Comments on: Different forms of terrorism Journalism for Citizens Sun, 02 Jan 2011 11:49:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Suranga Sun, 02 Jan 2011 11:49:19 +0000 In reply to The Mervyn Silva.

Brilliant stuff Mr Mervyn, enjoy your comments very much, keep it up.

By: justitia Wed, 29 Dec 2010 23:37:56 +0000 There is State Terrorism, at least in the northeast of sri lanka.Recently the Zonal Director of Education was shot dead as he reportedly refused to order all schools to sing the national anthem in sinhalese.
The priest of a hindu temple and his two sons were shot,during an attempted extortion by two men,using guns hired from the army.The priest died.
Names of 7,000 people who went missing in the east has been given to the LLRC by Fr. Miller, a well known human rights activist.
IDPs resettled in their villages are chased out by the army allegging that the land is required by them.
Villagers who have lived for decades in a few other villages have been asked to vacate and move elsewher as the sites had been identified as old buddhist places of worship.
There are often incidents of abductions for ransome, xtortions,
robberies and rape of women in lonely houses, by armed paramilitaries of a known political party. The government ignores these happenings.

By: The Mervyn Silva Mon, 27 Dec 2010 21:36:40 +0000 The ‘Observer’, I am thinking, the Dayan Master would have
been agreeing also! (winking, winking, nudging, nudging and still
rolling and laughing)

By: Observer Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:21:25 +0000 In reply to The Mervyn Silva.

Mr Mervyn, let me tell you what a red herring is… it is when certain countries invade other countries and destroy their very fabric of society and kill civilians with no accountability and have the nerve to even suggest the very notion of accountability to others just to take the heat off them.

Now who got recently caught giving directives to spy on the UN? What are they worried about? What sort of tip offs were they wanting so they could be one step ahead.

If the reality makes you laugh, then roll harder and laugh harder…

By: The Mervyn Silva Mon, 27 Dec 2010 05:29:14 +0000 In reply to Observer.

Ha ha Observer, you are such a macro guy, very cute! Always drawing the red herring and pointing at the big fires to be making the fire in the Sri Lanka side looking smaller and harmless and Our Majesty more like the pussy cat compared to the other cats. Now, there is also one other person in the Groundviews who is always doing this. Now who is he……?

Rolling on the flooorside laughing my backside off!!!

By: eureka Mon, 27 Dec 2010 02:13:14 +0000 Different forms of terrorism:

‘Disaster management’ observed with Sinhala anthem in Jaffna, 27 December 2010

Challenge to good governance posed by budget, Jehan Perera, Chairman, National Peace Council, 25 October 2010

By: Observer Mon, 27 Dec 2010 01:40:23 +0000 Conservative parties always resort to fear in any country. Whether it be fear of Muslims, Gays, Refugees, etc, etc. I mean Afghanistan was justified by 9/11 repeat attack fear and Iraq was justified by fear of some Phantom WMDs. Public blindly supported and now regurgitating the consequences. Iran and North Korea are being targeted now by fear of Nukes. Back in the day it was Communism. Do you watch Fox News? It is basically a horror news channel run by the GOP in US. Spreading fear 24/7. So Leela, please don’t isolate just Sri Lanka for driving some policies based on fear. We’re humans. We’re wired to feel and respond to fear. Pollies all over the world know this and make use of it.

According to the rulers of the world Terrorism is lurking everywhere from macro levels to global levels. I mean isn;t the biggest fear right now a war in the Korean peninsula initiated by North Korea? When we all know that North Korea by it self cannot wage a war and not collapse without the support of China? Isn;t Julian Assange a “high tech” terrorists according to US congressmen? Wasn’t a whole bunch of investment bankers bailed out after they effed up high on cocaine by telling us the terror situation where the whole financial system would collapse wiping out our entire savings? Aren’t refugees drowning by the 100s because of the fear of boat people and the terror they bring to countries that are barely populated?!?!?Yeah….. and you think SL is using terror for their benefit. Get outta here…

By: Padda Sat, 25 Dec 2010 15:04:37 +0000 How about media terrorism?

By: eeurekaa Sat, 25 Dec 2010 06:36:05 +0000 ”LTTE terrorism” of nearlythree decades ended in May
2009. State terrorism of 62+ years keeps bursting bunds.

By: MV Sat, 25 Dec 2010 04:52:15 +0000 Dear Leela,
“LTTE terrorism ended with the death of its leader Prabakaran in May 2009.”

LTTE was a violent resistance on the part of Tamils in response to the State policies. In the name of counter terrorism, national security, and territorial integrity, Sri Lankan state had committed far worse terrorism than the LTTE, a lot of which did not leak out because of media censor to the North and East, or that committed by the European colonials on the natives.

Now that this resistance is defeated, the patriots need new wars to divert the attention from real issues that gave rise to the resistance – namely the concentration of power in the center and race politics. The “patriots” are fighting one such imaginery war with the Tamil diaspora and the West.

The Rajapakse regime, which won on popularity, is now back-lashing against the same Sinhala majority using the counter terrorism it used against the Tamils to get rid of its dissidents.
