Comments on: Hear My VOICE: Jalajakumari Selvarasa ~ “I could often feel the nostalgia” Journalism for Citizens Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:21:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maithri Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:21:09 +0000 In reply to Spiritual Man.

Dear Spiritual Man and others of your thoughts,
The Lady mentioned in the article does not need any more conflict, any more so called self determination as the diaspora settled in the west feels they need, what she needs is dignity and self respect, being able to live in her own home in her own village in peace and harmony and to follow her religion without hinderance and for her children to have a good education with job prospects.
That is the true freedom and self determination not some concept called ealam (did I Spell it Right?) which displaced her and put ak47,s in her childrens hands and wasted a couple of generations of Sri Lankan youth from all sides leading to nothing but ruin for all Sri Lankans and great profit for the western arms dealers who sold destruction to both sides of the conflict.
Sri Lanka is a tiny Island which struggles to economically servive as a whole it has no chance in the world as two tiny bits.
Lets help this lady and thosands if not hundreds of thousands like her who live in all parts of Sri Lanka to acheive true freedom and self determination.
Stop peddling your Ealam nonsense and pay the mortgage, Tax and your dues in the west and any money left shoud buy essentials for resurgence of the once proud and very valued tamil community of Sri Lanka and not guns and C4 for Suicide Jackets.
Happy New year to all.

By: Rajan Mon, 10 Jan 2011 03:09:13 +0000 I am interested in Keremal. I am wondering how is Vaithilingam madam which was built many years ago by my great grandfather.

I would like to remodl into a hospital availabe to all srilankans


By: Mike Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:28:50 +0000 Jalajakumari is an innocent person, of whom trying to get her life back & lead normal life in her hometown. It could have happened to anyone & love see these people will have their life back to normal as before 1983

By: GANESH Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:16:33 +0000 Hi Dushy

Great job for humanity Dushy.


By: wijayapala Fri, 07 Jan 2011 02:42:22 +0000 In reply to Spiritual Man.

Dear Spiritual Man,

What exactly are you saying that the Tamils must do? I understood what you were saying in vague terms, but I think I missed how you plan to help Ms. Jalajakumari.

By: Spiritual Man Thu, 06 Jan 2011 09:06:04 +0000 The year 2011 is with us. Any new year will not change the lives of the oppressed Tamils and prevent genocide unless Tamils work with political wisdom to achieve independence .

Unitedly, as they are now, Tamils must work to losen the bonds of hardship and undo the burdens imposed on them by the Government of Sri Lanka(GOSL) for decades. Tamils must break the yoke put on them and work tirelessly for the oppression to cease.

Tamils are not and will not be ashamed to say that they are persecuted by the Sinhalese. It is the Sinhalese who would be ashamed to realise that they oppress the human kind and are not fit to live in this world.

The GOSL for decades had and will have Tamil lapdogs, poodles and cronies to divide and rule us. The GOSL will be untruthful as usual and use cheating as never before, as the genocide they carry out gets more and more exposed daily internationally.

The GOSL will use “development” to cover up its misdeeds against Tamils as it is happening in Sudan now. But it will fail miserably.

The year 2011 will be an year of diisgrace for the past deeds of the Sinhalese against the Tamils and Tamils will not allow a single stone unturned to bring to justice the criminals of genocide.

This is how I forsee the year 2011 and feel what the Tamils must do.

By: Punitham Thu, 06 Jan 2011 03:03:22 +0000 Dushi
Thank you for bringing out this series of stories to the outside world.
