Comments on: Julian Assange’s turn for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 Journalism for Citizens Sun, 02 Jan 2011 04:59:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dancer Sun, 02 Jan 2011 04:59:52 +0000 Why are Assange’s lawyers complaining about a smear campaign against him? You mean leaks are only good when it’s not your own information getting leaked?

So that pithy phrase “just don’t have secrets” doesn’t apply here?

All that assumption that only bad people have secrets, that was just hogwash?

I guess it’s funny how governments say to people, “If you have nothing to hide, don’t worry about privacy.” Then people say that back to government, which makes no sense as government isn’t a person, but a policy instrument. And that’s a far more complex field than an individual life. But now we’ve got Julian Assange saying that he wants some information to be protected from leaks. But he doesn’t want to extend the same right to government, even though its task is a billion times more complicated than not raping Swedish women.

What an amusing world.

By: MV Sat, 25 Dec 2010 06:48:08 +0000 Thank you, Kusal P.
The big powers are as much as hypocrite as Sri Lanka is. With globalization, it seems greed for resources and power have overridden human rights.

By: SimonPeter Wed, 22 Dec 2010 17:11:43 +0000 In reply to SimonPeter.

The First amendment protects all journalists and publ;ishers whether they be US citizens of otherwise. It is not selective as to nationality. The accusations made by the lickspittle Swedish Governemnt is “sex by surprise”. The extradition proceeding are a joke and will be thrown out by the UK judiciary. One of the women has fled to Israel and refuses to co=operate with Swedish authorities, whilst the other published a essay earlier this year called Legal Revenge. That is how a women can get revenge by twisting Swedish law to accuse a man of assault. Look it up. Then do yourselves a favor and look up Assanges essays on Conspiracy as Governance. Love America and pray for its people!

By: SimonPeter Wed, 22 Dec 2010 17:02:56 +0000 The women central to the Swedish accusation have never used the word rape. The Swedish Governments prosecutor service developed the accusations by itself. The warrant was issued even before there were formal interviews and those so=called interviews were conducted over the phone and of record. He has not been charged with any crime. The extradition proceedings are for the purpose of having him questioned in Sweden – that it folks. BUT what is really disturbing is the warrant the Swedes are operating under call for the forced return of journalist Jul8ian Assange to Sweden with the express words entrained in the warrant that he be liable to be held in Sweden in a jail cell without access to a lawyer or visitation by family or freind for a period of up to two years. Check it out folks the warrant say Assange is to be held there “incommunicado”.

By: longus Wed, 22 Dec 2010 15:14:25 +0000 In reply to luxmy.

…because some lunatics are in the practice of smashing them(coconuts!) in the hope of some divine intervention!

By: luxmy Wed, 22 Dec 2010 07:18:30 +0000 There must be freedom of information and open and
transparent government, but there is a private realm and a
legitimate area for confidentiality in diplomatic relations between
nations. There must be a balance to ensure that we are secure when
trying to safeguard confidential information. But in the case of
Sri Lanka as there has been an assault on reporters, media offices,
human rights activists, NGOs/INGOs, ie. freedom of information was
curtailed, some foreign Ambassadors are being forced to fill the
gap. When governments do not abide by the book of rules and employ
PR companies to prop up them at the UN, the Commonwealth, etc, it
creates a lot of problems to all in this highly connected world –
wet, slippery, fractures, …., detention camps, transit camps,
…., militarisation, militarisation, ….., tropical paradise
running out of coconuts, ….

By: Laughing Sudda Wed, 22 Dec 2010 05:48:08 +0000 Although some people in the US have been very critical of Julian Assange, there are many others (mostly liberals) who have spoken out in his defence. What if WikiLeaks was started not by a white Australian, but by an Indian, Pakistani or Sri Lankan computer expert? The reaction could have been different and much worse. We can imagine Fox News calling it another part of the clash of civilizations, and sugg4esting all sorts of anti-western conspiracies.

By: Sajitha Wed, 22 Dec 2010 04:47:56 +0000 Sara palin-Threatening to destroy our world by releasing a “250,000 document file” .She talks about her world what made USA as the super power that can do any thing to other countries.But our world is different from her world.USA always screw every country they invade and also screw their own economy.A suicide mission.Can anybody name a country that USA established peace?

By: The Mervyn Silva Tue, 21 Dec 2010 22:43:12 +0000 In reply to Kenneth Yeh.

The Kenneth,

I am also seeing there is problem with having the RAPE and the PEACE in the same sentence. But please be calming down. I have solution: why not put the words in two sentences?

I am knowing I am doctor but do I have to be telling you peopes everything around here???

By the wayside, I am also thinking leaking is serious business, whether it is the leaking information or the pipe. If you are not careful everybody can be wet and slippery all over. I am hoping the Asanga is good plumber also.

By: longus Tue, 21 Dec 2010 18:33:27 +0000 In reply to Heshan.

So, you are quite satisfied with the human rights abuses by the US as “mundane” and “routine”? One example selected by you proves no point!
