Comments on: Sethu Samudram: Bridging art, history and human relations Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Jun 2011 06:06:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Venugopal V.G. Sat, 11 Jun 2011 06:06:58 +0000 In reply to Phoenix the Bum.

It’s really unfortunate to see the comments made by so called ‘Phoenix the Bum’ without understanding the objectives of the project. It’s a cultural exchange programme between the two countries and the word ‘Sethusamudram’ is used symbolically to empasize the conection between two regions. And the artwork of Sri Lankan map is created usig the traditional food called ‘Appam’ (not the muffing wrappers) which is used both in Sri Lanka and the Tamilnadu region of India as well.

By: Pradeep Chandrasiri Sat, 04 Jun 2011 07:08:36 +0000 Dear Editor,

In this Article the ‘currency note art work’ is not me. It is by Indian artist V.G. Venugopal
Can you please change it?


Pradeep Chandrasiri

By: Phoenix the Bum Mon, 10 Jan 2011 20:08:52 +0000 The legendary Ravana’s people still pose a psychological challenge to the followers of Rama in India. That’s why most Indians know ‘Siri Lanka’ as Ravana the Demon’s land! We don’t care for Ravana and he is not a God here. But Rama is, in India. This mythical bridge never seems to have existed but for a natural land bridge between the two countries. So, how can the Sethu Samudra destroy a non-existing bridge? There may be envronmental issues of course.

Dushyanthini, you are going to have a house party it seems and some Indian friends are invited, right? Your exibits looks equally weird, especially the Sri Lanka’s map made out of muffing wrappers. That is disgraceful, to say the least. If you call this garbage ART there are better artworks in my kitchen garbage, and you can collect those as well!
