Comments on: The Growth Ideal or not so Ideal Journalism for Citizens Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:55:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lindsey Kennedy Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:55:54 +0000 I fail to see what relevance the question has to the above post, or the reason for it being so aggressively reiterated.

The post quite clearly presents a way of thinking about individuals and the environment to build a better, fairer and more sustainable future. It doesn’t try to give immediate solutions to past or present political problems.

By: Davidson Wed, 22 Dec 2010 10:57:45 +0000 Lalith Gunaratne, what is the practical step that can be taken for those affected in the above case please?

By: Davidson Thu, 16 Dec 2010 02:12:16 +0000 Lalith Gunaratne, what is the practical step that can be taken by those affected by:
Submission before Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Committee (LLRC) by Chandra Jayaratne, 23 September 2010:

‘’…. IDP’s being denied access to their former places of residence
Challenging the right to title of the properties traditionally owned and /or occupied persons living in conflict affected areas
Large tracts of previously occupied lands being demarcated as high security zones
Unjustified land acquisitions on security considerations but allocated for non security related purposes
The publicly announced resettlement benefits to internally displaced persons not being distributed equitably and in line with the announced scheme
Lack of basic amenities like water, sanitation, power and proper housing for the newly resettled families
Resource allocation not determined on community priorities and allocated without consultation and outside the need base and at times missing the most vulnerable and in need, possibly due to identity based biases
Some areas like Jaffna receiving more than necessary resource allocations and peripheral areas lacking in even basic allocations
Preventing willing and capable NGO’s/INGO’s, international community and Diaspora from helping people in need at their most vulnerable moment of need
Building of new permanent military cantonments with residential facilities for military personnel and their families
Plans to settle majority community families in order to change the traditional area demography otherwise than by natural development oriented migration
Arbitrary arrests and detention in the post war period as well
Continuing active engagement of unauthorized armed groups
Continuing disappearances of civilians
List of persons in custody, camps and detention centres not being made public
Failure to assist families in tracing missing persons
Negative impact on civilians during the conflict due military excesses
Unease of single women headed families fearing for their safety in the presence of large number of armed personnel of the forces
Removal of burial sites of persons affected by the conflict
Some important cultural, religious and remembrance sites being damaged and destroyed
Disrespect shown by visitors to holy sites and sites held in high esteem by resident communities
Free availability of liquor, cigarettes and narcotics
Emerging consumerism promoted by business houses who fail to participate in adding value to the civilian communities
Savings of the region being channelled to other areas whilst unmet needs of area community remain
Decision making in the hands of the military or officials from the Central Government. .…’’
