Comments on: Red Lines and Historical Realism Journalism for Citizens Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:32:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hela Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:32:47 +0000 In arguing against Dayan, no one seems to explore how to win the majority of the majority to their respective positions.

They fail to realise (or are in denial) that there is a real or perceived security issue that the majority faces which must be addressed. This issue cannot be addressed by threats (mainly manifested in the Western hemisphere at present in the modes of suspension of aid (GSP+), aiding and abetting TGTE, WTF, TAG etc. Some have taken it such extremes as boycotting literary functions organised by NGO in order to punish the state!!).

A liberation movement needs to take a higher moral ground than an oppressive state if it to win a liberation struggle. Both JVP and LTTE lost their respective armed campaigns due to them being taking a far inferior moral ground than the state.

The LTTE is a natural progression of the exclusivist, separatist Tamil politics played much before 1948 (I was just reading Ramanathan’s representations to Donoughmore commission in 1924), which was later taken over by Samuel Chelvanayakam through his ITAK politics from 1949 through to Vaddukkoddai resolution in 1976.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:09:59 +0000 Suren, how would I defend anything at the UNHRC from Paris?

Agnos writes of me:”…he has no perception of reality.” I think that’s a better escription of (a) the fanatics who got themselves boxed in at nandikadal, and (b)the idiots who thought that ndia or any external forces would save them. It is also a better description of (c) those who thought the May 2009 move at the UN HRC could succeed while I was ambassador/perm rep :))

By: PresiDunce Bean Fri, 21 Jan 2011 05:28:59 +0000 In reply to Suren Raghavan.

Dear Suren,
in Sri Lanka if someone was to point at the moon…a majority of the majority would look at the guys finger. A small minority of educated “Useful Idiots” would look at the moon and quickly turn their eyes towards the pointing finger…and only a few people like you, Heshan, The Mervin Silva etc. would look at the moon and not at the finger.
Quo vadis Silly Lanka???

By: Agnos Fri, 21 Jan 2011 04:38:18 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

“How else could one describe a state of mind in which a status not accorded to 70 million co-ethnics in neighboring India, full federalism, was and still is sought for a merely a million strong community?”

Well, Sri Lanka is not India, not in size, not in the character of its leaders and people, not in the inveterate racism directed against minorities, not in the character of its secular democracy.

“How else to define a mindset which expected and demanded that India step in to save the murderers of the grandson of India’s iconic founding Prime Minister?”

They wanted India to save thousands of innocent civilians as well as cadres who were conscripted as claimed by the GoSL itself.

The spinmeister has swallowed his own propaganda for long that now he has no perception of reality.

By: Suren Raghavan Fri, 21 Jan 2011 03:01:29 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Dear Dayan,
your common reply (even while you don’t address it to me), generates further questions.

Your favor for a dominant nation state for the Sinhalas in the real sense of Realism is known. This makes your claim to be a fan/follower of the Communist ideology a paradox. I think your ideology is well suiting the pure Stalinist Nationalism. I have read the similar securitization in the pages of Hitlers hand book for Nazis the ‘Mein Kampf’, where he rationalizes the security of the German People against all the enemies around.

Even if we decide to forgot the historical facts of Sinhala hegemony as influential variables for the modern result of Thamil nationalism, It is an undeniable fact that the Sinhalas have been searching security even against their own ethni. This is true of the history such as the Kotte and Kandy kingdom and in modern politics of JVP of 1971 and 1988.

Have we not seen this long list of enemie of the state in Sinhala mind?
the previous regimes considered you , Vijaya Kumaratnge, Richard De Soysa as enemies and the present regime considered Taraki, Lasantha, as enemies

so in the real sense it seems you (and Rohan Gunaratna) are the ideologues of this modern melodramatic paranoia that is reconstructed to justify the present illiberalism?

If you say that the state of SL is under threat from the grave yard shadows of a now annihilated school boy guerrilla group, and thus what Sri Lanka does is justified, Then we have no arguments: USA will invade and re-invade the ME for the actual threat, that comparatively democratic state faces from the all combined forces in the world?

Next round at UNHCR you may have to defend the Zionist Israel and her bed partner USA. Then students like myself will have to watch your historic defense of GOSL on You Tube and wonder whether we shared the same planet

good to engage with you. as it proves finally each one is made of our own normative values than the textbooks around us.

By: wijayapala Thu, 20 Jan 2011 22:44:42 +0000 In reply to Suren Raghavan.

Dear Suren,

Our (my) respect for you will (largely)remain if not for your Pathological haterad to LTTE

You’re right- all Sinhalese should love and worship LTTE for all the suicide bombings and other killings over the last 30 years. I am so glad you are condemning anyone who criticizes the LTTE like a proper minion should.

By: Suren Raghavan Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:51:44 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Dear Dayan,
we were mere school boys when you did radical politics in NE. Our (my) respect for you will (largely)remain if not for your Pathological haterad to LTTE and the unconditional/blind support for this regime, both obscuring your often valid analysis.

My question: when /what will make SL be secure enough for her to genuinely embrace a liberal mode of democracy with equal political power sharing with the minority (nations?)

your Israel/Old testament comparison scares me. because Israel after 50 years , with nuclear weapons, and the worlds most anti terror army is still not feeling secure and refusing to sharing power.Beside you have often used Israel as a classic example predator politics in the modern world.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:30:35 +0000 Here’s an alternative hypothesis: the main problem is not the sense of insecurity of Group A but the abiding collective delusion of Group B.

How else could one describe a state of mind in which a status not accorded to 70 million co-ethnics in neighboring India, full federalism, was and still is sought for a merely a million strong community?

How else to define a mindset which expected and demanded that India step in to save the murderers of the grandson of India’s iconic founding Prime Minister?

How else to explain a mentality that was so wildly wrong in anticipating the Tamil Nadu voter behavior in May 2009?

If the sense of insecurity of Group A is mere paranoia, how to explain official reports from Ottawa and Delhi about the possibility of continuing terrorist-secessionist threat, including to the life of the Indian PM?

When faced with the aggressively delusional Group B, is it a wonder that Group A feels insecure?

Is it not these aggressive delusions that make Group A seek cast iron conditions of security?

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:29:56 +0000 Indonicus, ain’t it a shame that the board of the Gratien trust, headed I believe by Michael Ondaatje, didn’t exactly share your views on Blacker’s writing?

By: indonicus Thu, 20 Jan 2011 11:20:31 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

LOL Dayan, I do not for a moment doubt David Blacker exists and I have read some of the stuff he writes even though I do no think much of it. My point is not that. [Edited out: Please, no ad hominem attacks.] It is my belief that the two of you have an arrangement. [Edited out: Please, no ad hominem attacks.]

Anyway good luck! I hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship!
