East (although, to be fair, the East has already been colonized) tops the agenda for the next several decades. Basically, this anti-secession/anti-devolution business is an excellent excuse for the Center to strengthen itself until – that’s right, it becomes the equivalent of a dictatorship. Amazing that the price one pays for a little mythology (mythic Mahavamsa homeland of the Sinhala-Buddhists) is the (democratic) future of the island itself.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Wed, 26 Jan 2011 21:43:00 +0000 In reply to PresiDunce Bean.

“If at first you don’t SECEDE try and try again”? What self-destructive garbage! I suppose one must expect that from a collective that produced mo0e suicide bombers than anyone else on the planet, and to so little purpose and achievement! Given that the attempts to SECEDE have resulted in a very clear demographic hollowing out, I’d say, please, by all means, go ahead, “try and try again”!

Did someone say South Sudan? So what about it? The South Sudan scenario came and went when we brushed aside the ISGA and the PTOMS. Unlike Khartoum, the Sri Lankan armed forces control every squre mile of the territory of the state. We are not going to let any damn referendum on secession take place –and nor is any state in South Asia, or all of Asia for that matter.

By: David Blacker Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:30:05 +0000 In reply to Heshan.

Don’t be so idiotic, Heshan. To make a ruling on whether something is right or wrong is a judgement. It’s what judges, refs and umps do all the time. Force is only required to enforce the rules. [Edited out]
