Comments on: Re-mediating Sri Lanka: Cyberspace, Groundviews and Political Engagement Journalism for Citizens Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:21:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Suren Raghavan Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:21:10 +0000 I hate to be the first commentator, Nevertheless to break the deafening silence over this otherwise brilliant/promising reflection I try to add,

Professor Jazeel, (looking at his research interest I presume that he is a another son of Lanka we have lost to the foreign universities?).

”New Web 2.0 platforms offer spatial and topological potential for such political moments in the Sri Lankan context, which in turn provides for the possibility of the remediation of Sri Lanka itself. To this end, cyberspace provides some genuine hope for Sri Lankan politics.”

this and his preference to name GV as a recovery process of democracy (in at least in the literature field) poses few important questions.

While cyber activism has provided a new window of opportunity, it is in no means a level filed play. for

1. the connectivity, cyber space and the topic discussed here often falls largely into a middle class urban liberal genre. I wonder what is the connectivity and interactivity level in SL compared to any other similar state to claim that this provides an alternative platform for actual socio-political interactions

2. The hegemony of language remains even more concertized. after spending solid 5 years in British Universities at post graduate level research studies, still my English ( or the Kaduwa) is not sharp as those who stylishly fence the same here. and I am only a very bad example. They are 1000s of other great activists in Sri Lanka at grassroots level who will never be able to win the right to be heard because, we all are Mahavidyala products created in the holy temple of SINHALA ONLY nationalism
Here because of the language and the interests reflecting the immediate groups associated with English in Sri Lanka, The actual debate does not come to forums like GV or GV is unable to reach those debate and influence the actual outcome.

( I wonder why Sanjana has not (been able to get an) interview with Wimal Weerawanse or Champika Ranawka – either Sanjana does not speak their ”language” or they don’t speak Sanjana’s?)

3 the combined results of these factors makes efforts like GV only catalyst of a ”ought to be dialogue” and fails to become the epicenter of a ‘nations recovery’ debates

This essay could have reflected on how we could move beyond such historicized paradigms and recover the actual ‘socio-political’ space of the state and all nations within. But in the final analysis I am glad to see different ( even a marginalized Muslim voice is emerging)
dear professor pl. continue your writings
